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June 18th 2007
Published: June 18th 2007
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Mike and some fat guy.Mike and some fat guy.Mike and some fat guy.

This is Mike the day before we left. He's happy because someone in his market bought a 20 year old RV just as his oldest graduated high school. Who needs a college fund when you have Mr. Big?
An Entry from the Captain of this ship:

Tennessee reminds me of Pennsylavania. Plenty of rolling wooded hills and relatively cheap gas. But one thing it doesn't have is Mike. Mike is the truck mechanic who figured out that it was that place whose name we do not mention and their poor work that was responsible for our breakdown on Memorial Day. When the generator started sputtering yesterday, all I could think was, "Why didn't this happen when Mike could've heard it - and fixed it?!" Luckily, we were just passing a brand new Camping World when we decided that traveling without the AC was dealbreaker. We had to wait around for a few hours (and spend a bunch of money buying other stuff), but they more or less straightened us out and we were back on the road. Funny thing, while we were waiting, my cell phone rings. It's Mike wanting to know how things were going. I like this guy. I think we're his pet project. Mike also has a motorhome and I think he just flat out pities me. I'm not proud. I'll take pity at this point.

Then, right outside of Nashville, I think I drove over an IED. BOOOM! Scared the bejeebees out of me. I was HOPING is was a blowout and lucklily that's all it turned out to be. It was the inside tire on the dualie axle so I'm guessing it was OK to drive for a while on it, get to a campground, put the day behind us and take care of it in the morning. But I wasn't sure. So I called Mike. Long distance diagnosis. Yep, slow it down, take it easy, get a new tire in the morning. Relieved, we move out heading closer to Graceland. Just as I'm wondering what he'll bill me for the consult, the phone rings. It's Mike. If I can't find a new tire on a Sunday, at least have somebody take the tire off the wheel so it doesn't shred and do some damage to the underside of the motorhome. I like the way he thinks. Next thing that goes wrong, I'm just going to fly Mike out to meet us and he'll simply have to ride along for the rest of the vacation. It's got to be cheaper.


18th June 2007

Typical Royce Start
Hey, did you think your luck was going to change just because this was the "real" trip? Just from your first entry, I have the feeling this could be the start of a great summer movie. Maybe you should film this adventure, might make enough to buy a new RV, one that was built this century. Can't wait to read more.
18th June 2007

Wow, even with the problems, it sounds like you guys are heading out on an incredible three weeks. What a wonderful way to travel.
18th June 2007

Cool Site!!!
Hey guys - Whaas up. Sounds like you're having a good time. This is the first time I ever looked at a Blog site. Pretty neat. I put you on my Favorites so I can check in. Watch out for smokies, bears in the air and you can always take the back road so you don't get weighed. Have fun.
19th June 2007

where's mike?
Give me directions to Mike, authorize the purchase of a tranqualizer gun, and I will FedEx this magic man to you ASAP. Good luck from here on, but if the blog entries begin to bore me, I rescind my good luck. Soooo, be safe, have fun, but continue to be funny. mark
19th June 2007

Best Wishes
From a boater that essentially deals with your issues (only on the water), the idea of taking a mechanic along sounds really good! Best of luck! Mike

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