Blogs from Cairns, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 13


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » open water August 25th 2014

G'day mates, Today we got up at 4:45 am. Sigh. The guys from the dive centre picked us up at 5:45 am, but was almost half an hour late. Great, we lost half an hour extra in bed. So at sunset, we were in a mini van, picking up people from different hotels, to go to the boat for a 3 day dive trip. With only a backpack full of clothes.. When we arrived at the dive shop, I had to sign some medical stuff, because I wanted to do the Advanced Open Water dive course. At the question 'Do you have sea sickness?', I answered yes, because I have just a little tiny bit of motion sickness. Not a good idea, because the guy at the counter turned out to be less flexible then I ... read more
After dive number one

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » open water August 25th 2014

Hi there mates, After a better night of sleeping, I still had a headache and was a little dizzy, so I decided to skip the early morning dive (6:30 am!!) and get myself ready for the second dive at 09:00 am. And again, a turle here!! So great! I called her Jessy Jessy was floating above the reef, eating coral, not bothering that we were looking at her. Also saw some butterfly fish, harlequin sweetlips, long fin emperor and humbug damsels, which are one of my favorite fishes. They are so small, and are black and white striped, they live with min 2 together on one piece of coral and when a diver comes close, one of them comes forward to 'protect' the nest. Love them. The third and last dive, I decided not to do, ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » open water August 25th 2014

Hi again, So day two of the dive live-aboard began early, because the morning dive was at 7:30 am. The water was 22 degrees, and the sight was again 25+ meters. Beautiful conditions. A dive of 44 minutes and saw some great fish: morray eels, picasso trigerfish, cornetfidh and a napoleon wrasse! The last one, is an enormous big fish. It is about a meter in width and a little more than a meter long. But so beautiful to see such a big creature that is actually not so shy and really friendly. The second dive was already at 11:00 am, after a great breakfast. 41 minutes bottomtime and 25 degrees celsius water. This was the best dive so far because I saw a green sea turtle! It came out of a dark rock area up ... read more
The Reef at night

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Inn The Tropics August 19th 2014

Hi there mates, The day started at 6:30 am. Yay. Good morning.. After a breakfast, and preparing for the day, we stepped into the car to go up the mountains to see some crater lakes. The idea behind it was interesting; after a big explosion of magma and watervapour, the lakes were formed on top of a volcano that is not inactive but 'sleeping'. But when we arrived, it was really really cold and we were all dressed in shorts, crop tops and flipflops, so we runned into a tea house for some coffee and tea with scones. Beautiful scones with unsweetened cream and tasty jelly, to mention for a moment. After the first crater lake, we went to a second one which was perfectly round but also too cold for a swim. As we walked ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns August 13th 2014

Nach diversen Nachtschichten mit spielen, schunkeln und in der Tiefgarage Runden mit dem Buggy zum Einschlafen drehen, hat sich der Jetlag nun langsam verabschiedet und wir sind heute morgen alle drei gut ausgeschlafen aufgewacht. Zum Start in den Tag: die des Nächtens ausgelassene Kullerbuch-Vorlesestunde nachholen. Die Rasselkugel in der Mitte quietscht schon : ) Und danach auf mit der Fähre zur Fitzroy Island. Eine der unzähligen, wunderschönen Great Barrier Reef Inseln. Das Bild zeigt, wie es dort bei Sonne aussieht. Wir hatten heute leider kein Glück mit dem Wetter. Die Schnorchel sind im Rucksack geblieben. Morgen starten wir unsere Camper-Tour. Wir sind gespannt! ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns August 12th 2014

Kleiner Ausflug nördlich von Cairns mit dem ersten Mal Füße ins Meer tauchen am Trinity Beach und einem lauschigen Nachmittag in Port Douglas. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns August 11th 2014

Winter in Cairns: Sonne, 25 Grad, leichter Wind, kurze Hose, T-Shirt. So lässt es sich aushalten. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns August 7th 2014

Nach einer guten Reise sind wir heute bei Gisi und Brandon in Cairns angekommen. Die Beiden werden uns in den nächsten Tagen sehr verwöhnen. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City July 10th 2014

Hello everyone! We have now been a little more than 2 weeks in Australia and are currently in Richmond, Queensland visiting Jamie and Gayle. We spent the first week in Cairns which offered heaps of sun and loads of nostalgia for us. We started the week by getting ourselves some Australian phone numbers and opening Australian bank accounts. After all that was done we stayed two days in Cairns to get rid of the jet lag and to just take it easy for a little bit. Unfortunately the communal pool (lagoon) was closed for renovation during the total period of our stay so we had to enjoy the sun without cooling of in the water. The first two days contained of walking around in the city and visit familiar places such as "woollies" and "the wool-shed" ... read more
Cape Tribulation
Cape Tribulation
Cape Tribulation

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns July 2nd 2014

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