Where I am and where I go

Published: May 25th 2006
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Hi all,
to always inform you about my momentary location and my current plans, I opened this blog section which will be actualized regularly in every destination I reach. Please feel free to add any comments and remarks. I will take care to always update this part "real time" ;-) Cheers. Dani

25.05.2006 Lima, Peru
Spending my last day in South America 😞 My plane to Madrid leaves Lima today at 7:30pm local time. Hope to be back here soon ...

15.05.2006 Back in San Ignacio, Bolivia
Just came back from 10 days Noel Kempff National Parc - the jungle tere is just amazing!!! I am quite tired and happy to be able to sleep in a bed again; will tell u more soon.

04.05.2006 Noel Kempff Mercado National Parc, Bolivia
Had some luck and found a group of 3 english and 1 french guy that have similar plans as I and will join them. We found a guy with a 4WD car that will drive us into the parc for the next 10 days. San Ignacio is the last location where we can buy things, so today is our planning & organising day: shop for food, water, medicals, stock up our personal equipment and so on. Tomorrow we will leave for "La Florida", a little community of 25 families living at the border of the parc. There we will be able to organise guides and tents. When everything is according to aur current plans, I will be back here in San Ignacio by monday 15th of May in the evening. So do not expect any sign from me before tuesday in a week.

05.05.2006 San Ignacio de Velasco, Bolivia
Arrived at 4am in the morning in San Ignacio, a little town far east in Bolivia. Went to a hotel to sleep for 2 hours and then went up again because peple told me that buses to "La Florida" and Noel Kempff leave at 8 on thursdays. But they dont - at least until end of May, because the road is too bad. So I now have to look for another possibility to get there ...

02.05.2006 Again in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
I just came back from the Amboró Nationalpark yesterday evening - lots of nasty animals like moskitos, spiders and ants, but no monkeys and no jaguars 😞 - but an incredible nature! Am going east to San Ignacio tomorrow night and want to go to Noel Kempff from there, but do not know how and with whom at the moment. Keep you updated.

27.04.2006 Still in Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Having some problems in organising my Noel Kempff Trip as the person in charge at FAN (Fundacion Amigos de la Naturaleza) is off until next Tuesday and buses from San Ignacio to the park only leave on fridays at 8am (its 13 hours from here to San Ignacio what means that I would have had to leave Santa Cruz yesterday latest), so I am heading to the closer Amboro Nationalpark to do some 2 or 3 day trekking to get aclimatised to the jungle and ready for Noel Kempff next week. I will possibly not be online on www and mobile until next tuesday, so please do not be bothered if not immediately getting a response from me (there are just Jaguars around, but no Anacondas ;-)

25.04.2006 Santa Cruz, Bolivia
Just arrived today in Santa Cruz. Temperature is 31 with 100%!h(MISSING)umidity. - Finally arrived in the jungle! 😊 The target for the next two weeks is the Noel Kempff national parc in the east of Bolivia close to the Brasil border. Will be difficult to get there as it is located really remote in the amazon bassin. This will be the next challenge! Here a link to make you jealous : Noel Kempff Mercado National Park Website


26th April 2006

Pantanal noed vergesse
Hoi Dani. Vergiss s'Pantanal noed (kei Ahnig, ob das oepis mit em Noel Kempff National Parc z'tue haed), waeri wuerklich schad, wenn Du das verpasse wuerdisch. Vo Santa Cruz chond mer mit em Zug i glaub 18 Stund i die Region. Wie de Ort gheisse haed, vo wo mer de 4-Tages Trip gmacht haend, weiss ich leider noeme (isch halt scho fascht 6 Jahr her). Falls meh oder gnaueri Infos bruchsch, choent ich soscht au im Tagebuech nahluege. Denn no viel Spass und hoffentlich no vieli witeri Reisebricht fuer eus. Vieli Gruess Markus
26th April 2006

Re: Pantanal noed vergesse
Pantanal goht sicher nid vergässe, wird aber zämme mit de Iguazu Wasserfäll bim nögschte SA Trip ganz oobe uf dr Lischte stoh, do s bi däm Mool eifach nid für alles längt :(
26th April 2006

Kommst du zurueck nach Santa Cruz?
Hi Dani, bin - fast - auf dem Weg nach Urugay. Am Freitag geht es - endlich - weiter, dann Iguazu, dann Paraguay. Vielleicht schaffe ich es innerhalb von 2 Wochen nach Santa cruz. Kommst Du dann zurueck nach dem Nationalpark oder wirst Du weiter reisen - WOHIN?? Waere schoen, wenn ein erneutes 'Reunion' klappen wuerde. LG Dani

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