Blogs from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South America - page 223


South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro February 28th 2006

Carnaval Friday: After living out of a bag for ten weeks we were as much looking forward to hanging up our clothes for 5 whole days as we were Carnaval. We were over the moon with our hotel with roof-top pool and bar one block from Ipanema beach. This was to be expected however as we had booked the hotel when we were both working and money had less value. What we spent on the hotel for 5 days accommodation alone is our current budget for 2 whole weeks total spend - but it turned out to be worth it. We hung up our clothes, showered and dried with big soft towels, shaved/dryed hair then put our rucksacks in the back of the wardrobe and cooled in our air-conditioned room while watching ´Malcom in the Middle´. ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro February 28th 2006

Left Foz for the big drive up to Rio for Carnaval, via Curitiba and Bertioga, long truck days and torrential rain at one campsite... one slightly bizarre highlight was a stop at a petrol station where they had a set of drums in the corner and a kid of about 7 sat and played some excellent rhythms for us as we queued for the toilets! Definitely helped get us in the mood for Carnaval a bit..! Finally got to Paraty, which is a lovely town by the sea, all cobbled streets and colourful shops, restaurants and bars. We thought there were a lot of overland trucks at the campsite in Foz, but this one must have been some sort of record - 3 Tucan trucks, 4 Budget, Overland, Dragoman, SAS, you name any overland company and ... read more
Chilling on our balcony in Paraty
Tucan convoy into Rio
Christ the Redeemer statue

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro February 28th 2006

OMG! They did it again!!!! Why us why us?!?! We were ready to board a bus (yes bus again) when 3 locals directed us to take the bus behind instead to get to the subway station. Thinking they were good samaritans, we took their advice and boarded the bus behind. OSM and I boarded first and CJ was sandwiched between those 3 fellows. We didn´t know why one of them took so long to buy the tix. It was actually one of them blocking the way, while the other one tried to use a pen to pry open the zip and the last person put his hand in. CJ screamed after she realised her bag was opened, though she had locked her bag. She shouted at the man whose hand was found coming out from the ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro » Botafogo February 27th 2006

Hello all, just a quick entry today as thought i would upload my photos from iggassu falls and give you a bit of an update on Carnival. Have been recovering today as it has bee a mad couple of days. Travelled from Paraty to Rio on Friday and left the dragoman group as we were doing our own thing for carnival. So to say goodbye, had a few too many vodkas and went to the red and black ball which is to celebrate football fever-the big brazilian football team flamengo whos colours are black and red. Had an excellent night (no phtos im afraid as took my disposable camera). The next day we went to the football match at the marcarena stadium to watch flamengo play botafogo. We should really have supported botafogo since thats where ... read more
The drago group
The falls
View from the helicopter

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro February 26th 2006

Sob sob... My sunglasses was snatched! We were getting ready to board the bus when a teenage boy just snatched my sunglasses and ran off! I was stunned for a moment. Sob sob... my reliable Oakley! What am I going to do without it for the rest of the trip? The only consolation was that we were not hurt in the process. It´s only the 2nd day to my SA trip and something was stolen oredi. By the end of 4mths, will my 20kg bag be reduced to 10kg when I come back? Hmph.... ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro February 26th 2006

The plane ride was long and a little stressed, one cause I couldn´t sleep on the plane and the other because once I got to Sao Paulo the airport was super crowded and I almost missed my flight to Rio. However, after surviving a talker on the plane, I made it to Rio and had a whole welcoming party came to greet me. That was great and made me feel at home. We went directly to the apartment I am staying at in Copacaban, literally 1 block from the beach! It has been in the upper 80s during the day and in the lower 80s at night. Fantastic weather! OK, I will write more tomorrow but I have to get going to the Samba parade which starts in 2 hours...CIAO... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro February 25th 2006

The Carnaval. The reason for us being here in Brazil. What impress me most is not the parade itself, but the passion and spontaneity of the people. The audience just danced and sashay to the music, fully immersing into the atmosphere. And the best part is the performers simply go home by subway with their costumes on. Can you imagine performers in Chingay going home on MRT with their make-up and costume on? Was really an interesting sight. And the parade itself? We were excited when the first group came. After that, we waited for 20 mins for the second group to appear. We were really sleepy during the long wait (we are accustommed to the 11hr time diff yet). When the third group finally arrived, we decided that we´ll go back hotel to sleep after ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro February 25th 2006

After a bit of a lay in after a big night at the Red and Black ball, me and a friend got up and dragged ourselves to the beach. Not just any beach, but one of the most famous in the world, Copacabana!!! It was great weather and the beach was busy. I had a quick swim, and we just chilled out and people watched. We were just outside the Copacbana Palace Hotel, where the Rolling Stones and Madonna reportedly stayed just the week before. Again its like you are in a postcard, unreal!! We left the beach and made our way back to the hotel for 2pm. The next unreal adventure would take us to one of the most famous football stadiums in the world, the Maracana. We got there in good time, and bought ... read more
Flamengo v Botafogo
In my Flamengo shirt
Palm Trees

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro » Rio de Janeiro February 25th 2006

After 31 hours, we have finally arrived at Rio de Janeiro with much anxiety! Slept throughout the journey but still feeling very tired... Read so much abt the possible danger of getting robbed that upon arrival at the airport, we anxiously guided our bags with caution. So kua zhang to the extent tt OSM refused to let go of the trolley when the airport attendant attempted to help us to load our bags up the cab. It was quite a comical sight. Dunno what we doing tmr. Can´t think straight now. Hope we´ll be more alert after a good nite sleep! ... read more

South America » Brazil » Rio de Janeiro February 24th 2006

First point of call today was to Corcovodo, Christ the Redeemer, the magnificent statue and symbol that overlooks Rio. We left the hotel at 9am. To see the sights you negotiate with a taxi driver, who will take you to each main site for a set price, so 100 Reals was agreed. We drove across the City, and made the ascent up the hill towards the statue. At the top of the hill, the taxi pulled up, and we walked the rest of the way. The sight over the City is now amazing, and its a glorius day, blue skies and sun. You approach the statue from the back, and its an amazing sight. You walk around the bottom of the statue, and you can see all around this magnificent City, Botafogo, Copacabana, Ipanema and the ... read more
Sugar Loaf Mountain
Launchpad for Hangliding

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