Blogs from Ancash, Peru, South America - page 22


South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 20th 2007

A week before we leave and we´ve had out first ´cuy´ (guinea pig) fantastically prepared for us by our Peruvian friend at La Luna cafe, who makes the best Mexican food, and has been a very great man in allowing us to experience the various potent liquors of the South Americas! Unfortunately it wasn´t to our taste. The physical presentation of it didn´t put us off at all (guinea pig arrives complete with head, teeth, and feet - ´hands´ included) There´s not much meat on it, and coin the cliche, tastes like chicken. It really did. Ah well, the potato fries, salad and mango and jalepeño chille sause was amazing. A true testament to Tony´s cooking!!! We´ve ummed and ahhed about what to to for the last week - tackle a couple of ´little´ mountains, ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 14th 2007

Well, here are the photos from my two weeks of adventures in the Cordillera Blanca..... It was absolutely stunning. Hopefully the pictures will speak for themselves! After the trek, I had a really relaxed day and just loved having a proper bed again! In the last two days I squeezed in some Ice-climbing and a glacier walk, before heading all the way down back to Lima to meet Lizzie (my sister), who was coming to join me for the next, and last, 6 weeks of the trip.... ... read more
Camp 6
The end...

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 12th 2007

I decided to do it - climb a high mountain, up to some god awful altitude and see what all the fuss is about. And Peru seemed to be the perfect place (whilst perusing a guide book for Alaska where I´ll be going later with my friend Richard, I noted that similar activities there cost $1000 per day, whereas here I arranged a two-day climb including everything for the princely sum of $110). Lukas, alas, had had it with mountains... was it being beaten by a Scot up Punto Union, one too many tins of tuna in the backpack, or that last skinny dip that had brought on a bit of a fever? Well, whichever, he made plans to head off the next day to the beach near Trujillo, after a day trip to nearby Chavin, ... read more
My rucksack (how come I ended up carrying the tent??)
Dan (aka Mark) and our guide having a break on the hike up to base camp
This is what it looks like at 5000m at 5am

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 11th 2007

Hey guys Will leave the caption comp running a little longer, not got a winner yet!! First of all, I´d like to say a huge sorry for forgetting to put it at the end of my last journal and thank you to: Matt for having unfathomable energy, both mentally and physically to have kept us going right to the very top. The Germans for passing us at that precise moment and granting us the opportunity to go on. The Norwegians for their friendship and advice at camp and for handshakes on the summit!!! Most of all to Martin for hanging back a year and waiting for me, so we could experience all this together, and what an experience it´s been! May it be the start of many more, despite the difficulties I´m glad to have done ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 9th 2007

The Santa Cruz circuit is one of the main trekking routes in the Cordillera Blanca and a mighty fine one at that. Along with my trusty sidekick, Lukas, who´d actually beaten me to Huaráz despite me leaving him behind in Cusco, I headed down the valley from Huaráz to Caraz, then on to Cashapampa by colectivo. The night before we´d stocked up on sufficient chocolate, quinua chicken surprise, and in Lukas´s case tuna, enough to feed the japanese army for a week, to get us safely through the 4 day trek. The market in itself was an interesting experience: though i got a photo of the chickens hanging up, I was too chicken to get a photo of the platters of disected guinea pigs, the local delicacy. Caraz seemed a nice place and there we stocked ... read more
Preparations for the hike
Strange parallels between the mountains and Lukas´ enormous rucksack!
First glimpse of some white stuff!

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca June 9th 2007

EDIT / photos to come soon!!! I´m leaving Huaraz tomorrow. This is so strange, time here has gone by so quickly. I´m really going to miss this place. It has a great community spirit and there are soem real characters here. Oh well, lets get onto my week. Sunday we all went horse riding in the cordillera negra. It was me Laura, Tom, Jess and a guest called Brian who we made friends with. We rode all the way up a mountain and the view was spectacular. My horse wasn´t very well behaved and kept biting Laura´s horse. His name was Tomotei. I think he was just a bit gender confused really. We went for a walk along the top of the mountain and had a lunch. I had the smallest banana I have ever seen. ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 8th 2007

Hey guys, got my very own Toching the Void right here, and I´ll start from the very beginning. As I said in the last journal, Martin, Matt and I planned to climb Mount Pisco (5,752masl) without a guide and we were going to do it Monday. We spent a lot of time doing a lot of prep work for it, this is serious business, we were venturing into the realm of mountaineering for the first time and it´s no easy step to take. We spent two days sat in Cafe Andino poring over topographical maps, sketches, route descriptions and humorous stories of a dinner party at the summit. We needed to rent a fair few bits, get some food in and a bigger pot to cook in!!! Friday/ Saturday - We decided we´d do the trip ... read more

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 8th 2007

Here are some photos of our icy adventures!!!! The caption competition is open!!!! send me an email and I´ll publish the best in the next blog, I´ve now got to think of a new prize as the whole coca thing is a bit too dicey. I only meant it in jest, however I´d forgotten about the darker side of our high altutude tea leaves.... read more
Me ice climbing close up
Me at morraine camp
Me on Pisco Summit

South America » Peru » Ancash » Cordillera Blanca June 6th 2007

Ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis (mittlerer Weile in Peru) war der 5 taegige Ausflug in die Cordilliera Blanca. Georg, noch etwas mitgenommen von der Kaelte im Ecuadorianischen Hochland, ist weiter nach Lima - ich aber nach Huaraz, der groessten Stadt in mitten der weissen Gipfel. Wie meistens bin ich mit dem Uebernachtbus abends los und frueh morgens am Ziel angekommen, einziger Unterschied zu sonst: Huaraz liegt auf 3100 Meter und morgens um 6.30 Uhr sind´s nur 2 Grad ueber null, autsch!! Schnell eine Unterkunft gesucht, heissen Tee in rauhen Mengen getrunken und alle warmen Sachen die man mit hat, angezogen. Auch meine neue Akpaca-jacke in Zumbahua erstanden kam hier gleich zum Einsatz. Dann hab ich eine 4 taegigen Treck klargemacht mit einem weiteren Tag dazwischen zur Akklimatisierung. Nach meinem 5000er Erlebnis is das sicher machbar, schliesslich ... read more
v.r. n.l. Pierre, Mauricio, Jess, Tyson, Matt, Manuel
Imbal & Armir
4750 Meter

South America » Peru » Ancash » Huaraz June 4th 2007

Hiking in this mountainous region was fantastic - exhausting but deeply satisfying. However, Huaraz gave me mixed feelings. This town, arguably the trekkers’ capital in Peru, located in the proximity of perhaps two dozen 6,000 m peaks (including Huascaran the Peruvian highest mountain and Alpamayo, supposedly voted for as the most beautiful mountain in the world) seemed in a disrepair. The major plaza and many streets in the center were under construction, many restaurants marked in my guide were no longer there, and Edward’s Inn, a highly recommended hotel, was totally empty when I got there. However, its citizens were nice enough and once we got used to the mess in the streets we were able to enjoy what the city had to offer - access to premier mountain equipment, mountain guides, agencies, and some ... read more
Huaraz - campsite2
Huaraz - sheep1
Huaraz - Bull

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