Blogs from Santa Cruz Department, Bolivia, South America - page 27


So finaly left LaPaz and headed west for Santa Cruz which was to be my base for the Jungle Trip.... There were 2 options from here one Being Noel Kempth Park that ive mentioned previous and the other Amborro National Park... Now i didn't realise how expensive and exclusive the Noel Park would be so i had to go on the Amborro one but as i was keen to get the best experience i found a small eco tour group to go with and it was really good!!!! Read On!!! So got me trip, a 3 day 2 night one with only 2 other people and the guide, now this was good for 2 reasons!! firstly the less people the more quiet you can be and secondly they were an Argentian couple (Alan 57, Betrise 50, ... read more
Jungle - Amborro National Park
Pretty Petals...

Finally on my way to Salvador, one of the highlights of my previous trips. I had to stop for 1,5 days in Santa Cruz when LAB went bancrupt and cancelled all flights. I was actually quite happy to have to take another air company after having been in one of LAB's aircrafts (no more comments). In Bolivia it was a national holiday, implicating that everything but the Internet-cafes was closed (it seems like it has been so in all of north South America since I was in Guayaquil - but there is never anything big happening...). So for once I had plenty of time to do Internet and received an e-mail from my future boss asking me to start work earlier... We'll see about that. Maybe not such a bad idea considering that I am as ... read more

Santa Cruz is the biggest and the most modern city in Bolivia. We found there the best night life in Bolivia. From there we headed to a really nice and laid back town called Samaipata, near the national park Amboro. Just after arriving to Samaipata we heard the bad news from back home, about the developing situation in the border of Lebanon and the Gaza strip. Ever since that moment, the trip hasn't been the same for me, as I was half preoccupied with the problems in Israel, being worried about my family and friends, checking whenever possible 'ynet' for the news. Anyway, in Samaipata we made a few day hikes to the national park Amboro, to a nice laguna and some waterfalls near by and to the El Fuerte ruins, dated back from the Inca ... read more
Ido, Me, Amir & Avishay
Laguna Volcan

9.30am in the Amazon basin. I am knee deep in muddy water walking through the middle of a swamp. The parts of my body not covered in muddy water are soaking wet from the sweat dripping off me, because of the oppressive humidity. It feels like it is building up to a massive storm; the sun is hidden behind the clouds. So, what sort of self inflicted torture am I describing. I was on a Pampas Tour in the Amazon Basin. This wasn't just an excuse for our guide to torture us; we were in fact looking for Anacondas. Who said travelling was fun? ...SWITCH LOCATION... "Me Llamo Fidel Castro." Yes, I met Fidel, although not that guy that hangs out in Cuba. The Fidel Castro runs the Hotel El Ambaibo in the little town of ... read more
Fiesta! Trinidad (La Santisima Trinidad)
View of Mount Illimani from my hotel in La Paz
On a Pampas tour in the tropical Amazon Basin

As you may have noticed I've been a bit busy exploring the sites to update my blog recently...sure you all understand being busy with life relocating to new lands and jobs then there are those of you with young ones, exisitng wonder, just arrived and to come in the near future! Congrats to all the new additions to our many friends families - enjoy the young curious people and characters they are! After our adventure in the forest we took a day off to write, rest and see a bit more of Santa Cruz. Planning to visit the nearest of the Jesuit missions: San Javier and Concepcion. An other day trip! we bought our tickets at the bus station and got on board for our journey to San Javier. Pretty much the whole day went off ... read more
San Javier bell tower
baroqe mestizo art

I´ve arrived in Santa Cruz the 15th, and the past few days have been crazy. I met with the director of the program for foreigners on Friday and enrolled in my 2 classes at the university, met some of the professors there, and had a tour of the campus. I also bought a cell phone, approximately the same price as in the US, $35. Most everything in cheaper here. For example, you can get a buffet style meal for $2 and can take a taxi for less than US $1! All of the people i´ve met in Bolivia have been so nice and welcoming. My host mom is very hospitable and kind. She does everything she can to make me comfortable. There are also 6 other students living in the house. 3 are from Bolivia, the ... read more

two-days and a night...we totally booked, Amboro, on a spur of the moment with a local tour operator in the historic center which I guess is a good thing. We were instructed to wear longsleeves and light coloured clothing and make sure to take bug repellant! We hired a tent and a few other essentials and decided even if the mosquitos ate us alive they wouldn't ruin our fun and it was LOTS of fun. Little did we know that the mosquitos would be the least of our worries but that the ants would be the ones to attack, stealth style, during the night while we slept... Early morning rise, reminded the owner of Hotel Italia that we'd be leaving very early in the morning, um, so she wouldn't think we spent the entire day in ... read more
ooh, la la
the plant used to make fine white hats
track of a Puma

NOT really, but were very surprised to hear the owner of Hotel Italia ask me ¿Are you going out now ? granted this is in the evening. A bit puzzled sipping my tea in the dining room I told her No, actually, we are just getting back from spending the entire day in Samaipata now it's her turn to look puzzled - she continued to tell me that they (her and the cleaning ladies) thought we'd been in bed all day! We crossed paths about seven in the evening as I was enjoying a cup o'tea in the dining room...a bit embarrassing for both but what can you do? We had a great day visiting the sites in Samaipata, the main attraction being El Fuerte - a gigantic pre-columbian carved sacred stone resting on top of ... read more
el fuerte 2
Sean in reflection

After a final meal with the Isrealis we spend the last night in our freezing hotel room, a plastic roof desnt hold much or any heat in. The next day we go to get our bus to Sucre but get informed it will only be going to Putosi then we will have to get another bus, refund gained we wait for our 6hr bus to arrive. After a very hot and ipod-less 6hrs for matt (we think its died forever) we arrive in Putosi. Putosi is the highest city in the world, fact. And was once south americas richest city, it now just looks like a big version of most towns weve passed through. The main tourist attraction of the city is its mines, self employed minors mine iron ore in very dangerous conditions, tourist are ... read more

As horrible as everybody tells you. The Flight from Sao Paulo to Panama City was changed three times, the last time at very short notice, the check-in counter was deserted, the office was hidden somewhere were nobody could find it. The unplanned overnight stay in Santa Cruz de la Sierra was in a lousy hotel, in the ninth floor the wind blew straight throug the broken windows across the room the whole night. The taxi on the way back to the Viruviru airport had a flat tire and the flight had been canceled until unknown time once again. But! Finally the flight was going and we arrived!... read more

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