Blogs from Bondi Beach, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania - page 13


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Bondi Beach April 28th 2009

Hi, As I'm sure you are all aware we have been in Sydney for the past 7 months and are now about to hit the road again to go travelling around the rest of this wonderful country. Our time in Sydney has been great fun. I have LOVED living by the beach (although Bondi is a bit too manic for us), Ian has loved his weekly sailing around the harbour (although they always seemed to lose when he was crewing!) and I appreciated the fact that I have been out on the boat and been to the most impressive house ever (croquet anyone?!). We have def tried to make the most of our time in Sydney by doing lots of weekends away around NSW including walking in the Blue Mountains, snorkelling and dolphin watching in Port ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Bondi Beach March 28th 2009

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Bondi Beach March 24th 2009

Flew in to Sydney airport last Tuesday and headed straight to Circular Quay to catch the ferry to Manly. Very sunny - delighted! The hostel we booked in to is on the Corso, the pedestrianised area that goes from the ferry terminal to the beach, and is a 10 second walk from the sand. Spend all of Wednesday and Thursday sunbathing/watching hot surfers, good times! On Friday, Fiona and I caught the ferry back to Circular Quay so we could meet up with Mairi and Ian (Mairi is a teacher at Kingsford with my mum). It was awesome coming round in to the harbour...fantastic views of the bridge/opera house etc. Was great seeing familiar faces, and nice to hear stories from home. Mairi very kindly treated us to lunch (Thank you so much!) then they headed ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Bondi Beach March 12th 2009

Saa kom vi til Sydney - her er for fedt. Vi bor 100 m. fra en af de mest kendte strande i verden. Lige inden vi tog afsted startede der en serie paa zulu, som omhandler Bondi - saa check den ud. Vi hookede op med Sidsel, Lotte, Sophie og Julie loerdag aften, hvor der ogsaa var Mardi-Grass parade. En kaempe homo-parade, som skulle vaere ret vild. Vi naaede bare desvaerre ikke paraden, men havde en hyggelig aften med pigerne. Ellers har vi bare nydt livet her i Bondi og tilbragt en del tid i de store laekre boelger. Vi legede surfudstyr i en time, hvor vi var totalt smarte paa vej ned til vandet!!! Det varede bare ikke laenge, for hold da helt ferie hvor er det svaert det stads. Vi kom op og "ride" ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Bondi Beach March 10th 2009

Helloo again...lots of free time now as I catn bloody drink whilst on this scuba course but I'm loving the course...its sooo cool! Learnt lots of skills required to pass such as swapping regulators (breathing mouth piece thing) with your buddy, clearing your mask, assembling your cyclinder and scuba gear, swimming with no mask which is so much harder than it sounds as if you breath in at all in your nose you'll get water straight up into what feels like your brain!! They make you get water in your mask then you have to take it off, they then throw it and you have to go find it....SO BLOODY SCARY!!! Imagine being under water with fish around you and you cant see a thing but cant breath and move and feel things....really didnt like this! ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Bondi Beach March 8th 2009

Its scuba time....just a quickie to let all know who dont already that i'm off to do my Scuba diving certification and Yes thats right I'M DOING IT IN SHARK INFESTED WATER IN BONDI!!! hehe! Cant wait am so so so excited...course starts in an hour so better get a wriggle on...will keep a few updates this week as you never know when a nice big great whitey will munch off my little fingers and then I will never be able to type my updates on here any more :) hehe!! MWHA Miss everyone loads and loads........... Ebone I'm super excited your coming to Canada...lots of party for us in August...New York, Canada...whoop whoop...Love you xxxxxxxxxxxx... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Bondi Beach March 2nd 2009

Hey all, Sorry for the delayed update, I have been manicly busy as some of you prob know! Meet up with jack, done helicopter flight over sydney which was amazing, so exciting and sureal being with jack in sydney! Tour ended which was so so so sad but have so much to look forward to now! Plans have slightly changed now so here goes..... Cant find a job, cant find a place to live so here are the new plans...hehe Tomorrow I fly to Melbounre with a few lads I've met, we're catching up with some tour buddies we've made, we then come back to sydney for the gay mardi gras (so excited), then Kevin and I are booked on to become certified divers (yes I know there has now been 4 shark attacks in sydneys ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Bondi Beach February 25th 2009

Hey!! Forgot to add a picture of the famous Bondi Beach (where they have had loads of shark attacks lately.... luckily not while we were there though!)! xxxx... read more
Greg having another attempt at surfing!
Driving over Harbour Bridge!

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Bondi Beach February 22nd 2009

Hey guys! Hope everyone is doing well! Wagga Wagga was awesome! is was a little town in the middle of desert, we did stay in that caravan, it was on a river andit had a little beach and everything. Something about that place must have attracted parrots there were millions of them, at first it was awesome but a 2 in the morning when you're trying to sleep and they make a racket, not so cool then! We're now at Bondi Beach! its is so pretty! got an amazing beach, which we sat on all day yesterday waiting for our check in to open at the hostel. but it is really really nice got some photos which i will hopefully get to put up soon! we stayed one night in Sydney but we didnt do any ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Bondi Beach February 21st 2009

Lever du soleil a Darling harbour, pros du skate a Bondi, soirée salsa... Sunrise on Darling harbour, skaterboys in Bondi, and salsa night...... read more
Skateboard contest a Bondi

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