Blogs from Munich, Bavaria, Germany, Europe


Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich April 20th 2024

Gestern besuchte ich eine weitere Sehenswürdigkeit in München und zwar die Bavaria Filmstudios. Eigentlich wollte ich mit U- und Straßenbahn dorthin fahren, aber im Bahnhof Trudering konnte ich vor dem Kauf eines Tickets zum Glück noch lesen, dass es mit der U2 Probleme gab. Ich hätte eine halbe Stunde warten müssen und wäre nicht rechtzeitig in Grünwald angekommen. Also lief ich zurück nach Hause und fuhr mit dem Auto. Das war schneller, komfortabler, billiger und ich fand rechtzeitig einen kostenlosen Parkplatz. Nachdem ich erst am falschen Eingang zum Gelände war, beschrieb man mir den Weg zum richtigen. Hier begann unsere Führung und die erste Station war ein 4D-Kino. Dabei bewegt sich die Sitzreihe und es wird szenenweise passend ein Wind- oder Luftstrom erzeugt. Danach besichtigten wir mehrere Hallen mit Bühnenbildern und natürlich war das, des über ... read more
Bavaria Filmstudios - Das Boot.
Bavaria Filmstudios - 4D-Kino.
Bavaria Filmstudios - Stowaway – Blinder Passagier.

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich March 23rd 2024

Gestern war ich in der Münchener Innenstadt, um die Batterie meiner Armbanduhr zu wechseln, spanisches Essen mit Wein zu kaufen und kurzfristig entschied ich mich, im Informationszentrum zur 2. Stammstrecke vorbei zu schauen. Dies befindet sich ja an der im Bau befindlichen Station Marienhof hinter dem Rathaus. Dort war ich der einzige Gast und es gab 3 junge Bahnmitarbeiter am Empfang. Immerhin konnten die mir ein mögliches Eröffnungsdatum nennen: 2035 bis 2037. Dann wird es von meinem Stadtteil Trudering eine dritte S-Bahnlinie zur Innenstadt und dem Hauptbahnhof geben.... read more
Informationszentrum zur 2. Stammstrecke.
Informationszentrum zur 2. Stammstrecke.
Informationszentrum zur 2. Stammstrecke.

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich September 25th 2023

Für das diesjährige Oktoberfest loste mein Arbeitgeber SAP aus über 300 Bewerbern gut 100 aus, die eine Einladung mit Sitzplatz auf der Galerie des Schützenzeltes bekamen. Zuerst holte ich die dafür notwendigen Dinge im SAP-Standort Nymphenburger Straße in München ab. Hier ist die alte SAP Hybris beheimatet und meines Wissens werden auch diese Kollegen bald nach Garching umziehen. Ich lief auch zuerst das falsche Treppenhaus nach oben. Am Ende bekam ich aber ein Armband und die Einlasskarte. Schließlich fuhr ich über Sendlinger Tor (hier wird anscheinend noch immer gebaut - zuletzt war ich hier ja 2021) zum Goetheplatz und betrat das Festgelände über den Haupteingang. 2016 war es noch verboten Rucksäcke mitzunehmen und daher hatte ich heute keinen dabei. Dieses Jahr scheinen die Beschränkungen aber nicht mehr so streng zu sein. Das Schützenzelt ist unterhalb der ... read more
Oktoberfest 2023.
Auf der Galerie.
Spanferkel mit Klos, Salat und Bier.

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich August 11th 2023

Day nineteen (really, yesterday I miscounted) well that was a day 😂. Needing to leave early ISH to get to the film museum and falcor in time, we busied ourselves packing and trying not to be too glum at leaving. Our stay in bled has been just perfect. We packed, cleaned, made tea and even remembered to leave the two euro for the owner that we owed in tourist tax. After a quick ISH petrol stop we were on our ping was, this didn't bode ....we got onto the motorway ping.... Then just as Ash accelerated ping vroom VROOM and the car shook, rattled and revved to full and back a couple of times. Safe to say a tena lady wouldn't have gone amiss for both of us and the driver behind who ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich July 27th 2023

July 27, 2023 – Happy Birthday Kisty!!!!!! You read it correctly, it’s Kirsten’s birthday! Woo Hoo! Caroline went to the bakery across the street from our apartment, both Kirsten and Bea were leaning out the window watching. Why were they watching? I have no idea; except they were both proud aunties watching their niece fly solo. Ok, back to Kirsten’s birthday. When Caroline returned with the goodies, Bea had everything set out and we all sat down for a birthday breakfast. Breakfast was over, birthday wishes said, and the celebration was just beginning. However, it was time to get on the road. Today will be an easy road trip to Munich. We’re all packed and carrying all our suitcases to the car. We wave goodbye to our lovely apartment and off we go. We arrive in ... read more
IMG_3387 Large.
IMG_3390 Large.
IMG_3397 Large.

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich June 15th 2023

Bavaria D10 A so called rest day but first a comment on last night when we went to the local Italian restaurant L’angolo. It was understaffed run by just two women. No one came near us for 15 minutes or more and then the drinks came another 20 mins later and the food another 15. To be fair the food was very good, apart from one dish which had unknown peppers in which stripped the skin from a couple of throats. It was a reminder of how good Faulty Towers was as the woman in charge said on several occasions that she didn’t care, like when she brought a beer with no glass and a request for one was made. At the end she threw a fit when we wanted to pay our own bills. Mine ... read more
Gas Chamber
Curried Bratwurst and Pommes

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich June 14th 2023

Bavaria D9 Last night’s Bavarian restaurant was very good and I had a very nice Deer Stew. The squares were very busy with people eating and drinking even when darkness fell. There are a few impressive buildings and churches around the centre. Once again, good to be out of the city and across rolling fields again. The villages are now pretty nondescript compared with the ones earlier on which had very pretty houses with exposed timbers and multi storied. They do though have loads of crosses with Jesus on them In their gardens and village greens. There are a number of old, small tractors still in use on the village farms with small trailers behind, some of which are converted muck spreaders. I went past a farm which smelt of hens so now I know where ... read more

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich May 30th 2023

Many of you have questioned why I chose to use the train over the plane, both domestically, and in foreign countries. The first and obvious answer is that it generally costs less. And second, it produces a smaller carbon footprint. And third, it generally starts and ends in the center of a city or town. And in my opinion, more fun! Fodor's discusses the train option in greater detail. My friend Katy who travels the world 365 days a year, always opts for the train or ship, and rarely flies. Kudos to her! New and updated rail networks are popping up all over the world. Of course, there have been some rather horrendous rail accidents in the past few months, mostly with freight trains, but a few passenger trains as well. The train is more predictable ... read more
Sleeper suite
Beautiful train station

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich May 22nd 2023

After leaving Rothenburg, we drove to Munich for the night. This morning we started out with a bus tour of the city. This was quite a disappointment as it was very difficult to see the landmarks that were pointed out and construction and traffic the drive was not a pleasant one. The one nice stop on the drive was at Nymphenburg Palace, the summer home of Max Emanuel. It was he, who in the late 1600's, increased the size to what it is today.From there we made our way to Marienplatz to enjoy the rest of the morning and have lunch. In this area is the New City Hall, home of a Glockenspiel, that we were lucky enough to enjoy as it only activates three times a day. To watch this easily, we snagged a table ... read more
Siegestor - Stands as a reminder to peace
 Olympic Tower in Olympic Park

Europe » Germany » Bavaria » Munich May 7th 2023

Polaris is not quite Singapore Airlines, but it is getting better. Flying in business class is about to get a little sweeter on United Airlines. The carrier just announced its popular ice cream sundae cart would be returning to its url= cabin after being suspended since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. In the world of url= cuisine, United's build-your-own sundae cart is as iconic as stroopwaffles and url= cookies... read more

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