Blogs from Cochabamba Department, Bolivia, South America - page 23


Cochabamba, or Cbba, for short. We´ve had good times (paragliding, rock climbing, monkey in my shirt), we´ve had bad times (broken bike, attempted french-kiss from 80 yr old, chicha), but all in all its been good. I have been living a working in Cochabamba, Bolivia for about a month now. Its been relaxing, fun, and mostly a wonderful learning experience. The main attraction to Cbba is the climate. It hasn´t rained once since I have been here. During the days I sweat in my pants, and at night it cools down enough to need a sweater. But in general its about the closest thing to perfect weather that you could ask for. And the surrounding mountains rise dramatically on all sides. Nice to look at, nice to be in, I can understand why people recommended ... read more

This is my final week as a TPA volunteer and it will be my busiest, most probably. I have been invited to go to Puerto Villaroel, a settlement in the Chapare near the Amazon, with Carmen, Ximena, Daniela and some of the volunteers, leaving Thursday. so I have four days in which to write three smallish features for Cocha-Banner, but I also want to do something on at least one of these stories for Los Tiempos. I feel bad that I havent had any time to do work for Maria Julia, LT´s economics editor, since I have been kept busy with other things: oddly, and unexpectedly, I have been drawn into doing mostly social or cultural journalism for LT and for Cocha-Banner. I am enjoying it but it means a fairly significant change in the ... read more

Bon día chicas, chicos, mi perras bellezas, amigos, amigas.... Last week I stated in my diary that my aims for that week were to have some more stories published in LT, and to get invited to lunch by Luz Marina. Well, somehow, by luck, fate, blood, sweat, tears, and a bit of crappy spanish, I kind of outdid myself. I was published in both Saturday´s and Sunday´s Los Tiempos. And Luz Marina offered me a job and asked my to stay in her house while I worked at LT. Last Thursday I came to work as usual but my immediate boss, the economics editor Maria Julia, wasn´t here. I had no stories to do for her so I was sort of twiddling my thumbs and doing my spanish homework to pass the time. The day ... read more

This was published in Los Tiempos last Saturday. It´s my first professionally publlished non financial article - I have written music and art reviews before but only for smalltime internet fanzines. I´m not sure it´s my best work but considering the culture editor Michel decided to throw me in at the deep end and make me attend this exposition alone without him or a translator, it´s OK! I went with two Los Tiempos photographers but they were off taking snaps so I had to find and interview the curator with my crappy spanish.... if you like graphic novels you should check this dude out, Tanino Liberatore is muy famoso y muy interesante. I still prefer writing about business because ´for some reason I´m crap at writing professionally about art and music. I will keep that as ... read more

Hello all After leaving La paz we headed for the largest body of water in the world at such a high alltitude. Lake Titicata. The lake is situated on the border with Peru. The trip did not get off to a good start as the Bolivian cuisine finaly caught up with me and my stomach, so the bus journey there i was struggling to keep my stomach contents inside, turned out to be a difficult task. Anyway got to the main town on the lake called cocacohbana (i cant spell), if you didnt know the beach in rio is named after a shrine kept in this town. We managed to check into a hostel and got a private room for under a pound each a night, cheapest on the trip! While a was in bed all ... read more

This was published in today´s Los Tiempos. EL MUNICIPIO FUE UBICADO ENTRE LAS COMUNAS QUE MENOS TRABAS PONEN A TRÁMITES Burocracia: Cercado quiere reducir tiempo Por: Melanie Stern Tras conocer los resultados presentados sobre burocracia por la Corporación Financiera Internacional (IFC, sigla en inglés), miembro del grupo del Banco Mundial, la Alcaldía de Cercado manifestó ayer su satisfacción por ocupar los primeros lugares entre nueve comunas del país en eficiencia en la emisión de licencias de funcionamiento y permisos de construcción y adelantó que se ajustan los mecanismos para reducir el tiempo de trámite. En una rueda de prensa, el oficial mayor Administrativo y Financiero, Ramiro Fernández, dijo que estaba obviamente satisfecho con los resultados, pero que todavía había mucho más por hacer. “Los resultados encontrados por esta organización i... read more

I´m back at the offices of Los Tiempos this morning for a second week in the ring. My flu, which was pretty virulent, maybe the Bolivian version, is much better today after a long sleep and a fabulous weekend. My boss Maria Julio, the economics editor, isn´t around and I dson´t yet know what she wants me to do, so I´m waiting. I was so busy this weekend I didn´t have a chance to buy Saturday´s Los Tiempos and see if my story was there, and how badly cut it was or not, so I have to wait for her to come and tell me the damage. I filed it on Friday morning after a mad dash to the Travel & Projects Abroad office in the morning to finish the transcription (for which I had ... read more

The end of used clothing: The middle classes must buy Bolivian to legitimise our economy, manufacturers say This morning, house-wives from all over Cochabamba - from campesinos, to working class mums, to well-married women of more means with fashion-conscious teenage children to satisfy - have both hands thrust into billowing stalls of imported second hand sweaters and pants up and down La Pampa market. These women have the same mission as mothers all over the world: to see that their families are dressed in as close to the best quality clothing they can afford. As two particularly eager ladies, one in an American-style sun visor, hold a smart blue polo shirt up to the light to inspect the handiwork on the seams, they know they won´t have to part with more than a couple of bolivianos ... read more

Sielta, mista yleensa ei odota loytavansa kovinkaan hyvin toimivaa nettiyhteytta loytyykin useimmiten ne parhaat yhteydet. Hyvien nettiyhteyksien lisaksi taalta loytyy myos paljon muuta. Huhujen mukaan taalla ei olisi pitanyt olla esim. lainkaan pankkeja, mutta kylla niita tuossa kadun varrella nayttaa olevan ainakin kaksi ja molemmissa on myos automaatit. Sellaista se kehityksen kulku on, etta ei meinaa millaan perassa pysya. Meilla oli aikomuksena jaada tanne Villa Tunariin pariksi viikoksi vapaaehtoistoihin, mutta bussissa tulomatkalla tajuttiin, ettei meilla millaan ole tarpeeksi aikaa. Siihen, kun meidan on oltava Limassa, Perussa, on jaljella enaa vajaat kaksi kuukautta ja sita ennen pitaisi viela ehtia vaikka minne. Jouduttiin siis vain tyytymaan paivan mittaiseen vierailuun Inti Wara Yassi jarjeston puistossa. Siella olisi varmasti ollut mielenkiintoista olla toissa. Puistoss... read more
Villa Tunari
Villa Tunari
Villa Tunari

Melkein jo pukkaa hikea. Cochabamba on tahanastisista Boliviassa kaymistamme paikoista ehdottomasti suurin ja lampimin. Vaikka ei tata viela kuumaksi voi sanoa. Oisin nukutaan viela kahden lakanan ja yhden villahuovan alla. Paivisin on kuitenkin jo paaosin ollut t-paita kelit. Tultiin tanne yobussilla, joka oli yllattavan hyva vaikka ei toki Argentiinan bussien tasoa. Aamulla viiden jalkeen kaikki oli kaupungilla viela kiinni, mutta Hostal Florida kuitenkin avasi ovensa meille muutaman kellonsoiton jalkeen. Heti aamutuimaan hotellista annettiin kunnon puhe siita, miten meidan tulee toimia valepoliisin tai huijarituristin kohdatessamme. No ei ainakaan viela olla kyseisiin tyyppeihin tormatty. Sen sijaan tirkistelijanaapuri on tullut meikalaiselle tutuksi. Tyyppi oli noussut ilmeisesti jakkaralle omassa kylpyhuoneessaan, mista sitten seurasi kylpyhuoneidemme valissa olevan ikkunan kaut... read more

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