Blogs from Catlins, Southland, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 2


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins January 28th 2011

Our second and final day in the Catlins. We headed out in sunshine to complete our Catlins visit and arrive in Dunedin. First of all we visited Lake Wilkie, a sort of homage to how quickly rainforest can grow, was just a short walk but interesting. Next was the Matai and Horseshoe falls. I took a tripod with me to have a play with my neutral density filter so I got some long exposure shots of these two, then we went to Purakanui falls but by this stage the clouds had gathered and it was raining hard so Helen decided to stay in the car for this one so I went alone! Next was the Tunnel Hill, an old abandoned railway tunnel hand carved out of the mountain in the 1800’s to allow timber trains to ... read more
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Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins January 27th 2011

I was right. Hardly any sleep last night as the wind was blowing so hard the raindrops sounded like pellets being fired into the tent. Despite a couple of tell tale drops showing on the inner tent when we went to sleep last night, we awoke this morning to find a)the tent upright, b) the inside of the tent dry and, c)that the weather had dried up a bit and we were looking at patchy blue sky! Hoorah, very good news for a couple of days which are almost exclusively outdoor activities. Had breakfast, packed up the by now almost dry tent, and then hit the road. One final stop at the Collonial Bakery, had one of their award winning pies, very tasty indeed, and then it was time to hit the highway and explore the ... read more
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Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins May 12th 2010

Our encounter with the adorable yellow-eyed penguins... Notre rencontre avec les adorables penguins aux yeux jaunes...... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins May 12th 2010

Our encounter with sea lions... Notre rencontre avec des lions de mer...... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins August 3rd 2009

The tourist dollar seemed to wane somewhere between Te Anau and Riverton and it had definitely disappeared by the time we reached the boundaries of Invercargill. In fact, Invercargill on a Sunday was officially closed. There was little evidence of the much fabled bad hair and checked shirt comments (which have since been withdrawn from all good travel guides presumably on threat of being sued)…………… indeed there was little evidence of anything and certainly no evidence of any chance of an alcohol refreshment after our journey. We checked into the YHA on the main street and went for an exploration of town. The first impressions were that it was a “real” place - a sort of big Greymouth -but for a town of 50,000 population, there didn’t seem to be many facilities unless you were after ... read more
Curio Bay
Nugget Point

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins July 19th 2009

Two ways I journey nowadays - not that I have given up real travel altogether: 1. Internet - it's utterly unbelievably wonderful 2. Travellers come to us Yes we live in a corner of the universe that is slowly being discovered.. our kind of visitors are the outdoor sort - love wildlife, landscape, wild seas, an adventure with nature.. from all continents and all with great stories to tell and opinions from far away.. we adore a lively conversation over a glass of wine or a morning coffee. I spent my twenties overlanding and working, first in Africa then in South America.. grew up in Scotland on a farm, ended up on a NZ farm with a lot of tropics in between! In recent years I have visited Mexico, S France, Switzerland, W and E Canada, ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins January 16th 2009

D'après les conseils d'un gars, qu'on a rencontré sur un parking, le plus bel endroit sur terre se trouve au bout d'un chemin qu'il s'est donné bien de la peine à nous dessiner. Un peu naïfs et désireux de découvrir ce petit paradis, on biffurque et on suit les indications manuscrites. Après une demie heure sur une route en gravier, on perd un peu patience et on se demande où ce chemin nous emmène... La nuit commence à tomber et on se retrouve dans la situation où l'on ne veut pas faire demi-tour après avoir fait tout ce trajet sans savoir ce qu'il y a au bout du chemin. C'est à partir du moment où l'on décide d'aller au bout du chemin que la situation s'empire progressivement. La route en gravier commence à descendre de plus ... read more
La nuit tombe
Longue plage

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins January 10th 2009

I dag stod den på hestetur for Anna og Mona. De skulle være på gården kl. 9, men kom først ud at ride ved 9.30 tiden. Der var en anden dame, der også skulle med på tur, men da hun også var nybegynder passede det fint. Annas hest hed Tammy og Monas Bo. Ponyerne var ude til konkurrence, så Anna skulle ride på en høj hest, hvilket hun kun var glad for. De skulle en tur på stranden og en tur op på et af bjergene, så de ville få en god udsigt over området. Først red de ud over marker, hvor der også var får. Derefter skulle de ride et stykke på vejen for at komme ned på stranden ved den campingplads, hvor vi bor. Hestene var heldigvis vant til trafik, så det var ikke ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins January 9th 2009

I dag skulle vi ud og se på Catlins området. Desværre begyndte det at regne lige som vi kørte afsted ved kl. 8.45. Vi ville starte med at se nogle huler, der kun kan nås ved lavvande. Desværre var var vejen lukket og blev først åbnet igen til aften, når det igen er lavvande. Vi troede ellers, vi kunne nå det i formiddags, men det kunne vi altså ikke. Vi kørte videre til McLean Falls. Vi skulle 6 km. ud af en grusvej for at komme til stien til vandfaldet. Vi tog alle regntøj på og gik ud til vandfaldet. Turen skulle tage 40 min. frem og tilbage, men vi klarede det noget hurtigere. Børnene mente dog ikke, der var noget særligt ved vandfaldet, vi har vist efterhånden set for mange af dem. Vi kørte tilbage ... read more
Jacks Blowhole

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Southland » Catlins January 8th 2009

Vi kom afsted fra campingpladsen kl. 8.15. Vi skulle køre ca. 40 km. for at komme til at se nogle meget specielle sten, der er helt runde. De ligger på stranden, men er kommet ud fra jorden. Ligesom en snebold har de rullet sig store med flere lag kalk. Det ser ret mærkeligt ud, med den samling sten på et meget lille område af stranden. Derfra kørte vi ud på den halvø, der ligger ud for Dunedin. Vi håbede på, at komme til at se nogle royal albatrosser. Vi kørte langs kysten ud til albatros centeret. Vejen var meget smal og snørklet, men heldigvis gik det ikke også op og ned. Vi var ved centeret lidt over kl. 11 og kunne komme med på en guidet tur kl. 12.30. Det gav os lige tid til at ... read more
Otago halvøen
Albatros på rede

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