Blogs from Cusco, Cusco, Cusco, Peru, South America - page 46


South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 28th 2009

So life in cusco is pretty awesome. Walking the narrow (dangerous for crazy motorists) cobble stone steets. Its true you are harrassed at every moment to buy something but you can always try running. lol. plus a three course meal for less that 2 dollars is not a challenge to find. i´ve mostly been shopping, but am DONE now. gorgeous alpaca, hats, scarfs and mits for 2 or 3 dollars, but 70 dollars to ship all the crap i bought. so today me and one of my argentinian friends, Huakin, went exploring way up high the sights above cusco. then for 5 bucks we rented two horses for 2 hours with a little guy that tries to run after us. holy crappers!!! i´ve never really ridden before. i got a 2 minute crash course and slap ... read more
on top of cusco
on top of horsie
taking a break from horsie to visit supposed ruins

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 27th 2009

And so to Cusco. Following an indescribably good hot shower after our canyon mission we boarded a 10 bus to Cusco, home of the Incas and gateway to Machu Picchu. To start with the bus was just dandy, following the same scenic roads as our bus to the Canyon had followed two days before. Then the sun woke up and we started to bake. And then to steam. And then to roast. Up the very front with no windows or air conditioning we sweltered as the bus' temperature gauge hovered its way to 40 degrees and beyond. Hours later as the sun slipped behind the clouds the temperature dropped nearer to 30 and we began to feel more human again. Then the rain drops started and roads began to fade. From our point of view at ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 21st 2009

Yes its official, here in Peru I could be classed as a tall long legged blond for the first and probably only time in my life! :) Well its been a hectic 10 days here in the Andes with lots of climbing, magnificent sights, more climbing, early starts and yet more climbing!!! I can´t say I´ve developed a life long passion for climbing. Its been a long hard slog but the views at the end worth it. We departed Lima on the 12th for Arequippa, which is a very pretty town. No sooner had we arrived when they whisked us off for a city tour followed by a Monastery tour. Didn´t even notice we had arrived at 2,300m! Unfortunately we had some camera technical malfunction with the screen of my digital going caput. So the rest ... read more
Julz floating village
Marty Lake Titicaca

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 20th 2009

When I did finally manage to drag myself away from Lima I was faced with a 20 hour bus journey up to Cusco, the ancient city in the mountains. Although I wasnt looking forward to this at first, I met another guy from the hostel who was getting the same bus as me and we got on well so I had someone to talk to, and I watched some movies and read a book. They do have some funny choices of movies on south america buses though. There were a few children on the bus and first they showed a badly dubbed disney film and then for some strange unknown Peruvian reason followed that with a mexican child sex slave movie. Go figure that one out. The first half of the journey was fine because the ... read more
ggg 412
ggg 400
ggg 339

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 20th 2009

The next few weeks are going to be very exciting. On Saturday (March 21), I am leaving Cusco for Lima, Peru’s capital. I’m not sure exactly what we will be doing there but I believe a day at the beach is involved. After spending 7 days in Lima, we will be moving on the Amazon. Once again, not sure all of what we will be doing but I know that we be spending time with local Shamans. Our home base will be in Iquitos to which there are no roads. We’ll be there in the Amazon, the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve to be exact, with the boas and mosquitoes for about another week. I’m a little nervous about malaria and the interesting insects that I’ll encounter in the jungle but all in all I’m excited. After we get ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 19th 2009

You asked for pics, here they are. Remember, I´m not a professional photographer... It takes forever to upload pictures so I picked the highlights. I think you should be able to see them in my photos part of this blog. There are 17 of them, hopefully this works... ... read more
Changing of the Guard
Me and the Police...

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 18th 2009

lol. just kidding!!! The title sounds dirtier than it is! Jaime the hostel manager made me put the last bit in. RECAP - thanks Gina and Ana-Maria (the german girls) for wandering Arequipa, and the tiny little towns surrounding it with me!! so basically i recovered from altitude sickness episode numero uno, and a group of us (us plus Adres and Cecilia) went to some small town to look at an old mill and then wander up some farm terraces into deshelved quaint neighbourhoods, following the sounds of small explosions- like fireworks or guns. probably fireworks as there was tons of smoke. however after several kilometers and the loss of sunlight we decided to ask a bus going in the wrong direction if they were perhaps going in the right direction.... lol.. go figure.. but as ... read more
roof of my hostel, arequipa
at the old mill
at the old mill

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 16th 2009

We are clean! We are actually clean! Our mud coated boots have been yanked from our feet, as have our sweat soaked socks and clothes, which will probably never be fit to be worn again. The grease has been washed from our hair, and the layers of grime have been removed, and the aches and pains that come with three and a half days of constant hiking have been eased away by the magic of an oh-so-wonderful heated shower. The first shower in four days. Needless to say, the first stage of our Peruvian Adventure - the Inca Trail - was a smelly affair. Was it worth it? Was it worth the thousands and thousands of steps, the smells, the disgusting excuse for toilets, the trudging through mud and donkey dung, the shifting from extreme heat ... read more
Llamas at Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 15th 2009

Hello all! I´m still in Cuzco but am feeling much more acclimated to the altitude. My poor old heart is getting a work out! Spent yesterday visiting three sites, Tambomachay, Pukapukara and Saksaywaman (phonetically sounds like ´sexy woman´). If I didn´t think 3400 m was high enough, Tambomachay is just short of 4000 m, like I said, my poor little heart... Truly incredible sites, hard to describe the size of the stones on these sites, specifically Saksaywaman. My guide book says the largest ones weigh over 300 tons, and judging from the size, I´d believe it. Lots of tourists but I manage to find some moments of quiet solitude at these ruin sites. Sorry, still at the same internet cafe so no pics but I´ll post as soon as I can. I´ve also come to realize ... read more

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco » Cusco March 11th 2009

So I seem to have a great internet connection to upload pictures so here are some of my favorites thus far to catch you all up.......... read more
Pizza and Wine with the girls
My Cusco parents
Pago al tierra

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