Blogs from Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, South America - page 28


Hi all, to always inform you about my momentary location and my current plans, I opened this blog section which will be actualized regularly in every destination I reach. Please feel free to add any comments and remarks. I will take care to always update this part "real time" ;-) Cheers. Dani 25.05.2006 Lima, Peru Spending my last day in South America :( My plane to Madrid leaves Lima today at 7:30pm local time. Hope to be back here soon ... 15.05.2006 Back in San Ignacio, Bolivia Just came back from 10 days Noel Kempff National Parc - the jungle tere is just amazing!!! I am quite tired and happy to be able to sleep in a bed again; will tell u more soon. 04.05.2006 Noel Kempff Mercado National Parc, Bolivia Had some luck and found ... read more

Having spent so long in Sucre I was looking forward to getting back to nature a little bit. Thus, I headed to the small town of Samaipata, about 10 hours north-east of Sucre. Only problem was that the bus would arrive there at about 4 a.m. and drop me at the side of the road - or that was the plan. Predictably, they forgot about me - but luckily I was on the ball and managed to get the driver to stop only 200 metres past the town!!! One of the big draws in Samaipata are the ruins of "El Fuerte", a pre-columbian site dominated by an absolutely huge rock complete with carvings that are apparently pre-Inca. Unfortunately, those pesky tourists that used to climb all over, and graffiti on the rock back in the day, ... read more
Las Cuevas
Parque Nacional Amboro

The flight to Santa Cruz was great...if indirect. We made a scheduled stop in La Paz to pick up a few folk along the way, which meant we had a wonderful chance to see the fantastic scenery in the area...from the high Andean peaks above the city to the phenomenal Altiplano extending out from the great step upon which the City sits all the way to Lake Titicaca...certainly one of the great airport approaches of the world. We were to be staying with a friend of Laura´s dad, Charlie , who moved here some time ago for a new life...the irony of the name in what is widely regarded as the Cocaine capital of South America was not lost on us. Unfortunately, we hadn´t figured on there being two airports in the city....he went to the ... read more

The way towards the Brasilien border involves crossing part of a vast plain called the Grand Chaco. This is a dry and thorny lowland is penetrated only by a mud track and the infamous death train towards the frontier city of Quijaro. This train got its name because it almost never reached the destination. The track was and still is challanged by its remoteness and occationally washed away by floodings in the rainy season. The deformed track made it derail frequently. Sometime ago the old death train was replaced by a more modern train that takes the journey at a real low pace. Still the train coaches jump like mad during the whole journey. I think it should be renamed from death train into shake train... A strange encounter were some missionary folks in blue overalls ... read more

We spent 10 days in Santa Cruz with Marioly and her family (she was an exchange student in Wichita and went to our church. We had a great time hanging out with Loly, going to Carnaval, and visiting a butterfly farm. The funny outfits we are wearing in the Carnaval pictures are typical of the Santa Cruz carnaval.... read more
The  Butterfly place
Kim, Cari, and Loly
Coca tea

This is Sara to narrate our last 3 days in Saimapata and all our exciting travels back to La Paz. Matt woke up on the morning of March 21 feeling very under the weather with a cough sounding suspiciously like the one Jill had. He decided that it was prudent that he did not go and we both concurred. So after having another wonderful organic breakfast at our dream hostel, La Vispera, Jill and I set off to the Amboro highlands for a hike among the giant ferns. We were introduced to our spanish speaking guide "Don Gilberto" who is reasonably famous as an expert tour operator in Saimapata (aka he is in the guidebook) as well as the Israeli couple who would be accompanying us. The other guide, a German, who was leading a group ... read more
Hairy Spider
The "Volcanoes" of Amboro
From the Garden

Well, after a throughly frustrating attempt to post a entry last night, where the computer shut off 3 times while I was attempting to post, I am back to try again. As Samaipata has only one real internet option, I´m stuck back at the same place. Anyway, we made it here safely and had our first of three one day tours in an attempt to find Sara more birds. Based on the last few weeks, I foresee many future trips centered around birding. Now, for our travels from Rurrenabaque and Santa Cruz to reach our current locale, under the alternate title, ¨Travel and Rest¨, which is less exciting than it sounds, but I´ll do my best. After the last entry, we settled into a bit of a rut. The heat and humidity of the pampas had ... read more
Saffron Finch
El Fuerte
El Fuerte, Side View

At the airport we had a nice surprise when we found the plane was indeed not stuck together with cellotape, but was a rather modern jet, and the flight turned out to be very pleasant; the sky was clear for most of the time we were in the air and we enjoyed very good views of the Bolivian mountains and jungle. Our destination was Santa Cruz de la Sierra , the second biggest city in Bolivia. The city itself does not have much going for it, people use it mostly as a base to explore the nearby mountains or as a stop-over before moving on to somewhere else. We did spend a couple of days here, doing nothing much apart from resting and eating icecream (we went from being rather cold in Potosí only a few ... read more
Piraí River by Santa Cruz / Río Piraí cerca de Santa Cruz
Local Petrol Station / Gasolinera Local
Yacaré (Caiman), El Pantanal

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Santa Cruz February 1st 2006

Well our time in Bolivia is finally coming to an end, as we hope to have our Brazilian visas and be heading towards the boarder tonight. Up to this point, I would have to say that Bolivia has been my favourite country for many reasons including the food, the costs, and the people. Some highlights include learning that Jordan has the power to stop rain from falling by blowing towards the sky (according to our guide in Tupiza) and learning that yes, in fact, I am a Latino. At least the mafioso guy in Santa Cruz was convinced. They told him I was from Mexico, and from there on out my nickname was Chihuahua. Food: The number of awesome, cheap restaurants we found in Bolivia was simply amazing. Yes, two of the restaurants don´t necessarily serve ... read more
La Paz
Salt Flats

South America » Bolivia » Santa Cruz Department » Santa Cruz February 1st 2006

First of all, Can´t believe today is February, just looked at the date and was surprised. As everyone knows, we are in Santa Cruz for the second time, chilling for a few days until our VISA´s for Brazil arrive, they should be ready in 2 hours if all goes according to plan! Last night we tied one on for Ryans birthday! Started things off right with Champagne and Fillet Mignon for breakfast, then we went to the Internet cafe call center so Jord could phone the FOX in Vancouver, was pretty funny, I had it on the live web cast (although it did cut out at the end -reliable Bolivian Internet) but thanks to Tara we have an mp3 of the whole thing, which I will try and post a link to on this blog when ... read more
I´m back
B-day Boy!

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