Blogs from New Mexico, United States, North America - page 78


North America » United States » New Mexico » Lordsburg December 20th 2009

Geo: 32.3498, -108.709... read more

North America » United States » New Mexico » Las Cruces December 18th 2009

Geo: 32.3067, -106.778... read more

North America » United States » New Mexico » Albuquerque December 10th 2009

I had been looking for a Silkie Terrier puppy for a few months and had finally found a litter in Albuquerque. So I arrived there on September 24th got set up in an RV park and planned a visit with the breeder of the litter from which I would select a puppy. This liter was an unexpected “blessing” for this breeder; she had not planned for Maddie (her female) to have another litter….but these things happen. I arrived took one look at the puppies and knew which one I wanted. The breeder wanted a patriotic name because they were born in July so I have called him Ike. Dwight Eisenhower was the first U.S. President in my living memory and I have tremendous respect for him, he was a good friend of the best statesman Britain ... read more
Balloon Launch
Baby Ike

North America » United States » New Mexico » Roswell October 21st 2009

October 21, 2009 This morning we left Gallup at about 8:45am. The city is actually in a Navaho reservation…this just means that they own the land…it doesn’t look any different from any other city (I had visions of teepees and Native Americans in full dress but that’s not the case!). Like many of the Native American areas we’ve been in, the city seemed quite impoverished with few resources. When we left in the morning it was 34 degrees and raining. By the time we got to Roswell, about 350 miles away, it was sunny and 67…it is so strange travelling through these areas and starting out huddled in the back seat with sweatshirts and blankets and then removing articles of clothing as we move along until finally we’re wearing nothing at all…just kidding…whew, that is a ... read more

North America » United States » New Mexico » Gallup October 20th 2009

October 20, 2009 Some parts of this trip have come as complete surprises…today we experienced this again! When we left Sedona this morning, we were headed for the Meteor Crater which was a few miles east of a town named Two Gun…just after Two Arrows…really! Anyway most of us thought this was going to be a small outpost with not a lot there except maybe some sci-fi nuts! What we actually found was this beautiful spot in the desert with a large complex surrounding an actual crater in the earth caused by a meteor over 50,000 years ago…it was fascinating!! There was a great speaker and movie and then a walk up onto the crater edge. It was interesting and fun and way more than we expected. We left there and headed on toward Gallup. ... read more

North America » United States » New Mexico » Albuquerque October 20th 2009

We headed South into New Mexico from Colorado. It has been a welcome treat to be off the Interstates, especially since, where we have been travelling, there isn't that much traffic on the secondary roads. Our route to St. Michael's Skeet in Canones was no exception. The terrain was clearly different from Arizona or Colorado, and not like anywhere I've seen before. The color of the stone is not as flamboyant as in Utah, but lighter than Colorado, and with lots of evident layers. As we approached Canones, we saw a sign that said "Monastery," so naturally we made the turn. As it turned out, it was the wrong monastery, but the road we took to it was worth the detour. It was an unimproved Forest Service road, taking us through nearly 20 miles of the ... read more
On the Chama River
There's a lot of wide-open space
Another Chama view

North America » United States » New Mexico » Las Cruces October 17th 2009

Bonjour famille et amis, Après Bryce Canyon nous nous dirigeons au Zion National Park. Le parc se situe au Sud-Ouest du Utah, à environ 2 heures et 30 minutes de route de Las Vegas. Nous devons laisser nos véhicules à lentrée du parc et utiliser les navettes gratuites mises à notre disposition pour visiter et nous déplacer dans le parc, ceci afin déviter les embouteillages dans le parc et la pollution… Très belle initiative ! Un tunnel dans la montagne de 2 km de long a été construit sur l entrée est du parc. Les véhicules qui mesurent plus de 4 mètres de haut ne sont pas autorisés à emprunter le tunnel. Les véhicules de plus de 2.4 mètres de large et/ou 3.4 mètres de haut devront payer $15. pour passer et seront escortés et c ... read more
Photo 5
Photo 6
Photo 8

North America » United States » New Mexico October 14th 2009

New Mexico was enchanted—just like the sign said it would be. The scenery here is just astonishing. It feels and looks like a different planet. Jagged hills and rock formations and barren landscape stretched on forever. All throughout New Mexico it seemed like same barren, dry, unforgiving landscape over and over. The transition from west Texas into New Mexico was very interesting and intense. As we got further west the world felt it like it just kept getting bigger. Every state continued to amaze me. I noticed how parts of the landscape would be covered in small valleys, and canyons that met at random points. There were rocks EVERYWHERE. We stopped several times along the road to get out and run up a big hill or to climb a rock we saw from the road. We ... read more

North America » United States » New Mexico » Albuquerque October 13th 2009

The ride from Parras to the border was pretty fast, despite the 500 km or so I needed to cover. The highway north from Monclova was awesome and I maintained 130 km/h most of the time. I arrived in the border city of Piedras Negras around 3 PM and headed for the border. I needed to cancel my vehicle importation permit in order for the $400 security deposit to be reversed on my credit card. I walked into the immigration office located just before the international bridge that crosses the Rio Grande and found a deserted office. A lone security guard stood in the lobby. I told him I needed to cancel my permit. He communicated to me that the Banjercitas - the agency that issues the permits - was actually located about 5 blocks from ... read more
Highway between Saltillo and Monclove
My vehicle permit, before they took it away from me
There is only 1 gas station in Mexico

North America » United States » New Mexico » Santa Fe October 11th 2009

We were off to the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta with Alki Tours. It is a 10-day celebration of launchings, races, and contests on a plateau the size of 54 football fields. After flying to Albuquerque and spending the night at the Fairfield Marriott Hotel, we drove to the Balloon Park at 5:30 a.m. October 4th. Our early departure gave us a head start on heavy traffic and got us to the Park in time to see three Dawn Patrol balloons test the winds. At 7 a.m., a balloon was launched carrying the United States flag. During the next few days, 550 balloons would fill the skies in the biggest international balloon fest in the world. Wednesday was International Balloon Day. Thursday featured Special Shapes balloons from China and Japan. We would see honey bees, a castle, stagecoach, ... read more
Smiley Face
Lift Off
Honey Bees

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