Blogs from Este, Cuba, Central America Caribbean - page 7


No class today as Clara has a medical appointment. I spent the afternoon at the Hotel Santiago swimming pool. Paula wanted to go to the beach but it would've taken forty minutes to get there and then only one of us could go swimming at a time so there would be one of us watching the bags at all times. Where's the fun in that? Instead I swam, drank lemon daiquiris and talked to another student, Melissa, and her Cuban 'boyfriend', Pedro. Melissa is 28yo and from Switzerland. She's in Santiago for four weeks Spanish college and then two weeks in Havana. I asked her about the setup with Pedro. She said it's only a holiday fling because he's only 21yo and she's already tired of having to pay for everything. She's already met his family ... read more

Ask me about my day. I dare you to. Apparently today was another historical day so half of Cuba shut up shop early. Do these people ever work? The streets were packed by this stage and noisy kisses were being blown my way every ten minutes by sleazy Cuban men. It got to the point where I told every one of them to "fuck off". They probably didn't understand me with their limited English but it made me feel a hell of a lot better. I swear if I'm harrassed by one more Cuban man I will punch him in the head. I didn't learn Krav Maga for nothing. It actually makes me realise how lucky we have it in Australia. Sure, some Aussie guys are dickheads, but their behaviour is nothing compared to how Cuban ... read more

I had my first dive in Cuba! Two reef dives lasting an hour each. The water was saltier than I've experienced and stung the hell out of my eyes. Some the fish I saw were amazing, one looked like it was made of mother of pearl and another looked like an RHI lightshow. I've never seen so many lizards as I have in Cuba. Bucanero had large iguanas walking around the dining tables, like how you'd see cats and dogs wandering around in Balinese and Thai restaurants. Some were quite big. Tiny lizards often scatter up the walls in my bedroom like you'd see a cockaroach or spider do back home. Driving to Bucanero I saw another sign referring to the five Cubans in US jails. Reference to these men can be seen throughout Cuba. Essentially, ... read more

It's 2am and I just got home from Carnival. Katrin, Paula and I went with some Cuban guys to an outdoor concert to see two Cuban Reggaeton and Salsa groups perform. When we got to Raquel's they warned us not to wear any jewellery or to bring a purse because there are lots of bag snatchers. So of course I was on guard for the rest of the night, to the point of paranoia. When we finally got to the venue, it was chockers. I've never seen so many people squashed together for a concert. And the dancing -- Aussie guys don't dance like Cuban guys, that's for sure. After only two songs I was sweating like a pig, it would've been embarrassing had I been the only one but Cubans in the crowd came prepared ... read more

I survived my first week as a student in Cuba! I've had a good time but I'm ready to leave after one more week. I received an email from Flight Centre telling me they couldn't change my Havana to Mexico City flight so I'll have to change it at Cubana Air on Monday. He said there are vacancies so there shouldn't be any problems. I saw Julia preparing food today and noticed the plantain fritters I like so much are slathered in butter before she fries them. There's no hope in hell of me losing weight in Cuba. I'm enjoying my Salsa lessons with Ramon. The first couple of classes we spent just dancing but now we spend 30 minutes dancing and the other half talking about his life here in Cuba. He tells the students ... read more

I got to sleep in til 9am as class started at 10am today. Amelia and Paula didn't get home until 7am. I'm glad I left at 2am, there's no way I'd bounce back from that. After class, I cancelled my salsa class and Paula, Katrin and I caught a truck (the transport the locals cram into) to La Estrella where there is the Castillo del Morro castle and a small beach. We took a bus back home in time for dinner and the weekly weekend planner meeting. Nothing was decided as a group for the weekend, so I'm hopefully going to do some diving at Bucanero Resort and do a tour of the Sierra Maestra. Clara cracked the shits today when she asked how I was writing my Spanish notes. I told her I write them ... read more

My Spanish class is made up for three students - me, Paula (who is Swedish) and Amelia (who is also Swedish). Amelia's father is Chilean. She said when she was growing up, her father spoke to her in Spanish but she replied to him in Swedish so while she can understand Spanish, she can't speak it properly. The other student, Paula, can speak some Spanish so that just leaves me, the idiot, sitting there scratching my head and asking the girls what it means in English. There is a rule that no English is to be spoken during the lesson so when I ask for a translation, I get a dirty look from the teacher. So I find I'm reciting the answers she wants from memory as opposed to actually understanding what I'm saying. There are ... read more

Spanish class started at 8.30am. It ends at 1.30pm. I have lunch at my casa. It's a huge meal - fruit, salad, rice, beans, some kind of meat and banana fritters for dessert -- there's no way I'm going to lose kgs here. And it's mangos mangos everywhere! I'm loving it! I have dance lessons at 4.00pm where I'm learning 'Casino Salsa' which is the Cuban form of salsa and apparently different from other forms of salsa danced around the world. I suck at it but at least I'm giving it a go. My dance teacher's name is Ramon. My host family's upstairs neighbour must be a young guy because he has lots of guys come over who sit on the stairs which are outside my bedroom window. He plays a mix of reggaeton, Marc Anthony ... read more

It was a 4am rise to catch my flight to Santiago de Cuba. The plane was so dodgy, I had to carry my hand luggage on my lap because there was no room in the overhead storage or under the seat in front of me. I arrived at my host family's house at 8am after two attempts at the address by the unofficial taxi driver. His passenger door flew open twice on the journey. Good thing I ride in the back. My casa is located near a hotel so I caught up on my emails in the afternoon. This week is Carnival time in SCU (Santiago de Cuba) to mark the anniversary of the Revolution. The streets are closed off with stalls and there are people everywhere. I hate crowds so I'll just have to suck ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Cuba » Este » Baracoa July 6th 2007

After a 16 hours long overnight bus ride we arrived in Santiago de Cuba today. Of course it looks a lot different than Varadero and I am very glad about it. We are staying at a 'casa particular' which is just renting a room at a private home or apartment. It is a very common and cheap way here to find a good accomodation. Often they also offer breakfast and other food if you pay a little more. So we just have a small room and a bathroom and that's about it, but we don't need more anyway. We haven't seen much of the city yet because we just got here and we don't know either how long we will be staying here. Who knows... :-) This week they have a Caribbean Festival here with ... read more

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