Blogs from Marlborough, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 13


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough February 26th 2007

Hello hello. Well we're now in the South Island the 3 hour ferry crossing was really calm with some good views of the Marlborough sounds as we were coming in. My 2nd cousing Helena-Mary (who lives in Blenheim) was waiting for us at Picton. WE got our bags and then Helena drove us back to her house (about 20 minutes away) where we just had a nice day in a REAL house getting to know her as we've not met her before. She was really nice and cooked all our meals whilst we stayed. It was nice to not be in a hostel. The next day we explored Blenheim town centre in the morning which seems to be full of book shops. In the afternoon Helena offered to personally take us to some of the wineries ... read more
Deb and grapes
Mike and Deb

We drove back to Picton on the 24th and spent a couple days getting organized for the Queen Charlotte Track. The QCT is 71km long and takes most people 4 days do complete. This was our plan to walk the track in 4 days and camp along the way. It was a nice plan, but sometimes plans just don't work they way you think they will!! DAY 1 To get to the start of the track we were boated out to Ship Cove. Our boat left Picton at 9am and got us to Ship Cove in an hour. We decided to pay the extra money to get our packs transferred to the places we would be staying so we didn't have to carry them. Thank God we did this otherwise we'd still be sitting at Ship ... read more
Looking South over Resolution Bay
Kendra near the end of the first day
Start of the 2nd day 21kms so far

The remoteness and absolute tranquility of Endeavour Inlet, where I spent Wednesday night, seems like another age and world today. Right now I'm in rainy Paraparaumu waiting to get the bus to Napier - the morning one I wanted to take was full, so I have to wait till midday now. But I'll cast my mind back to Mahana Homestead.... Over an hours trip on the water taxi from Picton I was dropped off in the middle of nowhere on the jetty (well, they called it wharf) Mahana Homestead Lodge. My host John was already waiting for me (and the bags that walkers who walk the 70km Queen Charlotte Track have sent on to their next stop off) and took me round the corner of the beach to the place where I was going to spend ... read more
Mahana homestead

After my birthday I took the ferry over to the south Island where I landed in Picton. Just a small town but the gateway to the Queen Charlotte track. A 71km, 3 day hike through the Marlborough 'Doubtful Sounds'. To get to the start of the walk I had to catch a boat out to a place called Ship Cove. Throughout the first day it poored down, although it did add a great erry look about the sounds. The majority of the trek went through lush rain forest where you could look out to the crisp blue ocean. As the day wore on the weather cleared up uwhich ultimately cleared the low mist, and unlocking the beautiful views of the Islands nearby. It was a long day though as I had combined 2 days of walking ... read more
First day
First day
First day

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough » Kenepuru Sound February 2nd 2007

From the Abel Tasman National Park we make our way only the Northern edge of South Island. At Havelock we turn off towards the Marlborough Sounds, a beautiful regions of deep inlets and seluded bays. There we spend an idyllic couple of stays at a fantastic hostel - Hopewell - on the shores of Kenepuru Sound. Kayaking, oyster-shucking, mussel-devouring, scones and ginger beer!... read more
Marlborough Sounds, Havelock
Collecting oysters, Kenepuru Sound
Mussels, Kenepuru Sound

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough » Blenheim January 24th 2007

Today, we drove just down the road from Blenheim to Renwick. We parked our campervan in a lovely hostel called Watson's Way. The owner, Paul was really friendly and we hired bikes from him so we could cycle round to the numerous wine cellars in the region. We decided to cycle to the furthest winery first and then work our way back. I think in all we probably road about 7km. The Malborough region mostly grows white grapes so the majority of wine we tasted was white wine and sparkling. The common red was Pinot Noir. It was really hot, but fortunately all the tasting cellars had water as well. I reckon I tasted about 40 different wines including some Brandy style drink made from the leftovers of white grapes (This was called Marc). At 4:30, ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough January 9th 2007

We arrived at Picton on the South Island to see that, guess what, its raining. What a surprise. Apparently this is New Zealand's worst summer in 50 years, so at least we're breaking some records here. We drove the scenic unsealed route south east, destination: the marlborough wine region. We stayed the night in Blenheim at the Duncannon campground. It continued to rain so, building on Paul's original marguee design, Vicki constructed one of her own - a more advanced version, but somewhat dependant on there being a bank. Typical consultant, stealing someone's idea and making it their own! Next day we'd hired a couple of bikes from 'Wine Tours by Bike' to tour some of the regions world renowned wineries. We visited the familiar ones such as Wither Hills, Montana, Cloudy Bay (excellent Sauvvie) and ... read more
Trying the wines at the Forrest Estate
Cycling into the wind and rain
Paul at the Villa Maria Winery

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough January 8th 2007

Went on a kayaking tour round Malborough sounds. It was beautiful. Saw lots of different shags and other wildlife. Stopped for lunch then headed back, got quite hard as we were against the wind. We picked some mussels for our dinner. Got back and headed past Havelock and stopped over at a campsite, it was off the main road in a forest, very beautiful but loads of mosis! Cooked our mussels which were truly amazing! I thinks it was a combination of me loving mussels, knowing they would be sooo expensive at home, the fact we got them for free, we cooked them outside and they were LOVELY!!! Jined a couple of families who were having a fire and had some toasted marshmallows! Then we all went for a walk in the dark to the glow ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough » Picton January 7th 2007

Well we got to Piston at 5am then drove a bit parked up and slept. WE got up and headed along road stopped to go for a walk then to Haveock. Went to info centre and saw loads of posters saying how ferry ride from north to south island is one of the most beautiful in the world! Whoopps, and we went on in at night to save money!!!!! Booked a kayaking trip for tomorrow, then headed to find a place to sleep. found a garage sale and got lots of bargain camping kit.... read more

Hello all, sorry for the massive delay in our blog. We've been hugely busy in the last 2 weeks and have crammed loads in which has been great. Currently in Queenstown indulging in some adreanline therapy. However the story so far. (will have to cut it short but the pictures should give a better picture) Arrived in Marlbrough sounds just before new year after our north island adventures. Drove the backroads intot he sounds to stay at the Te Mahia lodge for new year. Was lovely and isolated and met some lovely kiwi's alos on holiday for the festive period. New Years was spent eating a hog roast provided by our hosts but was otherwise a fairly sedate affair! The following day we hired a small yacht and explored the sounds as best we could with ... read more
Marlbrough Sounds (MS)
Kate in MS
Kate outside our little pad.

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