Blogs from Arequipa, Arequipa, Peru, South America - page 42


South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa January 8th 2008

Before I headed for Arequipa I almost got stuck in La Paz because the roads from La Paz to Copacabana were being blocked by bus drivers protesting for better insurance. Every other day they would temporarily allow some traffic through and of course the ticket price increased. In the bus from Copacabana to Arequipa (around 9 hours) I met Therese, a very interesting Norwegian girl, who was traveling around South America for half a year, learning Spanish. That made the bus trip seem a lot shorter :) Therese and I got along so well that we ended up doing all of the sightseeing in Arequipa together. We also met a very nice Austrian woman, Monika, who was also traveling along, so we all ended up having a girl's night out for dinner. As I had predicted ... read more
Just after dinner with Therese and Monika
Monasterio de Santa Catalina  - a regular nun
In Cusco Coffee Company (Starbucks)

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa January 2nd 2008

New Year was like being at home, without the alcohol and Daddy´s famous punch! Every year Wayra goes to the beach with his friends at New Year, its a common thing for Peruanos to do as December til February is Summer here. But this year, as we had spent the whole of Christmas in the highlands with his family and completely out of contact with my family, we decided to stay in Arequipa for a special kind of celebration. Every year my parents have had a New Year´s Eve party since the Millennium and I haven´t missed any til now. As Ireland is 5 hours ahead of Peru it was perfect that I could celebrate New Year with my family via webcam and MSN, while later going out in Arequipa and celebrating again with friends here ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa December 27th 2007

There's only a few, but i'm uploading more. Here you can photos! Photos!... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa December 26th 2007

Well, what can I say about Christmas in Ayapata. As you know, we collected money in Ireland with massive help from my family and friends, with which we bought toys and t-shirts for the children in Ayapata. We got up early on Christmas morning to start preprations. Friends of Wayra´s family stayed overnight so they could help out in the morning. They got up at 5am and started preparing the hot chocolate and the ´paneton´, which is special christmas cake. It originated in Italy apparently and its a huge cake which can be cut into about 16 pieces or more! So at 7.30am a small, well behaved group of children had appeared. At around 9.30am there were more than 1500 children on the road outside Wayra´s home... It was unbelieveable. If you look at the pictures ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa December 25th 2007

merry xmas! well arequipa is such a lovely place.....worth the bus up with the gap group thatwe had been traveling with and had chrissy dinner on the 24th evening as they celerbrate chrissy then.... was a nice buffet....then went out for drinks and let off fire works was so cool......... then we had a chrissy lunch bbq and salads which me an j did for the group was so much fun......... read more
cathedral arequipa
plaza de armas
no touch please were peruvian

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa December 22nd 2007

Our two days in Lima were spent touring the museums and shopping and a few of us had to chase down our Paraguayan visas. Jodie and I were denied entry to the Spanish Inquisition Museum twice and we have no idea why. The museum is supposed to be lame with only a few torture devices and bad dummies but still, I wanted to see it! We visited the San Francisco Monestery and saw the catacombs with hundreds of bones under the church. Then we were off to Huacachina where everyone else went sand boarding but I stayed on the bus because of a stomach bug. They all had a great time and I was disappointed to miss out but I can always do it in Africa. We spent the night in Nasca and each of us ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa December 21st 2007

Well, when you arrive in Ayapata or Kana, which is the name of the village where Wayra´s home is, you need to climatise and that means doing as little as possible! Saying that, I´m never allowed to do anything when I am there, Wayra´s mama and sister do everything and if they see me lift a brush or attempt to help in any way they reprimand me! So we had arrived at 3am Friday morning, so most of Friday was spent lying about, taking in the views, which are spectacular and chatting. In the evening about 7pm the Shaman arrived. He had been invited earlier that day by Wayra´s brother-in-law to officiate the ceremony of offering presents to Pacha Mama, mother nature. These ceremonies are very sacred and are to be taken seriously. Wayra has told ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa December 18th 2007

On 19th December we will travel to Ayapata to play Mr & Mrs Claus for the children who live in the moutains around Ayapata. These children will not be expecting Santa nevermind Christmas of any kind, so they will be very surprised to be invited for a Christmas party! We will buy cake for families, cars for boys and dolls for girls and we are hoping if the money stretches that we can get t-shirts printed up for the occassion! Can´t wait! If anyone wants to make a contribution to this Christmas fund, you can contact my mammy and she can lodge money into special account I opened for donations! Our journey begins at 5am leaving Arequipa to go to Juliaca on a 5/6 hour bus journey to buy the toys and cakes we need for ... read more

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa December 12th 2007

The Ballestos Islands, known as the poor man´s Galapagos, are just off the tiny, coastal village of Paracus. Dolphins swam out with us as we headed towards the islands where we were entertained by female sea lions posing on the rocks for the cameras whilst the huge male sea lions grunted noisily amongst themselves on the sand, penguins waddled around and dived into the water and we saw all sorts of birds including cormarents and boobies. Back on dry land I tried a saltenda from a local vendor, a ball shaped spicey snack, and bought some hand made chocolates from a lady wandering around with a basket. We later arrived in the small town of Huanchaco, a small Oasis surrounded by sand dunes and which appears on the back of a 50 soles note. We were ... read more
Sand, sand and more sand...
Guinea Pig - yum!

South America » Peru » Arequipa » Arequipa December 12th 2007

Well, as many of you know, I raised some money before I left for Peru. This money was intended to go to poor children in Arequipa and Ayapata and anywhere it was needed basically. Of course I need to make many judgement calls about this money and so far I think I´ve decided ok! Today I purchased some toys to the value of 50quid to go to children in the area where the earthquake happened back in August. The head teacher of the Insitute I teach at is going on Boxing Day with another man to give these toys and other things inclduing clothes to the devastated people in Ica and Nazca. I felt this was a worthy cause and I also donated about 12 pounds to help with the journey of the teacher. Also, many ... read more

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