Blogs from Madre de Dios, Peru, South America - page 5


Ik start vandaag voor de veiligheid met een nieuwe blog op een andere website; in de vorige heb ik geen vertrouwen meer en de tekstopmaak hapert. De komende dagen zou de temperatuur hier nog meer de hoogte in gaan. Het is hier nu al zo warm, overdag schat ik tussen de 30 en de 35 graden Celcius, op z´n minst. Paola, 26, afkomstig van Cusco maar nu werkzaam in een secundaire school in Puerto Maldonado en hier ook wonend, heeft mij gevraagd om haar franse les te geven. Ze geeft het vak communicatie, en soms staan er in haar boeken franse woorden waarvan ze de uitsprak niet kent. Morgen ga ik er naar toe :-) Haar ouders bouwen voor haar een huis hier. De grond kost 12.000 Soles, ongeveer 3.000 euro, en de bouw van het ... read more

soy yus war de madre de dios quiero campartir una de mis experias de viaje que tuve en mi formacion como profsional. de la carrera profesional de ecoturismo. en julio del 2008, viaje a la comunidad nativa de Boca Pariamanu, fue un viaje super interesante por alli pude oservar como es la convivencia de ellos, y quedarse alli compartiendo unos dias fue lindo como ver como es el trato, los comuneros fueron muy amables al brindarnos todo loque ellos saben hacer en su vida diaria nos prepararon un rico al estilo de ellos, estuvo rico el almuerzo de bienvenida, pudimos compartir con todos los compañeros,, luego nos llevaron a conocer sus alrededores, lo interesante fue cuando tube la oportunidad de acompañarles al sitio donde ellos acostumbran pesacr, alli con los compañeros nos divertimos pescando, jaja yo ... read more

South America » Peru » Madre de Dios August 3rd 2011

ENCUENTRAN UN BOSQUE VIRGEN, BIEN CUIDADO, PERO CON LA PUERTA ABIERTA, CON DUEÑOS HISTORICOS EN SU INTERIOR. los extraños entran al gigantesco "blanco genetico" sin pedir permiso a los dueños, es decir, ni al guardian del bosque ni al cuidador de las estrellas. las llaves que utilizan, el poder economico, las influencias, "los esudios cientificos" dicen: ellos son los que manipulan las sabias leyes de la naturaleza. los dueños historicos, los indigenas, no saben, no conocen, son ignorantes, ay que dejar pasar a la ciencia, la modernidad. esa ciencia que destruye, contamina, saquea los recursos naturales, los recursos geneticos, que van directamente a los laboratoriuos en la danza de millones de dolares, y. ¿ los que utilizan las plantas medicinales, alimenticias, desde hace siglo?? ¿¿ ellos no tienen ningun derec ho??????? entraron al banco gigante ubicado ... read more

So, Zach, Robbie & I went to the Amazon. It was pretty ridiculous. I´m going to do my best to share everything with you but I´m sure there will be parts I forget. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy. We started off Wednesday morning to catch a plane to Puerto Maldanado in the Madre de Dios region of Peru. It is roughly a 40 minute plane ride over the mountains and into the jungle. We were greeted by 90 degrees and palm trees. It was a nice change of pace from the rain in Cusco. Our guide, Cesar, met us at the airport where we traveled to the port on the Madre de Dios River to catch a boat to our home for the next four days, Tambo Jungle Lodge. It was roughly a 20 minute, scenic ... read more
river boats
so relaxing
dead tarantula

South America » Peru » Madre de Dios » Puerto Maldonado » Ecoamazonia February 19th 2011

Flying into Puerto Maldonado you can see the Madre de Dios river far below: a great, wide, swirling brown mass of water pouring away towards the mighty Amazon. We reached our lodge after an exhilarating boat ride followed by a 20 minute hike through dense jungle. Although midday, hot and sunny, it was half-twilight under the tree canopy and wet and muddy underfoot - conditions that barely changed for the next 4 days. When it rained (which was often) it came down in buckets. We became accustomed to being wet - or at best damp - the whole time, but the lodge was comfortable, with rooms open on one side to the jungle, candles & kerosene lanterns for light, effective mosquito nets and many bats roosting up in the rafters. There were lots of birds: macaws, ... read more
Local transport
Closing in
El rio

After a hectic two week whizz around Peru and a few near death experiences I've made it back from the darkest jungles of Peru and my first foray to the South American continent, bear with me, it could be a long tale. I'd always wanted to fly over London on the 5th November to see all the fireworks displays and so the journey to Peru began on the 5th, sadly first thing in the morning and there were no fireworks to see. A quick hop over to Amsterdam and myself and mi amiga Escocia, Maureen, got on the flight to Lima and settled in for the long haul. All was going well until the mean Dutch air hostesses seemed to think three drinks were more than enough on such a long flight. And I used to ... read more
Yeah, yeah, it's a jungle out there
Keep heading west...
Rebuilding an empire

Welcome to the Jungle Ha!! Like the last blog, we are actually in Lima, the Capital of Peru with over 8million people, and a crazy amount of smog and pollution. But it has some amazing buildings that we will upload and talk about in about 8 hours, for now, it's off to the jungle!! On Wednesday, the 10th November, we all packed our bags from Cusco and headed on the plane to Puerto Maldonado, a little place on the cusp of the Amazon Jungle. From there we got picked up at the airport, and after leaving the majority of our luggage at the lodges main office, it was off in the motorised canoes to our lodge for 2 nights. It had been raining a fair bit (our luggage was wet) so the river was high and ... read more
The Tambopata River
Onto the boats we go!!

Day 61 5th November This was our last day in the Amazon; I had been looking forward to being in such a magical place and was sad to know I would be going and was adamant to make the most of it. The weather had turned rainy... and boy when it rains in the Amazon it really rains! Luckily it didn’t rain for very long and I spent the morning taking pictures around the lodge as animals would often wander in, there was a Macaw nearby the restaurant area who always stayed in one tree, almost certainly because it had its wings clipped, pretty sad to be honest. I also saw an Agouti under our lodge. At 10:00 we hopped on the long boat and went on a long ride along the river, because it had ... read more
Us fishing in the Amazon
Mating butterflies
Yeah..his is better!

Day 60 4th November – Jungle trek and the lost Cocha On day two of our Amazon tour we went to the Cocha Perdida or (lost Lake) we had breakfast and got on the boat for a short ride into the jungle, we trekked for a short way until we found some still water with a couple of row boats moored, jumped into one of the boats and took it in turns to row. As we went some macaws flew above and we saw yellow vultures, the wildlife was around but not really on show most animals would see us coming from a mile off and be well out of our way before we could identify let alone photograph them, however one heron stood very still and let us take pics as it was hunting a ... read more
Trekking through the jungle
Spider Monkey 3

Day 59 3rd November – Tampobata reserve So much for a lay in (I am rather keen on getting out of bed in my own sweet time) the woman at the reception desk in our hotel gave us the wrong pick up time so while I was still in the shower the phone rang in the room, Liz answered it and freaked as we hadn’t even started packing and the chap was waiting downstairs at reception to take us to the airport 45 minutes earlier than we expected, it wasn’t even 09:00 and I hadn’t had a coffee or even a coca tea and instead had to pack all my stuff in record time... however I think I remained pretty calm about it as it wasn’t our mistake so I said to Liz “it is what ... read more
Monkey 3
Blind as a bat

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