Blogs from Peru, South America - page 24


South America » Peru » Lima May 16th 2018

The air is thin and breathing is difficult. For the adults. The children, six-year-old Ty and ten-month-old Nathan, seem unaffected. Our research suggested altitude sickness can start once you ascend quickly to heights greater than 8000 feet (2500 meters) above sea level. Our plane had just deposited us at 11,152 feet (3,399 meters). To add insult to injury, it was a steep walk from the tarmac to baggage collection. With laboured breaths, we drag ourselves into the baggage collection area wondering what folly we had gotten ourselves into this time. CUZCO. Peru. High up on the Peruvian side of the Andes Mountains, it once served as the esteemed capital of the great Inca Empire, before the marauding Spaniards, pursuing gold and spreading Christianity, drove the inhabitants into extinction. But let’s backtrack. Two days prior, we had ... read more
Cuzco region
Graffiti afficionados
Bird Park - Barranco

South America » Peru » Lima » Lima » Lima April 28th 2018

Once again the cock crowed at 4:30 Am for our 5:30 departure. Today we bid farewell to Puno and prepare to return to Lima. Our flight departed out of the infamous Juliaca Airport. The airport, like all of the rest of the city was a disaster just like the rest of the city. The 1940's era airport had exactly 2 gates for all of the 4 flights a day in and out. The airport is basically devoted to contraband flights so the passenger flights are actually in the way of the real money makers, counterfeit commerce. The airport was last updated a decade ago. I looked out the window at the runway and I swear I could see potholes dotting the tarmac. Unlike in the US, here in Peru you can fly with liquids, so we ... read more
Farmers Market
Egg Stall
Black Corn

South America » Peru » Puno » Lake Titicaca » Uros Island April 28th 2018

Today we began the last full day of touring at Lake Titicaca. This is the highest, navigable lake in the world. At over 12,000 feet the rarefied air can be taxing. Last night we were in Puno and I went to bed about 11:00 PM local time. I have not had any breathing problems at all so far but tonight, I woke up and felt that all the air had left the room. I really was huffing and yet no air filled my lungs. I have to say my heart was racing and I became a little concerned. I opened the hotel window to get some air, even though it only had 60% of the oxygen I expected, it helped. My heart stopped racing, I breathed much better, but now I could not fall asleep. It ... read more
Our Touring Boat
Reed Boats on the Lake
Island Welcoming Party

South America » Peru » Cusco April 28th 2018

After completing the Salkantay Trek and reaching Machu Picchu with my brother Shawn, we were back in Cusco and boy did we ever need a rest day. We were staying at a hostel named Milhouse in a six bed dorm that we were sharing with some of the others from our trek. Doris and Misha were checking out but Katie had switched out of her hostel and was joining us in ours. We slept in for the first time in what felt like a while, and got up to have an abundant breakfast in the dining area. We hung out with Iceland, Sara and some of the others. We all had a few things to take care of and today would be the day to do it. A pressing matter for most was the overwhelmingly pungent ... read more
Traditional Dress

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco April 27th 2018

Today was almost a vacation day. We were allowed to sleep in as the four of us decided to skip the morning optional tour and opted for our own privately booked tour this afternoon. For experienced travelers you should be aware that there are options to the expensive tours offered by your tour company.Gate 1 is an excellent tour company with well trained guides, knowledgeable day guides and a well organized team of professionals. But, as all things in life there are options. One option is to book a private tour. Sounds expensive right? Actually no. For example, Gate 1 offers a tour in Cuzco which covers the major attractions, Colonial Cathedral,Temple of the Sun,Sacsayhuarman,and then off to the market for an hour of shopping. Cost $75 dollars. We contacted a local tour company via the ... read more
Cuzco Cathedral
Spanish Church on Inca foundation
Sacsayhuaman Fort

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu April 25th 2018

As I write this blog, I am sitting in our first real 4 star hotel in Cuzco Peru. Our previous hotels were nice, about 2.5 stars with 3 if you push, but they were out in the wilderness, especially the last two nights in Urbrama. One this we noticed is Peru is POOR. It Thailand is a third world country, Peru is pushing fourth world. The homes are made of mud brick, have no roofs; I will explain why in a moment, mostly unfinished and just about falling down. The no roof has a cost reason. You see if a home has a roof it is considered complete and is thus subject to government taxation. No roof, not complete, no tax. Since they have no money for taxes, this at least makes sense. As we drove ... read more
Me Driving the Train
Bus Co Pilot
Entrance to Machu Picchu

South America » Peru » Lima April 25th 2018

An unexpected change in our travel trajectory brought us out (of the airport) to explore Lima. Our 9 AM flight out of Cusco, on Avianca Airlines, was delayed as the printer had failed! Boarding passes could not be printed and the poor, understaffed airline crew had to hand write every single passenger's boarding pass information. Online check-in facility was not available either. To add to our woes, passengers of an earlier outbound flight were still being attended to. It was a foregone conclusion that we would miss our next connecting flight out of Lima Eventually, our 9 AM scheduled Avianca flight took off, after 11:30 AM. Since we were early in line, we boarded the aircraft and waited for the rest of the passengers to come aboard. But what I found bizarre was the pilot’s announcement ... read more
beautiful, ornate wooden facade
Palacio de Gobierno in the background of the main square - the official residence of the President of Peru
buggy ride anyone? Main square, Plaza De Armas

South America » Peru » Cusco » Urubamba April 24th 2018

Today began a little on the rainy side. We are relatively high in the mountains so it was clod, foggy and a constant but light drizzle. Glad I brought my Walmart rain suit! I enjoyed a light breakfast of some fresh fruits, breads, coffee and, of course, cocoa tea. I learned to chew the leaves after you make the tea. They are much easier to make a proper mush and they taste far better when boiled, rather than stuffed dry in your mouth. Today we began with an optional tour of a local salt production collective that had been operating since the days of the Inca rulers. We drove high into the mountains and entered the salt mine area called Maras. We learned this was a collective with 400 families participating in the process. The process ... read more
Hand labor collecting the dalt
Meteor crater turned farm field
Ollantaytambo Fort

South America » Peru » Cusco » Urubamba April 24th 2018

Today began a little on the rainy side. We are relatively high in the mountains so it was clod, foggy and a constant but light drizzle. Glad I brought my Walmart rain suit! I enjoyed a light breakfast of some fresh fruits, breads, coffee and, of course, cocoa tea. I learned to chew the leaves after you make the tea. They are much easier to make a proper mush and they taste far better when boiled, rather than stuffed dry in your mouth. Today we began with an optional tour of a local salt production collective that had been operating since the days of the Inca rulers. We drove high into the mountains and entered the salt mine area. We learned this was a collective with 400 families participating in the process. The process was labor ... read more
Preparing the salt
Meteor Crater Agriculture
Ollantaytambo Fort

South America » Peru » Cusco April 24th 2018

After an eight hour flight from Montreal, my brother Shawn and I touched down in Lima city amidst the darkness of night. We quickly made our way through customs. This was the first time that either of us had made it to the continent and were immediately surrounded by warm tropical air and the sounds of Spanish. We had to wait until 0200, when the Avianca booth opened so that we could get our boarding passes for our continuing flight the following morning, so we found a relatively quiet area and lay on the floor for a while. We were soon roused awake by the greetings of "Buenos Dias", as airport cleaners were trying to mop around us. We moved on from there. Once we eventually obtained our boarding passes, we went through security and then, ... read more
Machu Picchu
San Pedro Market

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