Blogs from Cabo Polonio, East, Uruguay, South America


South America » Uruguay » East » Cabo Polonio January 15th 2016

11Janvier, 6am, Bateau pour l’Uruguay! Post: espagnol-français --> Espero que se entienda algo! (Perdonad por los acentos ortograficos, casi inexistentes en el teclado francés...) On arrive à la petite Colonia, très mignone, où on prend un enorme desayuno riquisimo au bord du Rio de la Plata. De là, direct à Montevideo… preparados para tomar el volante y la carretera uruguaya! En nuestro Renault Clio de alquiler, vamos descubriendo el verde e inhabitado paisaje hasta llegar à Punta del Este (la Marbella sudamericana) para ver a mi querida Bea (a la que no veia en Espania desde hace por lo menos 5 anios, y la vida nos lleva a reencontrarnos al otro lado del charco!) Primera improvisación del viaje, no tenemos donde dormir, así que toca dormir en el coche! En un clio modelo de hace 10 ... read more

South America » Uruguay » East » Cabo Polonio February 18th 2015

Cabo Polonia is a national park that is mostly sand dunes and beach. It's 7km to get into the quaint village of Cabo Polonia, and the only way in is through these huge 4 wheel trucks....check out the video (super fun) What a fabulous place to explore for an afternoon and have lunch. Where on earth can you have lunch while on a hammock.....Max was in heaven. Check out this video on YouTube: Check out this video on YouTube: Check out this video on YouTube: read more
Cabo Polonia

South America » Uruguay » East » Cabo Polonio October 14th 2011

I didn't know very much about Uruguay before we arrived here a couple of days ago. The country has a funny name. Its capital is Montevideo. There's lots of cows there. And that's just about it - truthfully! I don't think it's just me, though. With the exception of Uruguayans and perhaps of porteños across the River Plate, it seems that Uruguay is well below most people's radar. Our guide to Argentina "also includes Uruguay" - the country reduced almost to a footnote. If I were Uruguay I'd be a bit annoyed. Most visitors to the region, it would seem, leave this little country - little by South American standards, of course, since it's a fair bit larger than England and Wales combined - off their itineraries. Reason enough for us to pay a visit, then! ... read more
Lots of vintage trucks in Montevideo
Meat delivery, Montevideo
Lunch with Irene

South America » Uruguay » East » Cabo Polonio January 31st 2011

It's mid may and we are finally posting these notes on Cabo Polonio in Uruguay where we visited in December! We're excited to do so - Cabo Polonio has been one of our many highlights. I think what makes it so special for us is that it was such a surprise. We hope you'll enjoy finding out about it too...just don't tell TOO many people about it ;) You know that feeling when you discover a beautiful secret? That’s how Sarah and I felt when arriving in Cabo Polonio. Our trip to Uruguay started as we flew to Montevideo from Sao Paulo. We didn’t know very much about Uruguay, but we knew we wanted to go there. We both adopted them as our World Cup team – Sarah even made out with some loot after ... read more
Sarah relaxes in hammock
Sand Queen
Hang on!

South America » Uruguay » East » Cabo Polonio December 21st 2010

Fabled Cabo Polonia was as magical as my South American friends had foretold. I'd come for the summer solstice--the longest, lightest day of the year, which this year coincided with a lunar eclipse, and a bright, light night thanks to the full moon. I love extremes when all possibilities are exposed, and the veil between worlds is thinnest. Cabo was perfect--isolated by the Atlantic and by tall, shifting sand dunes, there were no roads into the town, and thus no cars. No electricity to mask the parade of stars in the heavens or to run noisy machines. Founded in the 70s by hippies and fishers, the town was filled with colorful, dreadlocked characters, hand-built homes with murals, painted banners and creative touches, and almost completely surrounded by water. I was born on an island (Coronado Island ... read more
 solstice full moon
town from the dunes
enter the magic

South America » Uruguay » East » Cabo Polonio February 10th 2010

South America » Uruguay » East » Cabo Polonio May 11th 2009

I made it out of Cabo Polonio. Finally. After saying that I would probably only stay for one night in this tiny fishing village on the coast of Uruguay I left after three nights. I could have stayed for much longer. There is magic in this place. In the sand dunes and stucco walls and tin rooves of the huts where 70 locals live year ´round. Magic in the plants that have evolved over thousands of years to be able to grow in such salinated soil and are specific to the area. Plenty of magic in the picturesque lighthouse and the ¨bar¨ that had concrete with the bottoms of class bottles sticking up serving as a floor and flowering vines laced together serving as a roof so that you could still see the moonlight through the ... read more
Proof that I got up early
Our early morning long shadows
The entirety of the town

South America » Uruguay » East » Cabo Polonio April 12th 2009

With no directions from our bus driver (imagine that) we were dropped on the side of the road just after sunset, no doubt looking a little bewildered at the 1960´s model monster truck parked on a nearby sandy road. We heard there were no official roads to Cabo Polonio and that we would need to hire some sort of "alternative" transportation to get us there...but this was too much, we had to laugh! Chrissy and I were apparently the only two heading into Cabo Polonio because the driver readily threw our bags into the bed of the monster truck. He told us to climb in the back and we were off to a night ride thru the dunes! After 40 bone jarring minutes we reached the beach and drove thru the surf to a dark town ... read more
Roads?  We don´t need no stinking roads...
Our private beach
Relaxing on the porch

South America » Uruguay » East » Cabo Polonio March 19th 2009

What a concept! In a dune ecosystem do not build roads, but do build a hippie commune/tourist site with limited access. On the side of the road there is a place to hire a jeep to take you into Cabo Palonio ($120 uruguay dollars). The ride is an adventure in itself when you hit the bumps. The village is unique. It seems to be a collection of hippies and rustic shacks and cottages decorated in colourful way. The absolute best spot is the lounge chair on the deck of the last restaurant along the beach.... read more

South America » Uruguay » East » Cabo Polonio February 9th 2009

Uruguay har siden 1700-tallet på grunn av sin geografiske plassering mellom folkerike områder i Brasil og Argentina alltid hatt ikke-vennligsinnede gjester i landet. Jesuittene "misjonerte" fra 1600-tallet, og portugiserne etablerte Colonia for å smugle varer inn i Argentina. Spania bygde fort i Montevideo og på kysten mot Brasil. Engelskmennene ville ha Uruguay, det ville Brasil og Argentina også. Fra 1850-årene var de fleste kastet ut, og det var kun Argentina og Brasil som kjempet videre om Uruguay. Hovedindustriene var kjøtt og ull. Tidlig på 1900-tallet ble det innført pensjoner, arbeidsløshetsordninger, 8-timers dag og kredittordninger til farmerne. Store deler av landbruket ble nasjonalisert for å få til disse velferdsordningene. Ettersom som fryseteknikkene stadig ble bedre, skaffet kjøttproduksjonen store inntekter til Uruguay. Landet var et av de rikeste i Sør-Ame... read more
Informasjonskiosken i Cabo Polonio
Badevakt er viktig
Opp og ned til Cabo med jeep

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