Blogs from Machu Picchu, Cusco, Peru, South America - page 11


South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu June 11th 2013

Porters were up at 2.30 am and as our tent was only a couple of metres from them we were awake as well. We had to get up at 3.30 as we had to be packed up and had breakfast by 4.30. The porters have to catch a train at 5.30 from the bottom of the valley. We walked down to the check point were we had to wait until 5.30 until the check point opened. There was a very large group waiting to walk. We had our head light on to start the walk. It took about an hour to get to the Sun gate where we got our first glimpse of Machu Pichu. Some of the track was very steep. One section they call the monkey climb we went up using and hands . ... read more
James at the sungate
Mach Pichu

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu May 19th 2013

Second time at Matchu Pichu and you still get that same feeling... No words to describe this ancient city and certainly a special place for me...... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu May 18th 2013

We completed the 4 day jungle trek to Machu Picchu around April 22, including over 50km of hiking(22 on the Inka trail), downhill mountain biking, zip lining, and amazon jungle ending at beautiful Machu Picchu at sun rise. At MP we walked through the Inka ruins, trekked the Inka bridge, Sun Gate, and Machu Picchu Mountain. It was all a bit surreal! Enjoy..... GandR... read more
Mountain biking
Ready for the jungle Mosquitos (LOL)
S.A. Guinea Pig... The get huge!

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu May 12th 2013

Cusco is one of the top cultural cities of Peru filled with quirky shops, huge markets selling everything from wellies (which we bought) right down to deconstructed cows heads and plenty of opportunities to get your photo taken with a lamb or alpaca. This wasn't our main reason for coming though, the main reason was to eventually work our way to Macchu Picchu via the Salkantay trek. Coming from Colca Canyon we had already done a good few days walking and we were now ready for some more. Our first day in Cusco though was utilised by booking the trip and also finding some very good places to eat and drink. So we'd booked our trip with Viajes Cusco, in the Eco Packers hostel and eaten and full English breakfast at a small place called Jacks ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu April 25th 2013

Best intentions of getting up early to catch the first sun rays on Matchu Picchu did not eventuate; the body was not responding after the prior days trek. The legs were surprisingly good when I finally got going. Attached photos describe the day in which the weather continued to behave.... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu April 24th 2013

Buvau prisiklausęs, kad į Maču Pikču reik iti anksti iš ryto, turbūt ilgai reik lipti, nes kalnai aplink visi dideli, o pačių griuvėsių iš apačios nematyti. Atsikeliam 4 ryto, pasiemam gerti, valgyt, nes kelionė laukia ilga, o ten viskas bus be galo brangu. Iškeliaujam prieš 5, nes tiltą per upelį atidaro 5 ryto. Iki tilto maždaug 25min kelio, o už tilto prasideda takelis vedantis iki Maču Pikču. Be mūsų be abejo dar lipa minia žmonių. Rytas lietingas ir vėsokas, bet kai pradedam lipti, greit sušylam. Maždaug pusiaukelėje, prieš 6 ryto pradeda švisti, bet vis dar debesuota ir lija. Kalnai tik kartais šmėsteli tarp debesų, viskas atrodo labai mistiškai. Prienam įėjimą į MAču Pikču, čia jau laukia eilė žmonių. Lipti viso labo tereikėjo apie 1 valandą, tikėjausi, kad reiks lipti bent dvigubai ilgiau. Tiesa tai nevienintelis būdas ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu April 23rd 2013

Atsikėlę papusryčiaujam, susikrovę visus daigtus didžiąsias kuprines paliekam hostelyje, o patys su būtiniausiais daigtais mažose kuprinėse keliaujam iki pagrindinės miesto aikštės kur 8 ryto mus turėtų paimti mikriukas ir nuvežti iki hidroelektrinės kuri yra netoli Maču Pikču. Mikriukas atvažiuoja 8.30, nuo čia kelionė turėtų trukti apie 6 val. Pirma kelionės pusė man jau matytomis vietovėmis, mat čia važiavau su ekskursija prieš kelias dienas. Antra pusė kelio gerokai sudėtingesnė. Pervažiuojam kelis kalnagūbrius, tad posūkis seka po posūkio, mikriukas važiuoja gan greit, tad manau ne vieną šiek tiek pradeda pykinti nuo tokio važiavimo. Bet vaizdai irgi nerealūs. Paskutinė kelionės atkarpa vietomis primena mirties kelią. Siauras vingiuotas žvyrkelis kurio šalikelė - status skardis. Apie 15.30 pasiekam tikslą, o nuo čia dar bent 2,5 val. pėsčiomis iki miestelio Aguas Calientes, kur apsi... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu April 21st 2013

Today we started our 4 day/ 3 night trek through SAS travel. Nice early morning pick up from out hotel and then on to the starting point of the trail for us. Our guides (Eddie, Oscar, and JC) were awesome for the whole trek and would really recommend SAS Travel for anyone wanting or planing to do the Inca Trail. The trek was harder than I was expecting but I live at sea level and even though I arrived in Cusco three days early I had been sick the entire time a cold/flu not GI. Actually never got sick in Peru or on the trail). However, that did not stop me from enjoying the trek and seeing the amazing views it has to offer that are out of the way for those traveling by train or ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu April 11th 2013

We got up around 7.00am, had a quick wash and checked out of our hostel. We made our way to what we were told was a bus station. We turned the corner and were immediately being waved, screamed and shouted at "Ollantaytambo!!!!!!!!!" "15 Soles!!!!!!". One of the quieter guys who was already taking two local women selling fruit and vegetables offered to take us for 10 Soles so we decided to go with him. Once we arrived we had about 1 hour and 30 minutes to kill so had a musli breakfast. After eating we made our way into the station to wait for our Inca Rail train. After some goofing around and Jon doing little dances in his walking boots that he was secretly growing to like the train arrived. The train was really nice ... read more
Jon in His Lovely Walking Boots
First View of Machu Picchu
Jon & Me Machu Picchu

South America » Peru » Cusco » Machu Picchu April 1st 2013

Machu Picchu: 1 night and 2 days in Aguas Calientes / Machu Picchu Pueblo is enough. We took the Perurail which offer a Panoramic view. There is lots of places to stay once arrived. Aguas Calientes offers also hot springs (10 Soles) for those with tired legs. We woke up early to catch the first bus to Machu Picchu at 5.30 am. It takes 30 min to arrive to this wonderful Lost City. It was wet, foggy, misty but still fantastic and eye-catching. Brief History: Machu Picchu has in fact been discovered first in 1874 by a German cartographer. Hiram Bingham rediscovered it in 1911. Machu Picchu means "Old Mountain" and the site is referred as "the Lost City of The Inkas". Among with Saqsaywaman, it is a highlight of the imperial Incan culture and serves ... read more
view from the train
Aguas Calientes
Machu Picchu

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