Blogs from Coast Province, Kenya, Africa - page 7


Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Mombasa December 12th 2011

Hier ein paar Aufnahmen von einem speziellen Feiertag in Kenya. Am "Jamhuri Day" feiern die Kenianer den Tag, an dem das Land eine Republik wurde (12.12.1964). Am selben Tag, nämlich am 12. Dezember (1963) wurde Kenya unabhängig. Somit ist es quasi ein Doppelanlass. Dass die Kenianer diesen Tag geniessen wollen, merkt man hauptsächlich am öffentlichen Strand (Jomo Kenynatta Public Beach), welcher völlig überfüllt ist. Da noch Flut ist, befinden sich die Menschen auf engstem Raum dem Strand entlang...... read more
Photo 4
Photo 5
Photo 6

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Tsavo NP November 23rd 2011

Aus besonderem Anlass, besuche ich den grössten Nationalpark von Kenya zum zweiten Mal. Habe einen speziellen Gast hier zu Besuch: meinen Vater. Unter anderem gehört ein Safari zu unseren Vorhaben… Der Tsavo National Park ist in zwei Teilen geteilt: Tsavo East und Tsavo West. Der Nairobi-Mombasa Highway trennt die beiden Parks. Der Besuch beginnt gleich mit einem Highlight, nämlich der Sichtung eines Löwen. Weiter treffen wir auf Elefanten, Giraffen, Antilopen, Affen, Zebras, Sträusse, usw. Das herrliche am Tsavo East NP ist die vielfältige und abwechslungsreiche Landschaft. So durchqueren wir Gebiete, welche hauptsächlich durch rote Erde auffallen, danach ist man plötzlich im Grünen. Pure Abwechslung zwischen Halbwüsten und Grassavannen. Übrigens werden wegen dieser roten Erde, welche sich die Elefanten auf der Haut verteilen oder beim Schlammbad auf der Haut hängen ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Mombasa November 13th 2011

Unfortunately our bus journey to Mombasa didn't get off to a very good start. We had a slightly confusing encounter with the staff at the bus office who would not tell us which bus stand to go to the next morning, but instead insisted on personally accompanying us to the bus. We initially thought this was to help us find our way as the bus station was extremely busy and crowded but soon realised that something was amiss when we were ferried onto a different bus to the one named on our ticket and were then asked to pay extra to have our bags stowed inside. Further on in the journey we found out that we'd paid TSH70,000 each rather than the official fare of TSH25,000! We were gutted!! To make matters worse it was a ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Mombasa October 24th 2011

Mein dreimonatiger Trip startet am Sonntag Abend mit Abflug in Zürich Richtung Ostafrika. Der Flug mit Edelweiss macht einen Zwischenstop in Tanzania, Arusha. Hier befindet sich der Kilimanjaro Airport. Und wie der Name schon verrät, befinden wir uns auch in dessen Nähe: Der Mount Kilimanjaro. Ein schöner Einstieg ins ostafrikanische Abenteuer. Der Weiterflug nach Mombasa dauert nur 30min. In Mombasa verbringe ich die Zeit wie üblich: Freunde begrüssen, neue Freundschaften schliessen (diesmal sind Leute aus so vielen Ländern dabei: Dänemark, Israel, UK, Italien, Schweiz, usw.) Spaziergänge am Strand, am Strand frischen Fisch essen, Bootsausflüge zu anderen Stränden, Beach Parties, oder einfach nur den Public Beach mit den Kenianern geniessen. Hier verbringe ich zwei Wochen, mache so quasi Ferien in den Ferien ;-) ... read more

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Malindi October 3rd 2011

So after some time here we are getting quite use to the idea of haggling for pretty much everything that we need to buy. Of course some things you get the idea that the price is set, grocery stores for example and museums for another. But something strange happened the other day, when we were about to go into one of these museums. We noticed the price for tourists which were 500 shillings and the locals 100 shillings. This difference in price is for every tourist attraction in Kenya and it is something you just need to put up with. Although today when we noticed the difference we were sort of discussing the topic between ourselves and said 100 shillings a little louder. We then got a response ‘400’… We were like what? 400 what? We ... read more
Hells Kitchen
mini-IMG 6864
Morning catch

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province October 1st 2011

White sand, sky blue and warm water make this place to a tourist paradise. Diani Beach is placed just few kilometers from Mombasa but the atmosphere is completely different. It isn’t hard to understand why this place is common among the tourists. Actually this place contains many nice and friendly resorts, and you can choose between low and high budget accommodation which makes a bigger flexibility and more visitors every year. Still Diani Beach is really popular in the weekends and the locals are coming for a great party and a dip in the clear blue water. If you want avoid crowded beach and hassling, let’s come under the working days and enjoy this wonderful and calm surrounding. But still it isn’t really easy to avoid the beach boys who are offering you a snorkeling, boat ... read more
This guy was not happy
mini-IMG 6768

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Mombasa September 29th 2011

Jambo, where are you from? This question you hear many times per day from the locals here. It sounds quite friendly and welcoming but you have to be careful with you answer. They are waiting that you’ll say that you are from USA, Australia, Canada, England, Scandinavia and all other richer countries in the world, and then the prices are increasing at least five times than to the locals. People are trying to figure out and guessing there are you from all the time and after our six nights here we were quickly got tired of this and tried to figure out which country we would like to belong to and have tried with South Africa, Sweden, Australia and Lithuania. We did understand that Lithuania influence them best because they don’t know where it is and ... read more
mini-IMG 6783
mini-IMG 6792

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Mombasa August 20th 2011

Next morning we had brekky then packed and checked out. We got a tuk tuk to the highway and waited about 5 mins for a big bus to turn up. We didn’t want to take a matatu, more risky than a big bus in an accident. And went to Mombasa. It took about 3 hours since we stopped a lot to drop off and let on passengers. Our bag was shoved up front next to the driver, it was so full its funny! We got off in Mombasa, and the bus guy took us to the Modern Coast Express office so we could buy tickets for the 26th. We did that then got a taxi to take us to Diani Beach, via an atm. This means crossing the Likoni Ferry, we were in line for ... read more
Digo sacred forest
Digo sacred forest
With sule´s family

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Mombasa August 14th 2011

Next morning we were up early as we had prearranged the shuttle to Nairobi that was to pick us up at 7.30ish. We had breakfast (included) and then raced downstairs. We got on the shuttle and it took us to the actual shuttle that was just out of central Arusha, thank goodness because the first shuttle wasn’t very nice. We got seats and our big bags were secured on top of the bus and we waited until it was full before leaving just after 8.30. We got to the border and it took a long while to get stamped out of Tanzania, almost everyone had to get their finger prints taken and a photo of them taken before the stamp was given. The process into Kenya was much easier including having to get a visa. It ... read more
coral formations in watamu
bla bla bla road

Africa » Kenya » Coast Province » Watamu August 8th 2011

On Tuesday 26th July I headed off to Watamu for 2 weeks voluntary work on the coast. Decided to take the overnight train 'the iron snake' from Nairobi to Mombasa. Departure time was 7pm and due to arrive in Mombasa at 9am the next day. Had booked a taxi to pick me up at 5:30 to get me to the station at 6pm but due to a great thunderstorm just before I was to set of all traffic in Nairobi came to a standstill. Didn't get to the station till 6:45pm. Was starting to panic that I might miss the train, needn't of panic as true to form the train left 30 mins late. I decided to book a first class compartment as it was only £25. This got you a 2 berth compartment, dinner and ... read more
Watamu July-Aug 2011 100
Watamu July-Aug 2011 001

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