Blogs from Darlinghurst, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania - page 7


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darlinghurst February 15th 2007

Note from the author: no pics today... the photographer has taken the day off I have been looking forward to going to Zen Day Spa in Darlinghurst for a while. I researched and booked this spa day back in TO and the day has finally arrived. I'm very excited!!! I had every intention of catching the bus. However, like all good intentions, I moved to Plan B when I woke up late (8:30 am) and my first treatment was scheduled for 9:30 am. From home to the spa is approximately 35 minutes by bus, and then a short walk, but being rush hour I wasn't taking any chances. So off to the taxi stand I toddled... only to find there were no taxis. STRESSSSSS!!! Drama queen situtation solved, made it to the spa with 5 minutes ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darlinghurst January 28th 2007

well, here i find myself again - on the flip side of the equator, enjoying life and travel in the southern hemisphere. except this time, instead of spanish, the locals are speaking austrailian, the tango has been replaced by afternoon barbeques on the beach, and red wine eclipsed by crisp victoria bitter or a freshly poured toohey's new. i haven't been in austrailia (affectionately know as 'oz' ) long enough to acquire the salty, tangy, and very 'acquired' taste of vegimite, but three months has been plenty long enough to absorb and appreciate the laid-back, easy going and fun loving aussie character and lifestyle. sydney, the capital of new south wales, and probably the most well known austrailian city due to its iconic opera house and visually stimulating postcard views of the harbor, is a vibrant, ... read more
bringing a whole new meaning to the word "nap"
jan utson's masterpiece
the opera house and harbor bridge

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darlinghurst January 11th 2007

Despite recommendations from the daughter of a friend of a friend (Tammy).....we still managed to end up in backpacker accommodation in the red light district - still, it makes for interesting stories doesn't it! Not wanting to peak too soon in Sydney and thinking we may be committed to a few more days than the recommended 2, we avoided the bridge and the opera house on the first day. Opting instead, for a walk around the city taking in sights like Darling Harbour, the Botanical Gardens, Harrys Cafe de Wheels, Victoria St and the general city centre plus the all important and rather funky aboriginal centre in Darling Harbour! Digeridoos to try, outback music, aboriginal paintings - all very very cool!!! Also got to 'do' Darling Harbour as well! The evening's activities were very kindly taken ... read more
Sydney Sights!
Sydney Opera House
The Olympic Site

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darlinghurst December 9th 2006

dear all, hope everyones well! i'm good, been busy. looking at setting up a business and stuff at the moment. earlier in the week i went to the prem of James Bond over here, saw mr Bond in the flesh, he's quite small really! but that was cool, went tot he ilm the day after and that was really good!!! so i recomend it! had some time hanging out down town at the sites, there's a big screen for the cricket up in circular quey, so thats a good spot, been getting in to it SLOWLY. Had a shoot with a band called King Jack, which went really well, and i hope to shoot oasis this week, apart from that, not done a great deal! enjoying the sun! take care, Keep the emails comming! Tim xx ... read more
the screen
King Jack

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darlinghurst December 2nd 2006

Für alle, die ihn noch nicht kennen: Auch sehr geil: Hehe, gute Nacht.... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darlinghurst December 2nd 2006

Heya Freunde der Sonne! Es regnet! Und wie! Hat mich hart getroffen, als ich von meinem Wohnungs- bzw. Zimmerbesichtigungstermin kam. Wobei wir schon bei meiner Haupttagesbeschäftigung von heute wären. Der Vermieter hat mich erstmal 45 Minuten warten lassen, bevor er mit seinem fetten alten 500er Benz vorfuhr, um mir in einem 3-minütigen Rundgang durch das Haus, in dem er Zimmer vermietet, eins zu zeigen, dass dem, dass ich (wir) vermutlich bald mieten kann, ähnlich sieht, und mir mitzuteilen: "I expect the people (meine Vormieter) to leave on Tuesday." ! Nun ja, also hab ich noch immer nix fest. Er will mich aber am Dienstag anrufen. Ich muss dazu sagen, Schlafgelegenheiten sind in Sydney z.Z. extrem schlecht zu finden, denn wir haben Hauptsaison und neben mir suchen noch ca. 15 000 weitere Backpacker einen Schlafplatz. Aber egal, ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darlinghurst December 1st 2006

Ho'reya?! Ja, das ist Englisch. Ich habe mich seit meiner Ankunft auch unzählige Male gefragt, worunter die australische Sprache nur so gelitten hat. Wenn ein Australier erzählt, vor allem ein etwas älterer vom Lande, dann könnte man auf Russisch rückwaerts tippen. Doch die verbalen / "lingualen" Unstimmigkeiten konnten mich natürlich nicht von der Kommunikation mit den Einheimischen abhalten... Also Schluss jetzt mit dem inhaltslosen Rumgelaber. Ich habe mir heute extra mal einen day off vom Urlaub genommen, um meine Homies mit neuem, derben Stuff zu versorgen: Seit dem 23.11.06 bin ich nun schon in Australien und mit einer 4-taegigen Ausnahme auch in Sydney. Das Wetter ist temperaturtechnisch nicht sehr beständig. Es wird zwar nicht kalt, doch man hat von einem Tag zum anderen dann schon Mal eine Temperaturdiffernz von 18 Grad Celsius (38 - 20). Dafür ... read more
Kul, wa?
Das ist die perfekte Welle!
Echt perfekte Bedingungen

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darlinghurst October 26th 2006

Heya everyone! Well this week, for the first time, has been quite quiet! No rushing about and stuff, so its been a bit boring after the high standards set before, but I’m sure it will pick up again. Cant remember when I last wrote, but last weekend was Very busy, Back to last Wednesday or so…did the lamb of god stuff, I can remember writing about them…then Thursday Dhiraj’s stuff showed up from storage, so now we have a sofa and a few more things about the house to make it more homely, even 3 fridges, so there’s one for food, One for beers, and another one for beers, just in case! That was in the morning, and after that I was in recording Bass Guitar for a track as a session musician for an ozzy ... read more
me and manny
me and pat
harbour bridge sunset

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darlinghurst August 6th 2006

We celebrated Lauren's birthday in style. First it was in Paddington at Tapenade Restaurant on Saturday night with friends then afternoon tea at Mike and Lizzy's on the Sunday.... read more
Full House
Jaidene, Beth and Sarah
Rohan and Rachel

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Darlinghurst March 2nd 2006

greetings from australia. michelle and i spent 2 day on beautiful bondi beach where surfers are almost as numerous as the grains of sand. they're good too....and very intimidating. i spent my time on bondi walking up and down the beach, swimming in the surf, and body boarding. the coast is dotted with beaches between unbelievable formations of sandstone that has been skillfully carved by wind, rain, and waves. from bondi we headed to the northern beaches and are spending our last few nights in manly. we are staying with family friends of mine....though they have gone and left the house to us. we spent yesterday exploring sydney's inner city and getting prepared for MARDI GRAS which just so happens to be this weekend. sweet as mate :o) mardi gras is basically a huge gay pride ... read more

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