Blogs from Marlborough, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 11


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough » Pelorus Sounds August 30th 2008

Day 516 (26.08.08) Since Jean and Mike were headed off on the mail boat cruise of the Pelorus Sounds today we thought we'd do our own tour of the sounds by jumping in the van and driving along the road that follows the rough path of the Queen Charlotte Walking Track. The weather was pretty terrible with mist and rain already settled in before we left. We had mixed views of the sounds during our drive but what we did see of the small bays and inlets that make up the sounds was great. After a car picnic lunch we headed back to Havelock. Day 517 (27.08.08) All packed up we left Havelock early to drive further along the top of the South Island to make our way towards the Abel Tasman National Park. We stopped ... read more
French Pass day
French Pass day
The Queen Charlotte drive

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough » Blenheim August 28th 2008

Day 514 (24.08.08) We planned to travel up the coast a little today and so we were up early and on the road before 9. The weather was a little grey and drizzly so we were glad to be in the comfort of our little van. After a short drive we stopped for coffee at a beautiful restaurant called The Store where we toasted ourselves by the open fire (although stopping for coffee is apparently not something Jean and Mike 'usually' do!). A little way up the road is a place called Ohau Point where you can again view fur seals along the coast. The extra bonus here though is that if you walk just 5 minutes up a track from the road you can follow a stream up to the Ohau waterfall where you will ... read more
Baby seal playground
the coast
Baby seal playground

Hey everyone. Well I have finally started my blog!!! Sorry its taken so long but this is going to be my challenge when I’m away as writing really isn’t my thing! Whereas you all know I can talk for Britain!!! Lol Time already seems to be flying bye but am happy to say I feel like I’ve done so much already and am currently on my second WOOFer job. For those of you I hadn’t had chance to bore before I left the WOOF scheme is Working Opportunities on Organic Farms. This actually varies greatly and as long as the ‘host’ is involved in organic food (mainly Vege gardens) they can use the scheme!! You work about 4 hours a day for all your meals and accommodation which is great if you’re on a tight budget ... read more
Boat Trip, Fiji
Boat Trip, Fiji 1
NZ, Hen Night

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough March 21st 2008

Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter, and no-one made themselves sick on chocolate eggs;) I managed to escape Christchurch on roadtrip. I drove up to Kaikoura on Friday morning and went whale watching. It was awesome, saw 2 sperm whales. They are giants, the bit we see from the top of the water is only 10% of them. Huge!! They are so graceful as they dive into the water as well, you would think something that big would just sink! From there I drove up to Blenheim. Popped into town for dinner & watched the rugby before going back to the hostel & staying up very late drinking wine & chatting. Saturday morning I was feeling a little slow, 2 hours sleep and too much wine I think;) I then went on to learn that wine ... read more
Sperm Whale

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough » Blenheim February 15th 2008

What else is there really to comment on about the famed Marlborough Wine region, except the glorious wine they have here! We were so bowled over by it's magnificence, that we ended up staying for at least 2 hours in one of these fine wineries getting incredibly geeky on tasting a couple of pre-pay "wine platters" complete with a huge file that you are given to compare your palette findings with those of the wine maker and any reviews they have received from important wine dudes. We were shameless! Punching the air in triumph when we discovered we had correctly identified hyacinth nodes, or hints of pine cone after cross referencing our own notes with those in the file. I think this officially makes us wine geeks. (There might be pictures, if so, coming soonish...I think) ... read more

The ferry across the Cook Straight was wonderful. I was amazed at how long we hugged the coastline of the North Island before seeing the South Island. It wasn't clear at first where we would enter the island but we were soon in the Tory Channel and the beautiful Marlborough Sounds surrounding by forested hills. The rather huge ferry seemed to glide effortlessly through the water. I felt at home already before the boat had docked in the South Island. Considering Picton is the gateway for so many to the South Island it was surprisingly small. I found a bed in a lovely hostel called The Villa which also arranged my three day Queen Charlotte trek in super quick time. The hostel was also willing to lend me a tent on the condition I checked that ... read more
Ferns, ferns and more ferns...well they are the national emblem afterall.
Through the rain forest
Abel Tasman National Park

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough » Picton February 5th 2008

Beloved You walked across mountains for my love moved boulders in your deepest sleep opened the hearts of others, through miracles, for me, unfolded the wide universe in your kiss. Still, I forget your name. Still, I forget your presence. "Be Still", you say, and I am. As fears cascade from my eyes and at once, I am healed from all suffering. You have scooped the whole ocean in your hand and given me its bounty, unfolded the pattern of a million stars within your eyes, yet, I forget to look when the sun rises to greet me. And I still turn away when my heart has shattered, like caked mud. But you continue to line my nest with soft feathers to return to, and your call is crisp and clear through the noise, again, ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough » Picton February 3rd 2008

Hi from the Maitreya Meditation Center.... So, its been a couple weeks since I last wrote and its been kind of a wild ride since then. I will only mark the highlights really to keep the length down a little. When I last wrote, I was in Nelson for a little RnR after the Abel Tasman. The next day I moved on to Kaikora, a small town along the north east coast of the south island. Kaikora is located along a Peninsula and was a once famous whaling town so there was lots of history and a strong fishing culture. It rained here and I was glad my tent held up since it was the first inclement weather we faced together (I actually got soaked trying to move the tent under more tree cover when I ... read more
chimney by the sea
The gang
cliffside walk along the water

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough » Picton January 21st 2008

DATE VISITED: 19-21ST JAN The ferry crossing across the Cook Strait wasn't too stomach-churning thank God. We were warned by locals that the Strait can be prone to a funnelling affect of the winds from the Tasman and Pacific oceans at either side - on top of this local newspapers were reporting rough seas with swells of over a metre but I thought a metre wouldn't be too bad! On the day itself the first hour was a bit up and down but not enough to make me go up on deck to throw. The middle and end of the sailing was pretty calm (as far as this crossing goes anyway).... The views coming into South Island kept us company almost all throughout the crossing as the visibility was so good. We arrived through the pretty ... read more
On the Queen Charlotte Track
Queen Charlotte Track
Another view!

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Marlborough January 12th 2008

Day 73: Arrival in Picton It had stopped raining by the time I got to Picton. Despite it being only a short walk from the ferry terminal into town, I was quite grateful that there was a courtesy bus for foot passengers, dropping me right outside the hostel. After checking in, I set to hanging up wet clothes, and leaving books and various other random soggy items out to dry, having negated to wrap everything in plastic. Lessons have been learned! With my luggage drying, I called around the places I was due to be staying the coming evenings to confirm my bookings, found the water taxi terminal I would be using the next day, and went shopping to buy excessive amounts of food to see me through three days of walking. Unlike many walks in ... read more
Picton Sands
Ship Cove Jetty
Ship Cove's claim to fame

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