Blogs from Salar de Uyuni, Potosí Department, Bolivia, South America - page 52


Our third and final day on the salt plain tour began well before dawn even broke, at 4.30am. By 5am we were all shivering in the jeep owing to the near -10 degree temperature hanging in the air. After about half an hour, we stopped by a series of geysers and thermal vents where we could hear the steam hissing violently from the ground although seeing it was another matter entirely - it was darker than Tim Burton movie out there! On we drove until we reached a little hut by a lake. This was why we had got up so early - to be at the thermal pools at sunrise - and boy, was it worthwhile. While I seriously debated the wisdom of getting into my swimgear in freezing temperatures, everyone else bit the ... read more
Sun and Steam
Bath Time

Time for a bit of a catch up folks. Sory for the wait..... ---------------------------------------------- Day Two Having slept for almost 12 hours solid, I was the first person to wake up on the second day of our salt plains trip and the most amazing dawn awaited me. I stood on the porch of the salt hostel and watched as the sun broke over the endless horizon and illuminated the sky in burnished shades of red and orange. It was really lovely and so peaceful too. Both Glynn and I felt a lot better for our marathon sleep but still couldn't face any food so skipped breakfast. By 8am, and an hour behind schedule, the whole group was packed up and back in the jeep ready for another day's adventures. We sped across the desert floor ... read more
Chile or Bust
Car Trouble
In the Pink

Pretty much everyone who comes to Bolivia comes to Uyuni. This desolate, isolated town that is quite literally a hundred miles from anywhere and slap bang in the middle of a dusty desert plain is far from appealing. Why then do so many tourists come here? Step forward the Salar de Uyuni or salt plains. Back in La Paz, we had been so pleased with our jungle trip with Inca Land Tours that we booked our trip to the salt plains through them too. They in turn booked us with a company called Sol de Manana and our first impressions were good. Located just next to the Hotel Avenida, where we stayed during our brief time in Uyuni, the staff seemed friendly, well organised and above all didn't take certain nationalities with them (we have ... read more
Full Steam Ahead
Big Sky
Me and My Llama

We crossed the Chilean-Bolivian border to begin the Salt Flats tour. We travelled in convoy wih one other Jeep. Myself, Lorraine, Helen and Anna & Paul went in one of the jeeps and then a group consisting of a french woman, an Englis lad, 2 Kiwis and and a welsh girl were in the other. The first part of the trip was to bathe in thermal springs whic unfortunately we were unable to do because we though that that was for day 2. We then visited Lago Colorado which was beautiful. The first night was spent in basic accomodation and it must have been about -5 to -10 outside. We then got up bright and early the following morning to head to visit some other sights along the way to our second nights lodgings in ... read more
El Lago Colorado
Salar de Uyuni
Salar de Uyuni

Well, this was a strategic decision. As the whole salt flats and lagunes experience was overfilled with natural beauty, we thought it best to create a separate story for all the frustration built up during the 3 day journey...... So here goes. There's only so many things you can do as a tourist to safeguard yourself from any sort of bad/mal-practice, fraud, robbery (not that that happened so far), lies, etc etc, and we thought we had many of our i's dotted and t's crossed. Not in this one. OK, it was a Toyota LandCruiser, generally the most reliable 4WD you can get, but it's colour hadded faded already because of it's age. Hard to tell, especially when you start of in sunny conditions, on a very flat salt lake. So no bad news on ... read more
One of the scenic lunch spots.
Scenic driving, albeit slow....
Alternative refueling.... with a garden hose. Yes, we had approx 200liters of fuel on our roof....

After the most awful bus journey so far we hit Uyuni!! Imagine a 12 hour bus journey with no toilet, two stops and bad guts - yep painful!! Luckily we met some nice people on the bus journey to join to go and do a tour with as you need at least six in a jeep so we were all sorted in that respect and then also luckily I was introduced to some magic pills that finally made my stomach better...some magic pink antibiotic pills that you can just buy over the counter for 1 boliviano (12p!!!). DAY 1 When our Toyota Land Cruiser rocked up I nearly fell looked like the oldest truck in the whole town and even had a very well suited eagle on the side....straight out of Harley Davidson I ... read more
our golden eagle toyota bomber
us playing on the salt flats
us playing on the salt flats

Reached Uyuni at 2am all wrecked and pissed with travelling and got lucky with a nice local hostel. Uyuni was a bit of a dump and looks like a western town but turned out to be not to bad in the end. Our aim here was to do the Salt flats. Its a three or four day trip which you drive 120kms stuffed into a 4x4. It didnt sound appealing but we were told is unmissable. The salt flats were created when the sea dried up and left spectactular views for tourists. It looks like a white desert and you cant see the horizon in some places. You also get to try to make some cheesy photos aswell. We had plenty of choice with 66 companies doing the tours and got ours for a paltry ... read more
The Flats
The Flats
The Flats

Day 3 The Plains South America » Bolivia » Uyuni » Salar de Uyuni By nialljenkinsApril 18th 2007 Day 3 was an early start at 5am but was defintely the best day. We drove for an hour in the dark and caught the sunrise which was spectactular. Then we arrived at geysers at 4800mtrs and these were really cool. The smell was horrible though(smelled like graham). The noise was the coolest part,just a constant roar as the steam comes out of the ground. Next up was some really hot pools which were roasting in the freezing tempatures at 5000 mtrs. Great jumping in to wake us up. After that we headed on for dese... read more
Mud Pool

Day 2 The Plains South America » Bolivia » Uyuni » Salar de Uyuni By nialljenkinsApril 18th 2007 Next morning we were up at half 7 for "breakfast"(lump of bread no water supplied). Getting pissed at our guide and retarted chef was the main activity of the first part of the morning. That day we drove through a few salt lakes with lots of flamingos. Most of the driving that day was just through barren desert but looked pretty cool. We stopped at these spectactular rocks in the middle that were eroded by the wind into these cool shapes. Its funny how a few rocks can improve your mood. Think thats all we r... read more
Mountain Dork

Het wordt een fotoshow deze keer, want hoe kun je toch uitleggen dat je zoveel hebt gezien dat mooi mooi mooi is en iedere keer weer zo verschillend. 42 foto´s zullen het werk moeten doen en ik denk dat dat wel zal lukken. In alle vroegte stonden Paul, Ale en ik weer op in San Pedro de Atacama. Deze keer niet zo vroeg als toen we geisers gingen kijken maar toch..... Uitslapen is mijn ding. Met een transferbusje gingen we naar de grens van Bolivia. Om het kwartier werd de bus stilgezet anders raakte hij overhit. We zaten in het busje met, op het eerste gezicht, 7 coole mensen en 4 Israelische meiden. Twee toffe meiden uit Brazilië, Georgia en Stella, werden helaas zowel voor hen als voor mij bij de Israeliërs ingedeeld. Maar liever zij ... read more
Lago Blanco
Paul en Ale

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