Blogs from La Paz, La Paz Department, Bolivia, South America - page 6


South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz November 11th 2015

Chaotic La Paz pulses with life at a dizzying, freezing 3650 meters/12,000 ft, its wild traffic dominated by crammed, black-smoke belching, ancient buses and tourist-robbing taxis, its buildings either half-finished brick, or steel and glass high-rises, both climbing steep, lung-busting streets crowded with indigenous women in flouncy skirts and bowler hats selling fresh orange juice and snacks, hand-woven goods and trinkets. I'd been in La Paz a couple of times before, but this time was special, for while there, March-May, 2014, I had adventures with several, fabulous TravelBloggers (TBers), witnessed colorful festivals, including Carnival, Holy Week, and May Day, and lots of protests, as well as experiencing the darker underbelly of the city in this poorest nation in the Americas. As always, I stayed in the heart of the city in a beautifully restored old ... read more
La Paz Cathedral
Brendan and me at Gusta's
Copacabana dancers and basilica

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz November 5th 2015

After an unforgettable month in Peru we hopped on a bus and headed for Bolivia. The over night ride wasn't too bad since we slept most of it but when we arrived at the border crossing things got a little more interesting. Our bus driver stopped the bus and made everyone get off and we were told to walk across the border where we could get our visas and the bus would be waiting for us on the other side In Bolivia. Before we got our Bolivian visas we needed to get our exit stamp from Peru and the slip of paper we needed to present at that time with our passports was in our backpacks on the bus so we needed to get out of line, exchange money and buy new ones and fill them ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz October 30th 2015

I finally left Peru to enter Bolivia via the Border Copacabana. From Puno to the Border: Back on the Bolivia hop bus I was picked up at my hostel at 8.15 & taken to the port in a mini-bus. Once everyone was back on the bus (a double decker '15 plate from Inka express) we headed for the Peru - Bolivia border at Yunguyo near Copacabana. *There are 2 border crossings into Bolivia the other is at Desaguadero but it is considered to be more dangerous for robbery & scams* At the border we got off the bus & removed all our belongings before heading to the Peru immigration office. Here I showed my passport & white immigration card it was checked I hadn't overstayed my welcome & I got my exit stamp. After changing money ... read more
2015-10-28 20.36.17
2015-10-29 16.31.43
2015-10-29 21.45.29

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz August 16th 2015

Ça fait trèèès longtemps que je n’ai pas écrit d’articles, mais bon, j’ai plein d’excuses, si besoin est. J’ai été plutôt occupée ces dernières semaines. Et les choses ont beaucoup changé pour moi à La Paz. Le principal évènement à l’origine de ces transformations : le virement de ma bourse Midi-Pyrénées. Ça change la vie, littéralement ! J’ai donné mon préavis de départ à l’agence de tours, et j’ai changé de logement. J’ai donc maintenant mes week-ends libres, et je loue une chambre meublée bien située dans un appartement équipé… d’une cuisine ! « Level up », fini la junk food et les nouilles chinoises, je me cuisine des plats franco-boliviens : je mange du quinua et j’assaisonne mes plats de llajua. Et comme au bureau, on partage toujours plus ou moins sa nourriture, mes collègues ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz July 19th 2015

Ça fait un petit moment que je n’ai pas écrit, et il s’est passé plein de choses à la Paz. Principal évènement, j’ai trouvé un petit boulot les week-ends et jours fériés la semaine dernière. Je travaille dans la prestigieuse agence Vertigo Biking ! Je voulais donner des cours de français et anglais au départ mais mes annonces n’ont rien donné. Du coup, j’ai mis à profit le fait que je parlais plusieurs langues autrement. Mon travail consiste à vendre des tours pour la route de la mort, et tout préparer pour le lendemain lorsque les gens réservent, appeler les guides, chauffeurs, mécaniciens… Et être là le matin lorsque les touristes s’en vont faire le tour, ce qui est finalement le plus dur, étant donné que j’ai commencé à me faire des amis ici et à ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz July 8th 2015

Après avoir trouvé ma future chambre, j’ai eu le week-end pour me reposer et préparer mon emménagement. Vendredi soir, je suis allée voir le concert de « Poopo » sur la place principale avec mes actuels colocataires, puis Miquel, espagnol, nous a préparé des tortillas. Pendant qu’en France, tout le monde se plaint de la chaleur, il a neigé cette nuit-là à La Paz. Neige qui s’est transformée en pluie samedi… Mais bon, je suis quand même sortie pour trouver des tissus en vue de me fabriquer une armoire suspendue pour mettre mes vêtements. On verra bien ce que ça donne… Le soir, j’étais invitée à un mariage par Doris une amie de Gabriela, qui gère la maison où j’ai passé la semaine. Malheureusement, comme c’est une maison de voyageurs, on a attendu toute la soirée ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz July 7th 2015

After my last stopover in La Paz being lulled to sleep by the sound and motion of humping German backpackers in the bunk below, I decided there was no way I was going back to Wild Rover hostel. Tired, older, and somewhat relieved I booked two nights back at the luxury hotel where I had stayed for my first nights in Bolivia. It was my last chance at a more authentic La Paz nightlife, but try as I may I could not make it happen. I wasn’t able to even locate anything that resembled a nightlife spot. It took me forever to find the one nearby place that came highly recommended by my guidebook. However, when I finally found it was shuttered up. Off night? Who knows. So instead, I spent hours wandering the dark, deserted, ... read more
Life in La Paz
Simon Bolivar
Mass Transit La Paz Style

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz July 3rd 2015

Arrivée dimanche dans la nuit à La Paz, j'avais réservé une chambre dans une maison pour une semaine, le temps de me trouver un endroit définitif et moins cher. Impossible de joindre David, qui me loue la chambre le premier soir, je me résous à chercher un hôtel près du terminal. Le lendemain, je peux enfin poser mes affaires, et je pars ensuite vers mon futur lieu de travail, les bureaux de Pro Agro, le programme agricole bolivien du GIZ (l'Institut Allemand de Développement). Là, je rencontre mon maître de stage en vrai, on discute de ma mission qui va consister principalement à coordonner les actions des différentes coopérations étrangères dans le secteur agricole en Bolivie. Bref, il va falloir organiser des sortes de colloques, réunir tout le monde autour d'une table pour discuter, définir les ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz June 25th 2015

Hi Bloggers, We woke up with hangovers made worse by the lack of oxygen in the air anyway. We made it to the free breakfast but then went back to bed all morning. Oh well, La Paz was purely for a few rest days. We went to this cheap but delicious organic sandwich place for lunch then went back to our hostel. We had our washing done (5kg/£5), a bit expensive but we had pretty much run out of clean clothes since doing the Inca trail. In the afternoon I had a catch up with Parsons on viber J I haven’t spoken to any of the girls in months, so it was good to chat!! We had a very lazy afternoon! We only ventured out to that English pub in the evening to have exactly the ... read more

South America » Bolivia » La Paz Department » La Paz June 24th 2015

Hey, We went for our free breakfast about 8.45am, then went back to bed for the rest of the morning. We booked to stay here longer because we were in long need of a rest with some lie-ins. This hotel is not the best- cold showers, gaps in the window so the room was freezing all day and night, the beds dipped massively so we were on top of each other most of the night and the door takes all Neil’s strength to hold the door up and in to move the lock across, so I have to ask him every time to let me out. We finished the left over pizza for lunch and then headed out for a short walk in the afternoon. We walked around the Witches Market, (if you blink you will ... read more

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