Blogs from Nazca, Ica, Peru, South America - page 12


South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines December 21st 2008

Well get ready this could be a slightly longer entry!!! So much seems to have happen in just a week its great. So just a quick one about the group......there are 12 of us form pretty different backgorunds......2 boys from Surrey, a girly from Bristol and one from Hampshire, a Kiwi couple, an Aussie girl and boy and 2 slightly older people from Canada a lady and bloke!!! All seems to be OK a few frictions from those that have travelled down from Quito to meet us but hey i am sure it will all be cool......right back to the hols!!! So we had another free day Lima so head out to town to goto the San Fransico so 6 of jumped into a 4 seater taxi - hmm you can see that happening at home!!! ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca November 15th 2008

Once again, I must begin by apologising for my tardiness in updating this. I have recently been criticised by someone who shall remain anonymous, who says the standard of my scribblings has been going gradually downhill. This will inevitably lead to me trying too hard and producing sub-standard work, but you asked for it Peter (whoops). I must begin this here missive with a quick comment on my journey between Central and South America. Unfortunately the staff of my airline at San Jose couldnt find my ticket on their system, and despite me insisting they rang their head office or whoever to confirm I had one, they suggested I used a payphone, despite the fact I had no local currency. Customer service at its best there. So I ended up having to buy another ticket for ... read more
Lima - Plaza de Armas

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines November 13th 2008

After spending an afternoon dodging candy stands manned by apathetic women and enduring promotional speeches by every tour company in Nasca, I decided to wake early in the morning and walk the four kilometers to the airport and book my flight over the lines there. Stubbornly, I refused to spend more money that what needed to be spent, forgoing sleep and relaxation in the process. The early morning walk from the grubby downtown of Nasca (while there, I was asked by several locals what I thought of the town. Needles to say, I lied) was quieter--I only counted 17 taxis who honked at me--and cooler. The day was still beginning and I hunched my shoulders against the upcoming heat of the sun. As I neared the airport, I could see small four seater planes that lined ... read more
Dolphin and Tree(?)
Space Man on Mountain

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines November 12th 2008

Day 593 (11.11.08) After a pretty sleepless and cold night on the bus we arrived in Nazca a little the worse for wear. Teaming up with a German girl called Kat we found our hostel, the WalkOn Inn and checked into our room. Unfortunately we couldn't get in until 12.30 so had a huge brekkie at the hostel and got chatting to a couple more of the guests staying who had a fascinating story of retiring and doing up a yacht before sailing it around to see the world. With our room available, Chrissie got scrubbed up whilst Mark went into town to see what there was on offer and to see what the competitive price was for flights over the Nazca lines, the reason for our visit. Nazca is a small town so it didn't ... read more
Us and the plane
Flying over the Nazca Lines
Flying over the Nazca Lines

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines November 11th 2008

Dreams pass into the reality of action. From the actions stems the dream again; and this interdependence produces the highest form of living. - Anais Nin We all have dreams, but all too often we let our fears get in the way of them. Some people are just contented enough to dream and let them remain as such, others all too often let dreams become their master. Either way we all let the noise of life deafen us from what we really want and need. Finding that balance is hard enough, let alone a harmonious one. For ten long years I have dreamt of this. Coutless conversations of dreaming to return to this great continent. Plans with close friends to come with. The noise of life getting in the way for too long, or maybe, just ... read more
Nasca lines

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca November 1st 2008

So i am now in Nazca, and hopefully will be able to upload some photos to accompany this blog. From Lima i travelled south down to Pisco to try the famous Pisco Sour, not the best town as it was destroyed by an earthquake last year and is still recovering. But just next to it is the Paraca coastline, which is stunning, and the Ballestas Islands which are home to all kinds of sea birds (penguins, pelicans, cormarants etc) and also sea lions and are famous for the large quantities of guano they produce! Had a speed boat ride out to the islands and apart from the smell it was great. We then went on to a Pisco factory to see how the drink is made (distilled grapes) and got to sample all the different varieties, ... read more
Lima, Miraflores
Lima Coast

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca October 20th 2008

We arrived in Lima on the 14th Oct. Just another another big bustling city and the mpost random Hostel we have either stayed at! It was a converted Mansion/Museum - you are greeted by a huge statue head and on all the walls are copies of oil paintings in grand frames. Our room was at the top of the building looking over the city and on the roof terrace there were dogs, cats and tortoise roaming and parrots in a cage. Very bizarre but worth 5 pounds a night to stay (with private bathroom)! From there we took a bus into the desert towards Ica and then took a cab even further out to a tiny town amidst the sand dunes. Huacachina seemed to exist purely to offer sand boarding trips to backpackers. Before we got ... read more
Our Hostel !!
Deceptively steep on a hangover
Where´s the Ocean?

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines October 12th 2008

Today was a LONG day, filled with bus rides and lots and lots of waiting. Fortunately the ending was well worth the wait. We arrived at the Cruz del Sur bus station VERY early for our 7am trip and were able to board the bus shortly after arriving. The bus was SO nice! Definately more comfortable than any other bus, train, or airplane I've ever been on, which was especially nice since the trip was going to be almost 5 hours. The entertainment was a bit weak (old movies...Chasing Liberty and Bloodwork), but I spent most of the trip alternating between staring out at Arequipa and its neighboring towns and trying to nap (unsuccessfully), so it didn't matter. The bus stopped right in front of our hotel, the Las Dunas Resort in Ica, so we gathered ... read more

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines October 10th 2008

Day 9 - Nazca to Arequipa - Friday 10th October 2008 Jo was up first but I managed to wake about 0700. We were told the previous night that breakfast started at 0800 and we would be picked up at 0900 to be taken to the airport for our flight over the Nazca Lines. I skipped a shower because the 24 hour hot water wasn’t working at this early hour and by 0830 we figured that breakfast wasn’t going to materialise either. Two blocks from the hostel we managed to get breakfast of a few meat sandwiches and I ordered a white coffee that came out as a glass of hot milk (we’ve since found out that the syrupy compound on our table was the coffee). We returned to Friend’s Place just before 0900 only to ... read more
Astronaut, Nazca Lines
Condor, Nazca Lines
Hummingbird, Nazca Lines

South America » Peru » Ica » Nazca » Nazca Lines October 7th 2008

Vi har naa startet med speed-turisme, og ting var godt tilrettelagt da vi ankom Nazca. Vi ble plukket opp paa bussterminalen kl 0530 om morgenen, og tatt med direkte til flyplassen. Saa skulle vi ut aa fly over de beroemte Nazca-linjene. Nazca-linjene er en samling paa over 300 geoglyfer som ligger i Nazcaoerkenen i Peru. Linjene, som strekker seg ut over et stort omraadet utenfor Nazca, danner mange slags moenstre, blant annet kolibri, oegle, edderkopp og ape. Selve motivene er gjerne flere hundre meter store. Disse linjene ble laget ved aa fjerne det oeverste tynne laget av smaasten slik at den lyse sanden under kom til syne. Man maa ha brukt matematiske hjelpemidler for aa faa det til saa noeyaktig. Linjene har siden holdt seg i saa mange aar fordi det aldri regner eller blaaser i ... read more

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