Blogs from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, Oceania - page 16


Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide July 13th 2013

Ich hab Yasmin gestern vorgeschlagen, heute nochmals im „Jam the bistro“ zu frühstücken, damit auch Sarah und Christian das tolle Essen dort genießen können. Daher sind wir auch wieder ein wenig später aufgestanden und direkt in die Stadt gefahren, allerdings ohne Christian, der zum Arbeiten daheim blieb. Kommende Woche wird er ohnehin wenig zum Schreiben kommen, weil Yasmin wieder arbeitet und die Kinder noch eine Woche Ferien haben, er also einiges mit ihnen unternehmen wird. Das Frühstück im „Jam“ war wieder einmalig, diesmal hatte ich getoastetes Gingerbread (Lebkuchen)mit Mascarpone und Schinken – ein Traum. Auch der Espresso hier ist echt einmalig J Im Anschluss ans Frühstück durfte reihum jeder von uns seine Zeichenkünste präsentieren: einer gab dem anderen ein Tier oder Ding zu zeichnen, die anderen beiden mussten es erraten. Eine Leichtigkeit für einen Picasso wie ... read more
John Pana kocht persönlich
Wer errät die Zeichnung?

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide July 11th 2013

Auch heute bin ich in der Nacht gegen 4 Uhr aufgewacht und konnte längere Zeit nicht einschlafen. Mein Körper hat sich also noch nicht komplett auf die 7,5 Stunden Zeitverschiebung eingestellt. Dafür hab ich dann länger geschlafen und gegen halb zehn sind wir dann in die Stadt gefahren. Sarah wurde unterwegs noch beim Eislaufen mit ihren Freundinnen abgesetzt – ja, es sind hier gerade die zwei Wochen Winterferien, die es auch bei uns gibt. Was bei knapp 20 Grad ein wenig ungewohnt anmutet, allerdings gibt es hier das ganze Jahr über die Möglichkeit Eis zu laufen J Yasmin, David und ich sind dann zu meinem Lieblingsfrühstückslokal in Adelaide gefahren, dem „Jam the Bistro“ in der Wright Street. Das "Jam the Bistro" liegt im CBD (=Central Business District), also in der Innenstadt. Und ich konnte erleben, warum ... read more
Jam breakfast

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide June 13th 2013

Geo: -34.9258, 138.6Our last day in Tahiti proved unfortunate. We stayed in the hotel for the morning, starting to pack and getting ready to come home. We ventured out just before lunch. Just outside the hotel, on an uneven part of the footpath, my ankle gave way and I fell! What a spectacle that must have been for everyone. Fletcher and several others rushed to assist, even more embarassing, but I knew I had hurt my ankle. However, I tried to laugh it off and after a short rest we continued to the bank. I was now hobbling and the ankle was starting to swell. We stopped at Le Retro for lunch and when the waitress brought an ice bucket for the wine I grabbed a handful of ice and using Fletcher's handkerchief as a bandage ... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide » Glenelg May 25th 2013

Spent the last five days discovering Adelaide. I am staying in Glenelg which is a suburb of Adelaide with a couple Hans and Gerda who came originally from Switzerland but have lived in Australia for about thirty years. Explored the city by catching the local tram, very easy from where I am staying. Adelaide is not a huge city and is very easy to get around. Some of the Victorian architecture has been preserved and adds to the charm of a green tree filled city. I visited Adelaide Arcade which is a beautifully preserved Victorian shopping arcade complete with original tiled floor. Also visited the Tandanya Aboriginal art gallery which was interesting. Walked along the beach to Glenelg town and in the opposite direction to a place called Seacliff. Today Gerda took me to Halletts Cove ... read more
Rock formation at Halletts Cove
Gerda at Halletts Cove
View from Windy view point

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide May 22nd 2013

Geo: -34.9258, 138.6Our last afternoon in Singapore was very enjoyable. Once we had checked out and stored the bags we caught the train into City Hall. From there we walked to /suntec City which is the terminus for the bus company. We wanted to ride on the third route but that bus wasn't going for 30 minutes so we hopped on the Yellow line again and rode round the circuit to Orchard Road. Though I am not a big shopper everyone expects a visitor to Singapore to at least stroll down Orchard Road. We did alight there and had a look at a couple of the huge shopping malls. found a bookshop where Fletcher found a rare sports history book then looked for lunch. On the third floor went into the Crystal Jade Lao Mian Xiao ... read more
River side statue of boys playing
The Merlion
Statue outside the Museum

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide May 20th 2013

5/2 We got up early to have the free breakfast that the hotel offered, feeling rather sleepy after not a great sleep and it feeling like 5.30am to our body clocks! We had cereal and toast for breakfast and then headed out for a wander around Adelaide. We walked to the central markets first and we bought some fresh fruit and some hummus from stalls there. We had a look around the shops and stalls, and bought some food from Coles supermarket as there were communal kitchens in the hotel to use. We took our shopping back to the hotel and then used the computers in the hotel to book 2 day trips- one for the next day. We needed to get a bus for the trip tomorrow, so we headed out to find the bus ... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide April 28th 2013

Geo: -34.9258, 138.6Well we are still waiting for the caravan to come back. Thursday next week.... read more
Bon Bon

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide April 25th 2013

Geo: -34.9333, 138.6What a week. We have been without our van for 5 weeks and just got it back on Tuesday. That was stressful but its all go now. Time to start counting sleeps.... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide April 16th 2013

WOMADELAIDE 2013...Music to save the Planet. They call it Mad March...Mad because a year full of delights is crammed into one month...Mad because you'd be mad to miss it. I'm talking about Adelaide of course...that peaceful state capital of South Australia...that for one month of each year becomes the cultural capital of the World...showcasing Art (Turner landscapes), Comedy (Fringe Festival), Kite Festival, French Film Festival, vroom vroom V8s, Music (Future Festival) & more Music (the Big Daddy of them all)...Womadelaide...88,000 fans strolling, swaying, rockin' & boppin'...over 4 the Botanical Gardens...the best organised music festival on the Planet. But this year reminded of the wounds to silent in the home of Desert Blues, my beloved Mali...and the massacre of children in Syria...messages in music...reminding me what music can... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide April 13th 2013

Sat 13th A little research showed that we lucky senior citizens can have all day free travel on Adelaide busses and trams. Now, that was an offer we couldn't refuse. Marg and I wanted to look around the city at some of the historic buildings and Daviv and Mary thought they would start at the zoo. We stuck to our plan following a tourist mud map winding our way around town, down past the Railway Station, University, Royal Adelaide Hospital to the botanical gardens. We saw interesting parallels with Christchurch where their Hagley Park is not unlike to botanical gardens in relation to the central city, museums and hospitals. With Adelaide, the zoo is also in walking distance from the Botanical Gardens. Some interesting things stand out in this city, particularly the variety of statues. There ... read more
Snout in the tough
Holy Trinity
Lilly Pads

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