Blogs from Auckland, North Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 331


Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland January 16th 2006

Our final stop in New Zealand, staying in Sara's old hang-out of Ponsonby Road about 20 mins walk from the centre of Auckland. We mostly just took it easy here. We managed to buy Sara some new shoes that should hopefully be a bit tougher than her last ones. We went to "Kelly Tarlton's Underwater World" to pass a rainy day but it was very rubbish and contains the world's most rubbish fake snow mobile ride past some very bored looking king penguins. Sara tried to take me to see where she used to work in the Skycity casino but they wouldn't let her in because she looked too scruffy. I thought it was very funny but Sara seemed quite offended, claiming that they'd let her work there looking just as scruffy. Finally we visited a ... read more
The city viewed from a nearby volcano

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland January 13th 2006

After two months apart, Pat arrived at Auckland at 7:45 in the morning on Jan 10th. We bought a car the next day, a Subaru station wagon from a British couple returning home after a year of working and travelling here. The cars are in very good condition here compared to cars of similar vintage back home. The mileage tends to be less as you have not nearly as far to drive to reach the ocean in any direction, and people tend not to commute great distances for work. There are lots of inexpensive Japanese cars, brought into the country as used vehicles with very low mileage. Ours has more than 150 K but runs like a top. It is a 4-wheel drive which only means we paid more for the mechanic's assessment before purchasing the ... read more
Pat's first station wagon
Orewa Beach
Orewa Beach

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland January 13th 2006

When in New Zealand if someone asks you how are you. A reply of "Box of Birds" means I'm on top of the world. I thought that was fitting as the start of the journey has been great. Even though I've had a few challenges its just part of the journey. It adds a little more spice as long as my attitude is good and I take it in stride. We had a 1 hour delay in Seattle due to a mechanical. I for one didn't get irritated. I figure I'd rather have them fix the plane then not... Anyway we were an hour late getting into LA. They let the NZ connection passengers off first so we could hopefully make our flight. There were about 7 of us dashing out of one building, down a ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Waiheke Island January 13th 2006

Before you laugh, we were drunk and it seemed like a good idea. One of the guys that is staying at the hostel, is here from England to play cricket in Wellington and to help increase the popularity of the sport, he thought he would teacher a Canadian, a few Germans and an American how to play. I got to bat first and anyone who has seem me play golf, baseball or anything that involves hand eye coordination can predict that it took about two throws before the bowler( that's the guy who throws the ball!) was able to knock the wickets over (those where the sticks I was supposed to be protecting). I tried throwing my fat ass in front of the tennis ball, but was told that in a real cricket game the ball ... read more
Team photo

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Waiheke Island January 12th 2006

I would been on Waiheke for about four days and I have got a job so I think I'm going to stay for a while. I'm work at a restaurant on the beach which is pretty nice. I'm also stay at the same hostel as a couple people I work with so it pretty fun.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland January 11th 2006

Well after Queenstown I've opted for a bit of a slower pace in Auckland. For a City that has two thirds of NZ population the place does not seem that busy. Preston or Blackpool seems to have more traffice than this place. That said it's still a nice place to visit and over looks the harbour. This is where you see why the place has the nickname 'City of Sails' everywhere you look there are boats ranging from small sail boats to massive yachts such as the ones that compete in the Americas Cup. On my first full day in Auckland I have a bit of a wonder round to get my bearings. I head to the martime muesem, which is intresting as it tells all about the history of the early Maori settlers and later ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland » Waiheke Island January 10th 2006

i know these entries are REALLY late....but i'm going to post them anyway for the pictures and so you all know what a lucky girl i am. after skydiving we spent the day mountain biking in taupo. i saw melissa actually get so angry she kicked her bike....she didn't like it too much. i on the other hand had a blast. this day we also found the thermal pools (which we weren't looking for) to bask in. from taupo we spent another day travelling to waiheke island, a small island just 30 minutes by ferry outside of auckland....but with the feel of a completely secluded place. we arrived and were welcomed to our little cottage that overlooked the beach. we had a relaxing evening with a bottle of wine we bought on our tour in marlborough ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland January 9th 2006

Well I thought i would make a page dedicated to everyone back at home. Something for everyone to look back on and all the wonderfull memories that I have shared with everyone back at home ( new Zealand) I am having a blast travelling and I am glad that I have done so, meeting lots of new and great people on the way. Some of whom remind me of close ones back at home. This is only half of the crazy stuff that we all got up to all year round. This is one of the things i am missing the most. So for those of you who are part of all this , Enjoy and for those who have never been to New Zealand ... well this is just a little taste of it. To ... read more
What a costume
Kaine and I
the great congo line

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland January 8th 2006

After my first night in Auckland I decide I need to move to a different hostel. I found a place called the Fat Camel, which is alot better, it cost $19 and you get a first meal (It's hardly a meal, but it's better then the kick in the junk I received at the other place). I meet an english guy (Toby) and an irish guy (Eoiny) at the hostel, last night we got smashed and the irish guy missed his bus the next morning. Must people a talk to aren't staying in Auckland, it seem like the starting or finishing point of peoples travels. The general comment about Auckland is that there is not much going on. Tody and I are going to go to Waiheke island on Sunday for a couple of days, Waiheke ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Auckland January 7th 2006

Just noticed Rob hasn't written anything for a while so I get to do an entry for once! Flight from Singapore was good - met nice camp steward called Craig who kept calling me sweetie! Food was good, wine was good - they kept wandering up and down the aisles with a selection and giving top ups. Watched Just like Heaven or whatever its called, quite a good movie if not fairly predicatble.. Landed in Auckland bought midday and illegally smuggled in some milky bar butttons. They are tight on 'bioprotection' here and u are meant to declare all food u have with u. They even xray all bags at customs! Stayed in Auckland overnight in very posh hotel (crowne plaza) with sony widescreen TV and bar area in room. The breakfast was also fab. there ... read more

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