Blogs from Western Australia, Australia, Oceania - page 602


Day 49 Broome to Barn Hill 17/08/06 We were awoken early by vehicles driving around the park and as we were on the move again today, I decided to get up. William and I went for a shower a little before Leanne and Daniel, as Daniel likes to sleep in. After we all had breakfast, we began the pack up. Even though we hadn’t had to do it for seven nights, it all fell into place. The boys did some diary work while Leanne and I got the major packing done. Once the trailer was organised, William and Leanne went to the kiosk to check our e-mails, while Daniel and I hooked up the trailer. Before we had completed our pack, there was a new camper parked adjacent, waiting to take over the site! Once Leanne ... read more
Barn Hill 2
Barn Hill 3
Barn Hill 4

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 24th 2006

Day 43 Broome 11/08/06 We awoke at around 7.00am and got up around 7.30am. We had a leisurely breakfast and got the domestics done. Christos rocked up at about 9.30am and we had a cuppa or two catching up and discussing the tourist attractions worth visiting in and around Broome. Christos headed off around 11.45am and we drove into Broome to have a look around Chinatown and the numerous pearl shops. Whilst in town we had lunch and bought some groceries that we needed. We arrived back at the Caravan Park at around 3.00pm and walked straight down to Cable Beach for a swim. We returned to the park at around 4.30pm, so we could have an early dinner, before driving to the Town Beach to witness ‘The Stairway to the Moon’ over Roebuck Bay mudflats ... read more
Broome 2
Broome 3
Broome 4

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Busselton August 19th 2006

It's been a little more than a year my emotional retirement from vineyard work in New Zealand. Tearing myself away from the viticulture industry has rendered me a shadow of my former self. That is why I am pleased to announce my triumphant return from retirement. I arrived in the small town of Busselton a couple of weeks ago. It is about 3 hours south of Perth. I'm playing it smart this time around and working before I am completely destitute, like what happened in New Zealand. This way I'm free to leave as soon as i get sick of my job. I'm working on a huge vineyard out of town by the coast. If you're ever deciding what kind of Australian wine to buy, be sure to pick up something produced at Bantry Bay. That ... read more
The Before Shot
And Afterwards
Wild Coastline

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 18th 2006

With every intention of spending another night just south of Broome along the Eighty Mile Beach stretch, we left the campsite relatively early hoping to relax for the afternoon in an equally beautiful spot. Along the road, Master Spotter Greeny spied yet another squished snake on the side of the road, so we u'ed back to it and photographed it for later indentification. Further on we spied our first ever tumbleweed whistling along the Roebuck Plain, which was highly exciting but then we became concerned that the mileage trip indicated that our turn off should be in the near vicinity, and it was nowhere to be seen! We pulled onto a few dirt tracks to search for camp although in vain, and finally wound up around 30 kms south of the T-junction at the roadhouse that ... read more
Relaxing on Cable Beach
Box Jellyfiz
Cable Beach

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Bungle Bungles August 17th 2006

Hello again! We have a backlog of blogging to do and being as we've had to start a shift at stupid o'clock (11:30 pm) we've got some time to kill! So now I shall tell you the tales of our Journey north to Darwin, through the land of the Crocodiles, the many gorges, the cold water and the Bungle Bungles! Having Spent a short amount of time in Perth after the planting of thousands of trees we then decided to head north to the tropics were the sun shone and jobs were a plenty, supposedly. We decided to take a flight to Broome. we landed at about seven in the evening and tried to find accommodation, not very sucessfully, it took us ages but eventually me ben and jim mangaed to find a place to stay, ... read more
Cable beach fun
Cable beach sunset
First stop on the tour

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth August 16th 2006

As we'd time to spare in Broome waiting for Jez before we went on his tour out to Darwin, and Tom was back in Perth on his weeks break from work at Mount Keith, I decided, easily convinced by Tom to fly to Perth for the week ... these off the cuff trip are becoming a habit for me! As Tom hadn't let on that I was coming, I arrived at the backpackers to a very stunned Team Ireland, who hadn't expected to see me again so soon! Party Paul seemed very excited at having most of his hardcore drinkers back again, and jumped up and down clapping his hands like a little child exclaiming 'You guys'll just be a permanent fixture on my list for the week then' And we were - back to Black ... read more
Pulling our best Party Paul faces
The side effect of Party Paul's job

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia August 15th 2006

OK, Well it's now August 27 and I'm in Thailand. I uploaded these picutres, but never got around to writing the journal - probably because I didn't keep it as I was travelling from Broome to Darwin, so it seemed a bit of an effort to think it all up. Alas, here it is. . . The journey from Broome to Darwin was nine days of total Outback. Just outside of Broome, we stopped at a roadhouse which was the only place we could purchase alcohal for the next 8 days, so I picked up a 30 of beer to enjoy around the campfires. We camped in a National Park the first night. We walked down to the river to watch the sunset and catch a look at some freshies (pictured). I was always told crocodiles ... read more
Rock Art outside of Mirror Tunnel
Freshies, Windjana Gorge
Bush Camp near Mount Barnett

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Kununurra August 15th 2006

The next leg of the trip north was in a more serious 4WD truck and once over the Fitzroy River and on to the Gibb River Road, you could see it was going to be needed. A new trip and a new group of people in the main - the majority eventually being referred to as Team France. The sealed road ends at the unfortunately named, Derby and then it was on to Tunnel Creek and Windjana Gorge. It was for many the first sighting of crocs - a good photo opportunity with the freshies, not to be repeated with the salties further north. The Kimberley is apparently the size of Germany, but with a population of only 30,000. However at this time of the year, there were also plenty of the grey nomads on the ... read more
Bungle Bungles
Windjana Gorge
Bungle Bungles

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia August 15th 2006

Petrol Stations.... that is how WA will be remembered...after 2912km in 10days! Had a fantastic flight with Quantas from Singapore to Perth. With Video-On-Demand (which allows you fastforward/pause the different films/programmes), and served the finest West Australian Wirra Wirra Shiraz by a flight-attendent who looked like he would be more at home on a rugby pitch than squeezing down the narrow aeroplane aisles, the scene was set for a comfortable journey. The icing on the cake was the quality viewing, from National Lampoons Wally World to Monty Python. Heaven! So arrived in Perth, and after considering a number of different tours up the West Coast, (and having experienced near heart-failure at the prices, after 3 months in Asia!) it was decided that the "sensible" approach would be to hire a campervan and do it ourselves...... And ... read more
Pinnacles II
Pinnacles III

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Broome August 14th 2006

Day 36 Katherine 04/08/06 As mentioned in our previous blog, we had planned out our day in Katherine. Unfortunately, when we arrived at ‘The School of the Air’, we found that we had missed the final tour for the day by ten minutes. The place was locked and a note on the door stated there were no individual or private tours available. However, there was a highlight for the boys, being a snake on the road adjacent to where we had parked. It had been run over and its back was broken but it was still alive with its head and tail thrashing around. The boys watched with curiosity as cars drove past and over it until it was dead! I’m not sure what type it was but it was over a metre in length. So ... read more
Katherine 1
Katherine 2

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