Blogs from Hungary, Europe - page 121


Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest December 10th 2007

We thought yesterdays early morning was bad enough, but this morning was stupidly early. We awoke at half past six and consumed large amounts of breakfast before arriving at the train station for seven forty. I had all the timings planned out, however our large breakfast must have slowed us down because we had to run to catch the train. We were both pretty shattered and collapsed in a carriage of our own and dozed on and off for the next couple of hours. We spread ourselves out on the chairs and pulled the curtains across so that no one passing by could see us. We both actually managed to sleep which was highly unusual. Occasionally the ticket inspector popped his head inside to check our tickets, but besides that no one bothered us in the ... read more
Vegetarian smush

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest December 10th 2007

about three weeks ago i was in my dorm's computer lab when i notice that anna, another girl studying abroad through IFSA-Butler, was also in the computer lab. We say hello, and then we have this exchange: Anna: I just bought plane tickets to Budapest! me: how much? Anna: £20 roundtrip including taxes. me: wow. Anna: wanna go? me: yep. So, i spent four days and nights in Budapest, and you guys may not know this, but i am 1/4 Hungarian, which makes Hungary my motherland. Obviously, I felt right at home, then, and referred to everyone we met as "Uncle Joe," "Cousin Sam," or "Cranky Aunt Betty." It was fun. In all seriousness, though, most of the people we came across we so friendly and helpful that they might as well have been relatives of ... read more
my first taste of authentic hungarian food
heading over to buda
statue on castle hill

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest » Pest December 4th 2007

I just wanted to update you all real quick. I am still behind on my posts; I owe you Paris, Thanksgiving, Elaine’s visit, and this past weekend in Budapest. I have been trying my best but as the end of the semester approaches so do all the deadlines and final exams. I will write this posts, I promise. I hope all is going well for you in the great old U.S.A. I’ll be home in less than three weeks - Kristin p.s. Santa comes here early, so I get to see him TWICE this year. He visits on the 6th and puts candy into your boot (which you have to leave in the window). I’ve asked him for a pony. I have big feet. ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest November 24th 2007

We had some bad luck in Budapest. We thought that our train passes covered the Metro….but it didn’t. So we got stopped and asked for our tickets, and of course we did not have any. To make it worse, we were on the way to the train station to get on this train so we had spent most of our Hungarian money and were very low on Euros because we planned on using the ATMs in Vienna. So the guard demanded the violation fee and we didn’t have any money! I was able to pay in American dollars and everyone else figured out a deal but she threatened to call the police more than once. The guys just wanted to run but I was like if I get caught, the Hungarian jail is probably not the ... read more
Hungarian Dessert
Budapest at Night
Budapest at Night

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest November 23rd 2007

We waited for our freezing train which came ten minutes late. We had no idea what do do. All I know is when we got on and found an empty cabin. It was warm and I was more than happy with it. It was so warm, but it started feeling colder the longer we were there. I layered up in everything warm I had. We passed out...well CJ did. I of course, couldn't sleep, but it felt good to just lay down. An hour or so later the guy came to check our passports which of course was on the bottom of CJ's bag. Where else is something when you need it other than the most inconvenient places ever. CJ informed me that ther were Nazi army guys that came in with flashlights. I did not ... read more
Five Countries in Four Days 083
me with the underarmour
the flags

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest November 21st 2007

Caitlin and I booked a flight out from Rome Flumicino to Budapest Ferighy leaving Friday at 8:00 a.m. and coming back on Monday morning at 6:00 a.m. (so that we could make it back for Italian class). Well our friends, Ali and Jessalyn booked a flight out Thursday night, but they missed it so they switched to our 8:00 a.m. flight. Now we had to be at the airport by 6:30, which meant we had to leave at 5:45. Francesco, one of the heads of the program, recommended that we not take the train at that early hour because it was dangerous and suggested a car service. We took him up on this and he booked it for us. The car picked us up at 5:45 and it was a very nice Mercedes-Benz. The driver ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest » Pest November 14th 2007

How can I say this without offending my regular dentist? Oh, to hell with it... You're ripping me off! There, I've said it. Now I can tell you what I'm doing in Budapest, Queen of the Danube and capital of Hungary. Over the past year or so, I've had problems on more than one occasion, with crowns on two of my upper front teeth - you know, they're the ones right at the front which everyone sees when you smile - except these crowns kept coming off at the most inopportune moments because the core of the teeth had disintegrated. So, sometimes no smiles! My usual dentist could only add some pins and cement. Another crown next to these (a post-crown this time) had a history of root problems and was now wobbly. Call me vain, ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest November 13th 2007

Yep fallen on my feet again, the hostel that I booked turned out to be a good one and the location is even better, now if only I came here when it was a little warmer. At least there is no snow so far although there was a little bit of sleet while up visiting the statues. After yesterday's late arrival and aimless wonder around town, today was comrade day. A visit to Momento Park where the remains of the Communist dictatorship are in the form of all the public statues that used to be around Budapest. The most fascinating part (once you know the history) is Stalin's boots, the symbol of the revolution that ended the Communist era. To round off comrade day a trip to the Terror Haza or House of Terror was next. ... read more
All is good here comrade
Come on we can still make it
The Terror Haza

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest November 12th 2007

And quite honestly we're not quite sure! We saw all of Buda and Pest from a castle, which turned out to be Buda Castle, so the mystery was solved, we were staying in Pest!! The hostel was actually an apartment which cost just ten pounds a night so that wasnt bad. It was extremely quiet though! Some of the Buildings looked very similar to Vienna but just on a smaller scale. The city was definitely in need of a clean. There were a lot of tramps, far worse than in Krakow, Bags and cardboard rolled up in corners ready for their night ahead. Aside from this, it was quite pretty and very cheap! Ooo, and they love to point out their bridges! Lots of Bridges!! We were also fined for travelling with an unstamped metro ticket ... read more

Europe » Hungary » Central Hungary » Budapest November 11th 2007

Budapest was both my longest and shortest weekend trip in one. Shortest because it was the least time I'd ever spent exploring a place (one night thanks to the late arrival of my travel bud + one morning) and longest by way of travel for such a nearby weekend destination - absurd flight delays & a Luton airport situation (21 planes landing at the same time explains a 1.5hr q at passport controls) meant that I finally arrived home at 3am after 12hours of commuting. From Budapest to London. How mad is that?! Overall, it was one big waiting game for me. But let's not dwell on the unhappy, for Budapest is a pretty city. Highlight of trip was Schenyi Thermal Bath cos it snowed our heads as we sought warmth for our bodies from the ... read more

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