Blogs from Río Negro, Argentina, South America - page 25


It was a 15 hour bus ride that took me overnight to the capital of Argentina’s wine producing region. Mendoza is a desert town at the foot of the Andes and within the last few years has caught the attention of wine buffs for producing some fantastic wines. Mendoza is merely a desert town which feeds its vineyards through a complex system of irrigation channels which line every street in this area. Water is funnelled down from the distant Andes to create some world class vintages. The town’s perfect year-round climate produces great wines year in, year out. Mendoza itself is a delightful place although some ugly stories of muggings from other travellers were alarmingly common. The town has wide, tree-lined boulevards and some great restaurants. As well as the wine, Mendoza is also a great ... read more
Di Tomasso Vintage
Vineyards in Maipu

Here is a compilation of photos from our first 3 weeks in Bariloche. They include some pictures of our house plus pictures taken on our outings to Cerro Campanario, Lago Trebol, Brazo Tristeza, Catedral, and Llao Llao. Most of pictures are from our hike last week on Cerro Catedral and of some early evening fishing at Llao Llao. We've been very lucky with the unpredictable Bariloche weather so far. We are hoping to get out and about as much as we can while the great weather lasts. Some of us awoke to the rocking and rolling the Chilean quake last Friday night. It was quite stong considering that Bariloche is over 250 miles from the epicenter ! To see the photos in a larger format, click on them. When you reach the bottom of the page ... read more
Front Of Our House
Living Area (La Galería)
Sam and Violetta

Nur ganz kurz: uns geht es beiden gut! Wir sind um 4h00 Uhr morgens allerdings heftig aus dem Schlaf geruettelt worden. Wir befanden uns in einem Hostel im 10. Stock eines Hochhauses in Bariloche, weshalb das Erdbeben besonders stark zu spueren war. Haben zur Sicherheit die Nacht von da an im Freien verbracht, da wir sowieso am naechsten Tag weiterreisen wollten. Bariloche liegt etwa 400km vom Epizentrum entfernt, es gab aber hier gluecklicherweise keine Schaeden. Ausser in Bariloche hat man das Erdbeben noch in vielen anderen Teilen Argentiniens gespuert. Mehr Details dieses unglaublichen Erlebnisses in einem neuen Blog: Vielen Dank allen, die nachgefragt haben! Andrea und Stefan Très brièvement: on va bien les deux! On a cependant été réveillé très brusquement à 4 heures du matin. On se trouvait dans un hostel au 10ème étage d’un ... read more

Nous sommes arrivés vers minuit à Bariloche, sans logement de réserver et nous avons pas mal galérer à trouver une chambre car tout était plein. Nous avons cherché pendant environ une heure et finalement, nous avons trouvé un hotel pour 150 pesos (env 40 dollars). Un peu cher, mais nous n'avions pas eu le choix! Nous n'avions que quelques jours à Bariloche et le plan était de faire une randonée dans le parc national pendant 3 jours. Dès le lendemain, nous avons fait les sacs, acheté de quoi manger puis nous avons pris les renseignements nécessaires à l'office des parcs nationaux et 2 heures plus tard, nous étions dans le bus. Le 1er jour de la rando, nous avons marché 4 heures. C'était très facile, nous avons pris notre temps et profiter du soleil et nous ... read more
Sur le chemin
Vue sur le lac

So we have finally finished our last trek in the South American Andes and it proved to be quite a task. We arrived in Barriloche after a 9hour bus from Puerto Montt in Chile. It was midnight and unfortunately every hostel was booked out. Eventually we found a cheap hotel and jumped straight into bed. We woke up early the next morning as we ad to get to the national park for our last three days of trekking. We went to town and got a map of the park, booked a hostel for our return and set off with heavy bags. I think my bag was around 20 kgs and Annes was around 10kgs. The first day of the trek was beautiful. We gained around 700 meters in 4 hours of trekking alongside Lake Guitirez and ... read more

These photos were taken on our most recent hike to a secluded rock beach near Bahia Lopez. Sam, Matt, and I spent two very fun days and nights there. We made our camp near the edge of the woods near a cliff that overlooked the lake and the secluded rock beach that we discovered. We were happy to have found the beach since we knew that it was going to be difficult to find one was accessible. There are few beaches on the entire arm of the lake since most of the coast is made up of cliffs that go straight down to the water. The days were warm and sunny but the temperature dropped dramatically and the wind picked up each night. It was a perfect setting for bush-wacking, fishing, rock jumping, photography, camp cooking, ... read more
Sam and Matt Fishing And Drinking Mate
View Toward Chile
Mate Scene

Bariloche is in the 'lakes district' of Argentina, and is a popular summer destination with the locals. It is located on the southern shores of Nahuel Huapi, across from the national park of the same name. Reading about the place, I imagined afternoon swims followed by feasts of wild boar roasted over open pits. Well, it was too rainy and cold for swimming, and Eva wouldn't let me eat wild boar in case it was endangered (in truth, it was hard to find on the menu). Still, Bariloche stands out as one my favorite stops on our whole trip, although there is not much to write about. The best part of our experience was staying at Alojmento Kahuin, a log cabin in the woods just west of town. Alojamento Kahuin was home to Daniel, the hippyish, ... read more
Mmmm... Chocolates!
Beers with Vaniah and Johan at Blest Brewery
On the shores of Lake Nahuel Huapi

After getting off the boat (but still feeling like I was on the boat), I spent a night in a gorgeous little hostel in Puerto Varas, rang my bank and told them off for putting a stop on my card when I´d told them I was going to Chile and Argentina, and had a drink with my Navimag friends in a bar overlooking the lake and a volcano. Unfortunately we could only see a bit of the volcano as it was overcast. I got an idea of what it might look like the next day as I travelled over the mountains and the border to Bariloche. The scenery was just stunning. Lush green mountains, snowy tops, volcanos, and lakes. I was knackered and felt a bit land-sick, but didn´t want to miss any views. Bariloche is ... read more
Bariloche (5)
Bariloche (6)
Bariloche (9)

Patagonia!! It is the busy season now and this town was packed full of people. This town reminded me a lot of Banff. Mountains, lakes, lots of overpriced shopping, and numerous chocolatiers. There was also some strange fascination with Saint Bernard dogs. We rented a car and quickly escaped. The drive down to El Bolson was unbelievable. We stopped by a lake for a dinner of dark beer, fresh strawberries and calibrasi and cheese in a baguette. The mountains have a very sharp jagged appearance quite unique to Patagonia. Like shark teeth. That night we saw a little dirt road going down to one of the lakes and we decided to drive in to check it out. It was such a nice location that we decided to set up camp. We did make sure to camp ... read more
Roses Grow Everywhere
The Patagonian Mountain Range
Washing Fresh Strawberries

hola Chicos, We konden het niet laten. 2 jaar na onze omzwerving door Zuid- en Noord - Amerika zijn we terug waar we ons hart hebben verloren: Patagonia. Het blijft een adembenemende bestemming die exploratie en mysterie oproept. De volgende 3 maanden laten we ons dus verder verdwalen langs de kusten, steppes, rivieren, meren, wouden en Andesbergtoppen in het zuidelijke Chile en Argentina. Indien Patagonia ooit onafhankelijk wordt, dan zou haar hoofdstad ongetwijfeld San Carlos de Bariloche worden. Dit stukje Argentijns Zwitserland is de perfecte uitvalsbasis om de pezen en spieren op te warmen. In totaal 710.000 ha is beschermd gebied rondom Bariloche in het 1e nationaal park ooit in Zuid-Amerika: PN Nahuel Huapi . Hier tref je een ongelofelijke ree... read more
Cerro Tronador vanop de Catedral-ridge
Klaar voor de ridge-traverse naar Frey

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