Back in Costa Rica

Published: August 2nd 2005
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Well, we made it back to Costa Rica today from Nicaragua after a 9 hour bus ride. We both wanted to update our throngs of readers not on our bus ride, but on our day trip yesterday to the Laguna Appoyo outside Granada.

We rode a bus out there in the morning and it was such a site to see this bowl shaped lake inside what was once a volcano! The water was crystal blue with an odd salty/sulphur taste and the cabin we were sharing with others was fantastic. We frolicked in the crater lake for a couple of hours, including canoeing, which is fast becoming one of E.'s favourite things to do (!), and it had us both wishing we had spent a few nights at the lake...maybe next time.

Now we're back in Heredia outside San Jose at the Hotel Las Flores and we're off to the Caribbean coast tomorrow for about a week.

more later.



2nd August 2005

ku in a canoe?
now that is something I'd like to see! atta girl!
3rd August 2005

Hey...I was wondering if I could add a comment...and I can! I don't really have much to say but hope you're having fun. Any fish in that ole crater lake?

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