Blogs from Este, Cuba, Central America Caribbean - page 8


After a 16 hours long overnight bus ride we arrived in Santiago de Cuba today. Of course it looks a lot different than Varadero and I am very glad about it. We are staying at a 'casa particular' which is just renting a room at a private home or apartment. It is a very common and cheap way here to find a good accomodation. Often they also offer breakfast and other food if you pay a little more. So we just have a small room and a bathroom and that's about it, but we don't need more anyway. We haven't seen much of the city yet because we just got here and we don't know either how long we will be staying here. Who knows... :-) This week they have a Caribbean Festival here with ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Guantánamo November 12th 2006

Well, as tourist attractions go, it’s a bit of a weird one. But I wasn’t going to pass up the chance to see one of the most famous and controversial places in the World right now: the US Naval Base at Guantánamo Bay. It took a lot of arranging. When I was at Sofía’s in Santiago, I had asked her if any of her previous guests had been and how I could go. To my surprise, no one had been but she made some phone calls and we found out that you have to get special permission and there are only two ways of getting a glimpse: the town of Caimanera, which is next to the base at one side of the bay, or Mirador Malones, a viewpoint overlooking the bay at the other side. Caimanera ... read more
Main Panorama 2
Main Panorama 3
Close up 1

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Baracoa November 11th 2006

The next morning, I got up early to catch the five hour bus to Baracoa. Waiting for the bus, I got chatting to Phil, a fellow Scot. We ended up spending the next day together. He’s an interesting guy. He helps run a recycling scheme on a Scottish Island. The five hour journey to Baracoa passes first through the town of Guantánamo, then along the coast. Then it turns inland and goes through some very windy mountain passes. Apparently the town was only accessible via the sea until this road was built in the 1960s! With casas particlares, you can get into a “chain”, where you stay in one house and they can recommend other houses and phone to make the arrangements for you. This is what Sofía had done for me and I was to ... read more
Statue of Hatuey
The crowd at the bus station
The Malecon (Baracoa)

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Santiago de Cuba November 9th 2006

My promised “10-12” hour journey from Havana, to Santiago de Cuba in the South East of the country actually took 16 hours! Cuba is Long! It’s longer from tip to tail than the British mainland and my journey was similar to London to Aberdeen. Not much to say about the journey really. We travelled first along an empty motorway, stopping at a few places on the way, and then the roads got smaller and more confusing as there were no sign posts. From my bus window, I saw countryside and towns full of tiny, dirty houses with as much poverty as I’ve seen in India or in those parts of Latin America in the “US Empire”. I finally arrived at Sofía’s house at 1.30 am, four hours later than predicted. She seemed non-plussed. Had a lie ... read more
"Present yourself for voluntary work!"
Casa de las Religiones Populares

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Santiago de Cuba September 28th 2006

Hi everyone, Well it has been tough trying to find an internet that works in this beautiful part of the world and as for loading photos onto CDs I am not sure that I will get to do that till I get to Mexico City in just over a week. I can´t use my hotmail at the moment as it keeps crashing the system so if you need to contact me please use my bigpond address My first day I spent wandering around Havana and felt a little like a fish out of water because of my under developed spanish language skills. I needed to buy a bag to leave some stuff behind at the hotel cos you all know how I can shop well my backpack is currently 20kg and rising. I went to ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Baracoa August 1st 2006

Le 27 juillet, depart de Santiago pour Baracoa, dans un vestige d'automobile qui, a notre grande satisfaction, a reussi a nous mener a la station d'autobus. 5 heures de route a travers les montagnes qui entourent Baracoa et qui creent son microclimat, et a travers une vegetation particulierement dense, l'acceuil que nous reservent les bici-taxiset autres travailleurs (harceleurs) de l'industrie du tourisme, est digne des grandes stars de ce monde. L'accueil de nos hotes Natasha et Fernando, cependant, est tres chaleureux. Ici nous sommes restes 6 nuits dans un appartement independant de la maison des maitres, c'est donc tres relax. Nous avons escalade une montagne qui a la forme d'une enorme enclume, El Yunque, et quelle montee cefut! Chaleur, humidite, mille-pattes, moustiques et surtout boue rouge, en voulez-vous, en v'la, voila le resume de cette journee ... read more

Le 22 juillet, 2006. Apres 4 heures d'avion, 6 heures d'attente a une station d'autobus et 852 km d'autobus (le trajet a dure 15h30, de nuit...assez penible), nous avons abouti a Santiago de Cuba! Chose plutot rare dans ce beau pays, toutes les reservations effetuees du Canada ont ete conservees et l'autobus est parti a l'heure! Nous sommes donc arrives a Santiago de Cuba pendant le grand carnaval qui dure une semaine et qui coincide avec les festivites du 26 juillet, journee de l'independance. Originalement, le carnaval symbolisait la fin de la zafra, la recolte de la canne a sucre, mais aujourd'hui c'est plutot une competition de congas, de costumes, et surtout une raison de faire la fete. On dit de ce carnaal qu'il est le plus important et le plus etincelant des Caraibes et qu'il ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Baracoa May 3rd 2006

Sorry guys, that doesn´t mean me getting nekked and over-familiar with trees! It´s just a good description of my time here in Baracoa!! It´s a lovely, calm relaxed place, almost completely free from hassle. It´s set in a wonderful location by the sea, with rainforest clad mountains behind, including "El Yunque", a big table-topped thing that was the first part of Cuba seen by Columbus back in 1492, and mentioned in his journals. So, while I´ve been here, I´ve been to the Parque Alejandro Humbolt, and seen the differing vegetation from tropical jungle to rainforest. And I´ve climbed El Yunque, all 575m steeply upwards in the baking sun. Fantastic views up top. Both days we walked miles, and both days at the end we were able to swim in crystal clear rivers. Much as I like ... read more

Well, Santiago was a little disappointing in some ways. For a city of half a million people, it felt surprisingly like a little village, complete with horses and carts in the streets, and roosters to wake me up nice and early. Also, there was a lot more attention from people who wanted to sell me things. The music wasn´t exactly spilling onto the streets in quite the way I´d been led to expect either. The coach journey there from Havana was good. I got the 13 hour express overnight service, so saved on a nights accomodation. Which all counts because at $25 a night, it´s not cheap here!! It was bloody cold though, air-con on full all the way!! Anyway, I´ll have more time to explore when I return in a few days, as this morning ... read more
El Yunque in background

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Baracoa January 23rd 2006

No habíamos oído hablar de Baracoa hasta llegar a Cuba. Como suele pasar, fue uno de los lugares que más nos gustó del viaje. No sólo porque es un lugar hermoso, sino por lo que podes aprender de la gente, de las costumbres, de los lugares. Realmente imperdible!... read more
Pequeño tiburón
Camino a la escuela

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