Blogs from Northern Norway, Norway, Europe - page 34


Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Bodø July 5th 2008

Well okay I'm not quite in Bodø just yet. Got about 120km to go - so I'll be there tonight. From there, it's a 4 hour ferry to Moskenes in Lofoten and conveniently there are ferries leaving at midnight so I'll catch the overnighter (except of course there is no night up here as I've already crossed the Arctic Circle) and have my last two days cycling on Lofoten. I've already worked out that if I get to Svolvær there's a bus to Narvik on the morning of the 8th which makes my train connection to Stockholm with an hour and a half to spare. As according to the Lonely Planet Narvik is Norway's ugliest city this should be about right! There is a ski lift 5 mins walk from the centre but alas the season ... read more
Hmmm... i'll avoid that cyclepath even though I feel like I've been through there already
Nuno having a coffee in Skjørdal train station waiting room
Very norwegian - eating salmon in my tent out of the rain

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tysfjord June 28th 2008

Hey everyone, well, I'm now in Tysfjord past the Arctic circle. In the last couple of days though, it has mainly been scenic driving, which I have lots of photo's but unfortunatly I can't upload them on this computer, will I'll try next time. I'm really excited though, with our Viking Olympics, we are winning at the moment, so far we have won every activity. 2 nights ago we had to play soccer, it was so much fun, our driver did a nudie run which was quite funny, I couldn't get a photo of it though because I was playing, so I'm hoping somone got one. Yesterday, we went to Tondhiem, the largest religious city in Norway. Then went to Hell, where everyone on the tour sent postcards, I have sent one to work, so keep ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway June 25th 2008

Wow, look at me, 3 days in a row I have updated my blog, I'm so good! lol. Well, today we went over Trolls Passage, wow that was beautiful, snow was everywhere, made it look really nice. We visited Geigranger Fjiord and caught a ferry for an hour to another fjiord, but I can't remember the name of that. Took lots of photos so check them out, not much else happened today, I might leave it for a few days so I have more to write next time. Off to Trondhiem (most religious city in Norway) then going straight to HELL! lol, don't worry, its an actual place here. Ok, bye for now.... read more
The road we had to travel up the mountain on
Kosta, Me & Gus
Trolls Passage

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway June 3rd 2008

Well, Oslo is definitely a beautiful city. It is really relaxing, rather small, and extremely picturesque. The air seems a little bit cleaner up that end of Europe, and you feel healthier just walking around with all the extremely fit norwegians! Everyone seems to be glammed up at all moments, their outfits relaxed, but accessorised perfectly, with sunglasses, the big bag, earings, and necklace. It's really a beautiful peoples city to be honest. :P My sister who lives in Oslo, had her wedding this past weekend. It was a beautiful wedding. Complete with the fairytale royal wedding dress, and amazing red carpet church isle. It was beautiful, and my sister was beautiful too. I had the best job, of being the maid of honour, and I was extatic! Walking down the isle before her, I felt ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway May 28th 2008

Anreise nach Andenes Ich bin seit gestern Abend in Andenes, nach 4 Tagen recht chaotischen Reisens; erst die Fahrt nach Kiel, ohne viel Schlaf von, 4 Freunden begleitet, da war das wegfahern noch so fern. Dann die Verabschiedung auf dem schiff, und vorher von allen in Greifswald, lassen mich dann so langsam realisieren, dass es erst mal weg geht. das Schiff ist unlagublich luxeriös, ich komme mir vor, wie im falschen fFlm. Traumschiff lässt grüssen. entsprechend die Leute darauf. das Schiff iste die grösste Fähre Europas und wird va. als Minikreuzfahrt gebucht. also so richtig mit shopping-mal und schlechtem Unterhaltungsprogramm; Musiker die ihr dasein damit fristen, einmal pro Abend vor Kreuzfahrtpublikum aufzutreten. die Kabine war toll, sogar Tatort konnet ich gucken (war einer aus Leipzig), vorher war ich im Fitnessstudio (!:-)!) und lag da im Whirlpool ... read more
The vagabonds in Kiel
Time to say goodbye

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Lofoten Islands May 18th 2008

Ahoy there from the MS Vesteralen! The Fjords are absolutely stunning, we've been stopping off at lots of little villages (as well as some bigger ones) and they are all a bit, well…..small and wooden, I guess is the best way to put it, lots of timber buildings and everywhere is soooo tiny, even at the ports you can walk across the centre of town in 15 minutes! On Thursday we took an excursion to Gerainger Fjord and Ǻlesund, which meant boarding a smaller boat that took us to the shore. Gerainger fjord was beautiful, although it was raining all day, so the weather wasn’t great for sight seeing. We spent a couple of hours on the bus being driven around the countryside, which was a bit of a drag as we really wanted to get ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø November 25th 2007

I'm not sure I have ever seen so many endless clouds before. In the roughly 3 days I have been in Tromso I have barely seen a bit of blue sky during the day, or a star at night. I had been hoping to get a good sight of the northern lights at some point, but with skies like this I'd have more chance of seeing the pope at a nightclub. That said, in daylight, or what passes for it during the winter in northern Norway, Tromso seems to have a very picturesque setting. It is surrounded by white hills scattered with dark trees. I imagine it must be great in March and April when the weather is clearer. Last night I fought off the boredom by walking north through town and crossing the bridge to ... read more
Tromso library

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø November 24th 2007

So, after downing 2 entirely unnecessary early morning beers at the Mack (pronounced "Muck") brewery pub, due to there being no brewery tours that day, I took myself off to the Polaria. This modern building houses an aquarium of Arctic marine life. Not the world's biggest aquarium, probably due to its fairly small pool of potential tenants. But reasonably interesting nonetheless. The centre piece is a reasonably sized tank featuring 3 bearded seals. They seemed happy (and fat) enough, but I suppose if you have spent years swimming in circles in an enlarged fishtank, with fresh fish on demand, you don't really know what you're missing out on. It also showed a film of the capture of the 3 tenants of the tank. It may just be me, but it sat a bit uncomfortably as they ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Tromsø November 23rd 2007

The trip to Tromso from Edinburgh was easy enough as travelling goes. I had a connecting flight at Oslo, which must be the world's first airport to look like it is made almost entirely out of wood. Very slick nevertheless. Also very expensive. With an hour and a half between flights I grabbed a beer and a small pizza at the gate. Came to a grand total of £13. That was topped later in the day, but more on that below. About 30 minutes from Tromso I started looking outside for something resembling the northern lights. The lights in the cabin didn't help, but when I shielded my eyes against the window to block out all of the light I saw an amazing stream of shimmering green lights going the whole way across the sky. It ... read more

Europe » Norway » Northern Norway » Narvik September 1st 2007

OK, so my plan was to get the train here, to Narvik yesterday, then get a bus down to Fauske and a night train to Trondheim. So how have I ended up further north than I was yesterday, with plans to stay for a few days?! Hmmm...well the train ride here was pretty spectacular, and I saw my first fjord right outside Narvik. There was an announcement on the train when we crossed the border, and we were in a tunnel, and when we came out the other side in Norway, the scenery had completely changed! So I got off the train here and I had absolutely no idea what to do! I bumped into a group of Irish guys and found a hostel. And the breakfast this morning made my mind up- I´m definitely staying! ... read more

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