Blogs from Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, Peru, South America - page 3


Day 5: Wednesday, August 15th, 2012- Peruvian Amazon Today we spent our time fishing, visiting an Amazonian family and feeding baby caimens. The river where we went fishing was very low . During the dry season the river water level diminishes significantly, making it more difficult to catch fish. Only one person in our group caught a fish. The fish were very smart and 2 times they were able to chew off the bait from my fishing rod. I definitely, would not pass of as a fisherman ;-). Our guide told us that we were not going to eat the fish. We put the fish back in the water. Apparently, the people in that region, put mercury into the water to look for gold, polluting the water and making the fish poisonous to eat. Good to ... read more
Can you spot the Caimen now
Fishing expedition
The lone fish catcher

Day 4: Tuesday, August 14th, 2012- Puerto Maldonado (Peruvian Amazon, EcoAmazonia Lodge) Today our guide took us into the jungle where he described the many types of trees and what the Amazonian people used them for. Each tree was given a English name based on a unique property that set it apart from other trees. The first tree that we came across was the garlic tree because it smelled like garlic. The next tree our guide showed us was the iron tree. This tree is magnetic and attracts lightning. The tree we saw next was the blackberry tree because if you hit it hard you can hear the echo throughout the forest. If you hit it 5 times that means you are lost, 3 times means lunch is ready. We then saw a round tree called ... read more
Garlic Tree
Iron Tree
Iron Tree

South America » Peru » Madre de Dios » Puerto Maldonado » Ecoamazonia August 13th 2012

Day 3: Monday, August 13th, 2012- Lima, Peru to Puerto Maldonado, Peru Today, we woke up early to catch our flight to Puerto Maldonado for our Amazon tour. In Puerto Maldonado, we met two other girls from Ottawa, Canada (Melina and Kalina). They were also on the Intrepid trip to the Amazon Lodge, but apparently their names were not on the list of individuals staying at the Lodge. I am not sure what happened but everything eventually worked out. Since we needed to take a 1.5 hour boat ride to the lodge we were only allowed to bring a small bag of clothes on the boat. I quickly packed some night clothes, and a pair of clothes in my carry on baggage. I forgot to bring underwear and another set of clothes. I was pretty much ... read more
The Bus on the way to the Lodge
EcoAmazonia Bus
At Puerto Maldonado Airport

South America » Peru » Madre de Dios » Puerto Maldonado August 9th 2012

Hola amigos nachdem ich um 4 Uhr morgens in Cusco angekommen bin, habe ich mich einen ganzen Tag nach den Moeglichkeiten umgesehen um in den Dschungel zu kommen. Doch vor der Suche gab es einen Hausbesuch des Arztes. Mir gings zwar gut, aber wenn man Blut spuckt, dann sollte man das schon abklaeren lassen. Antibiotika sollten hier nun Abhilfe schaffen! Anyway, in Cusco suchte ich einen Touranbieter fuer den Manu-Nationalpark ODER den Dschungel in Puorto Maldonando. Der Manu-Nationalpark ist deshalb interessant, da dieser noch unbetretenes Gebiet enthaelt. So ist dieser Park in 3 Zonen aufgeteilt. Cultural Zone fuer den Massentourismus, Experimental Zone fuer Forscher mit Lizenz und Touristen mit viel Geld UND die Forschungszone, wo ohne Genehmigung der Regierung gar nix moeglich ist. Die Suche ergab folgendes Ergebnis: Egal ob Parque Nacional Manu oder Puerto Maldonando, ... read more
Rio de las Piedras
Mini Kaiman
Biiig Tree!

Armed with plenty of insect repellent and malaria tablets, we boarded our Star Peru flight to Puerto Maldonado to begin our sojourn into the Amazonian basin. This was a journey that was on my “must do” list; to visit the Amazon region and see wildlife in its natural environment. We investigated visiting the Pantanal but we decided it was not quite what we were looking for and not very practical with our itinerary. Then there were other options, Manaus and Iquitos, but these options would have budget and time challenges which did not work well for us. I was becoming a little frustrated by the various obstacles when, at last, a young Lima travel agent came up with a solution. His solution turned out to be a great choice! Our transfer was seamless from the time ... read more
Troop alpha male
Queue for butterfly!

After the physical strain of Machu Picchu, we decided to have a day of rest when we got back to Cusco as we were going to the jungle the following day as well. So our day consisted of; attempting to get some compensation for the Machu Picchu hiccup, going to KFC and getting a massage! In the evening we went to another hostel to meet people from our first Macchu Pichu group and ended up a little bit drunk. Following morning we woke up feeling a bit sorry for ourselves after the night before but got up and waited to be picked up for our 3 day jungle tour in Peurto Maldonado. We were half expecting to not be picked up again, due to the South American's innate organisational skills but luckily for us, at 10am ... read more
Our Lodge in the Jungle
Monkey in a tree at the lake

After our time exploring Machu Picchu and the Sacred Valley, we were off to the Amazon. We had pre-booked a three day/two night package at Sandoval Lake Lodge, as well as an extra night's stay in the jungle village of Puerto Maldonado. The lodge was run by InkaNatura, which is owned by a non-profit conservation group, so even though the tour was expensive by backpacking standards, we were happy to have our money go towards conservation of the beautiful places we were visiting. Just getting to the lodge was an adventure in itself! It took almost the whole day, and included flying from Cusco to Puerto Maldonado, then travelling down the Rio Madre de Dios by a motorized longboat, before hiking through the Tambopata Reserve, and finally taking a canoe across Sandoval Lake to our Lodge. ... read more
Got an Itch!
Giant Otter

Eergisteren ben ik met Leila op stap geweest, een meisje afkomstig uit Brasilië, Rio Branco. ´s Avonds brak er op straat een ruzie en vechtpartij los tussen een groepje jongeren op een hoek van een straat, waar een vrouw een barbecue-stel had staan. Ze maakten denk ik ruzie omdat er iemand niet wou betalen of niet genoeg had betaald. Er werd wat geknokt, er werd eten op straat gesmeten, en een jongen hield er een bloedneus aan over. Toen kwam er een vrouw naar mij toeglopen. Het was de vrouw uit de bar in de discotheek waar we naartoe waren geweest. Het biljet van 20 S/. waarmee ik betaald had was vals, zei ze. Ze hadden het onder een speciale machine gehouden. Waarschijnlijk heeft een of andere Peruviaanse stinkerd mij dat biljet overhandigd als wisselgeld in ... read more

Ik start vandaag voor de veiligheid met een nieuwe blog op een andere website; in de vorige heb ik geen vertrouwen meer en de tekstopmaak hapert. De komende dagen zou de temperatuur hier nog meer de hoogte in gaan. Het is hier nu al zo warm, overdag schat ik tussen de 30 en de 35 graden Celcius, op z´n minst. Paola, 26, afkomstig van Cusco maar nu werkzaam in een secundaire school in Puerto Maldonado en hier ook wonend, heeft mij gevraagd om haar franse les te geven. Ze geeft het vak communicatie, en soms staan er in haar boeken franse woorden waarvan ze de uitsprak niet kent. Morgen ga ik er naar toe :-) Haar ouders bouwen voor haar een huis hier. De grond kost 12.000 Soles, ongeveer 3.000 euro, en de bouw van het ... read more

soy yus war de madre de dios quiero campartir una de mis experias de viaje que tuve en mi formacion como profsional. de la carrera profesional de ecoturismo. en julio del 2008, viaje a la comunidad nativa de Boca Pariamanu, fue un viaje super interesante por alli pude oservar como es la convivencia de ellos, y quedarse alli compartiendo unos dias fue lindo como ver como es el trato, los comuneros fueron muy amables al brindarnos todo loque ellos saben hacer en su vida diaria nos prepararon un rico al estilo de ellos, estuvo rico el almuerzo de bienvenida, pudimos compartir con todos los compañeros,, luego nos llevaron a conocer sus alrededores, lo interesante fue cuando tube la oportunidad de acompañarles al sitio donde ellos acostumbran pesacr, alli con los compañeros nos divertimos pescando, jaja yo ... read more

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