Blogs from Manhattan, New York, New York, United States, North America - page 200


North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan February 12th 2006

For those of you who don't know me, I am an avid 'Southerner/American girl' traveller, wishing, hoping, for a RTW trip, but in the meantime I'm doing what I can, when I can. Here are my stories: Ever wonder what its like in a New York City snow storm? This moment, the snow is stinging me in the face, and sticking to my overcoat as I walk down the deserted 19th Street at 12:45am. In New York, the wind tunnel effect is in full force, down the avenue and east to west, though it really must be only around freezing, not much below, because it really isn’t but so cold. The street ahead is coated in white, the air is full of snowy fog, falling in whirls around the street lights. The building windows go dark-dark-light, ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan February 9th 2006

Hey all I know its been a while since i updated this thing but its been a funny old time, after washington dc we have been back to nyc for a further two nights, and then we have been up to boston and watched the superbowl in a collage bar, it was pretty boring game and it went on for four and a bit hours.....but never mind still good fun! We have been to niagra falls, which was impressive, keep an eye out for photos coming soon! we have also been to buffalo, and found out that the hotel we were staying at, (due to how cheap it was) is actually a home for recovering drug addicts and other scary folks, who seemed to check in with brown paper bags full of stuff instead of luggage, ... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan February 8th 2006

New York City Hotels - Conan O’Brien Back in 2003 we were up late watching some Conan O’Brien and saw the ad for ordering tickets to the show. I went to the Web site and ordered the tickets. This was in the spring of 2003 and the closest date we could get was December of 2003. We were excited about going to the show and booked a stay at a budget New York hotel called Riverside Tower Hotel. The price was cheap and the hotel was not loaded with amenities or luxury accommodations, but it was clean and safe. The day of the show we headed down to Rockefeller Center to get to the NBC Studios. We heard from someone that you should get there at 2 even... read more

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan February 7th 2006

Highlights: *Central Park *Restaurant Idag fulgtes Gareth og jeg. Vi proevede at finde et sted hvor vi kunne sende min plakat, men det eneste sted de kunne, kostede det 150$!!!....saa...maa vist proeve at se hvor laenge jeg gider slaebe den:) Derefter tog vi en rigtig lang gaatur gennem hele Central Park! Vejret var bare helt perfekt saa den tog sig virkelig smuk ud. Derefter spiste vi paa en forholdsvis billig restaurant hvor jeg bl.a. fik en chokolade/milkshake...mmm...:) Nu er jeg tilbage paa hostlet for at pakke og slappe lidt af. Skal med min Shuttle i nat kl.03:30!!! saa tror bare jeg skal i bad og saa ellers slutte min NewYork tur af med en gang poker i aften med Lotte, Adrian og Gareth. Kan ikke helt forstaa at der allerede er gaaet en uge, tiden er ... read more
Central Park
Central Park
Central Park

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan February 7th 2006

Last weekend Kory and I went to Yale (in Connecticut) by train to visit our friend Jen and check out the campus. Jen was visiting some friends of hers from school and invited us up for the night. We went to a Yale basketball game and went out to a few local bars. The town actually had a lot going on - just like any college town. The next day we toured the campus a bit and checked out some of the major buildings. The architecture and history of the campus is really interesting. It looked just like it does in the movies - the way you imagine college to be when you are a kid. We only stayed for a day but it was a nice break from the city. Earlier this week we walked ... read more
The Library
Another Library shot
Lindsey and Jen

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan February 6th 2006

Highlights: *MoMA *The Trump Tower *Sex & the City tour Igaar kom endelig ned og saa MoMA. Det var jo ligesom primaert derfor jeg kom her. det er godt nok bare et super flot museum og havde en rigtig god guide til at vise alle 'highlights' frem og fortaelle om dem. Der var ogsaa en ekstra-udstilling med 'PIXAR" - manglede SAA meget Stefan og mine broedre!! Det var helt fantastisk med alle de originale skitser og ler-modeller. Havde desvaerre ikke helt nok tid paa MoMA fordi jeg havde booket en tur senere, men naaede da lige at koebe en kaempe plakat (Andy Warhol - Marilyn Monroe) som det saa senere idag viste sig er for stor til at sende hjem, saa er noedt til at rejse med den...nedtur! Naa men det var altsaa ogsaa dagen hvor ... read more
Sex & the City tour

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan February 5th 2006

Highlights: *Harlem Walking Tour (Apollo) *Lagree Baptist Church *Dive inn Bar Sov over mig men naaede heldigvis lige op til den tour jeg havde planlagt - en "Harlem walking tour" sammen med Gareth og Adrian. Det var ret koldt i vejret men en sjov maade at se en del af NY som jeg nok ellers ikke ville faa set. Saa rigtig mange spaendende steder og fik en masse historie (om jazz, poeter og historien) men det ultimative hoejdepunkt var helt klart 'Lagree Baptist Church' hvor vi hoerte gospel. Det var noget af det vildeste jeg laenge har oplevet. Vi var de eneste "hvide" der (naesten i Harlem) og damerne der havde rigtig fundet soendagstoejet fram, de sindsygste hatte, smykker m.m. Da 'the peacher' skulle laese op fra biblen fik vi ikke bare lov at se paa, ... read more
Billede paa doer
Lagree baptist church
Lagree baptist church

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan February 4th 2006

Tja...troede egentlig at det saa var den dag men det skulle vise sig at den var langt fra slut. Jeg sad paa vaerelset og "legede" med alle mine indkoeb. Lotte havde en aftale med en dame fra SanFransisco-Shirly og spurgte om jeg ville med. Tog chancen og foer vi vidste af det var der ogsaa en fyr fra skotland-Gareth og en fra Australien-Adrian som sluttede sig til selskabet. Vi tog op til Times Square og fandt en rigtig hyggelig irsk restaurant hvor vi fik den vildeste og bedste chokoladekage jeg nogensinde har smagt!!! Vi raahyggede bare og jeg fik rigtig traenet mit engelske. Bagefter koebte vi nogle spillekort og jetoner, tog tilbage til hostlet og saa stod den ellers paa poker - og jeg var selvfoelgelig toal vild;) Det var virkelig en fantasisk aften i rigtig ... read more
Paa den irske restaurant
Times Square by night

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan February 4th 2006

Highligts: *Macys *Forever 21 *Empire state Building *DR.JAYS *Subway (spisested) Pyha mine ben er ved at vaere godt brugte! Jeg stod rimlig sent op og startede dagen med at faa oploaded nogle billeder. Det regnede lidt idag saa orkede ikke det helt store. Det eneste jeg havde planlagt var at se 'Empire State Building' - men p.g.a. vejret kunne man desvaerre ikke se saerlig langt saa det var ikke helt optimalt. Ellers saa skal jeg lige love for at mit laenge forsoemte shopping-gen blev tilgodeset idag. Tog foerst i 'Macys' (minder lidt om Magasin - bare MEGET stoerre). Her fik jeg brugt en del penge paa kosmetik fra 'MAC' (taenkte paa Theresa:). Ellers var jeg ikke synderlig begejstret for stedet, det skulle maaske da lige vaere den kaempe afdeling de har med de vildelste festkjoler - ... read more
Udsigt fra E.S.B.
Udsigt fra E.S.B.
Udsigt fra E.S.B.

North America » United States » New York » New York » Manhattan February 3rd 2006

Highlights: * Bad:) * Times Square * International Center of Photography * Europa Cafe * Town Hall * Strand Book Store * Conway * Century 21 * H&M ... read more
Times Square 2
Times Square 3
Times Square 4

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