Blogs from New Jersey, United States, North America - page 16


Wow! We are officially signed up for the "Teach Abroad Thailand Experience" Our crazy journey is going to start off in beautiful Phuket where we will get our TEFL/TESOL certificates! I'm super excited about that because I've worked with English Language Learners before and absolutely loved it, and this certificate will be internationally recognized. Christina and I signed up for the program together and decided on the Premium Plus package. Since we did the buddy package we also got a little discount (yay for bargains!)Along with the TEFL/TESOL cert. we get a Thai visa, guaranteed job, free airport pick up, an authentic Thai massage =), and private training accomodations. Oh yeah! and for all of you worried about us, we'll also be getting 24/7 emergency support! woo hoo! Well..that... read more

North America » United States » New Jersey » Edison April 14th 2012

Got up at 430 am. On the PC till breakfast at 830. Dosa/ Cereal. Went out with Balaji. Sight seeing at Costco. Saw red potato, huge onions and polished tomattoes. Then to farmers market. Back home for lunch. Balaji's friends Gokul-Nithya had come. After lunch all five of them left for Tamil New years celebrations.. Crazy Mohan's Chocolate Krishna drama etc. Slept from 3.45pm to 5 pm. Went for a walk with N to Wall Greans 545 to 715pm. N slept from 2pm to 5.30pm and again sleeping now from 815pm. Did not eat dinner yet. The dust bin at home has a sensor that detects the movement of the hand. It opens and shuts automatically. In the mall if you take a shampoo bottle from the rack, the one behind it automatically moves forward to ... read more
Leaving for shopping
Talking to Shanthi
Balaji with the shopping list

North America » United States » New Jersey » Edison April 14th 2012

N got up at 930pm and had dinner. Watched what we thought was the old version of Titanic movie, but that happened to be a serial. Then watched the last part of Bodyguard, screened to celebrate 20 years of it's release and then watched Officer and Gentleman, celebrating it's 30th year. Nandhini and alaji came home after drama at around 10.30pm. They enjoyed the play put up by the Indian community 'Americavil Thiruvilaiyadal' and Crazy Mohan's 'Chocolate Krishna'. Nandhini's neighbor, living in the opposit apt. popped in. They are telugu people and have a 1 year old son Sai. They left at 11.30pm and Nandhini and fly retired to bed. They were really tired. We continued watching Officer and a Gentleman and slept at 1.00am. In the Costco we saw many old ladies working as sample ... read more
Sand Paper Letters

North America » United States » New Jersey » Edison April 13th 2012

Flight started on time ie., 1..00 am (Friday 13th morning). had window seat. I was already getting a bit hungry even while waiting at the airport, but did not eat anything b'cos i knew they would give something in the flight. They gave a veg. roll sort of thing and juice. R ate only a quarter of his roll. I was hungry and finished mine and his. Saw half of a movie called 'We bought zoo' (Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansson). Slept well through the night. After getting up in the morning had a nice view of snow capped mountains somewhere above Turkey alongside Black Sea. After, what felt like a long wait got breakfast of masala dosai, upma and sambar and of course the kutti bun. Opted for coffee. It was and bitter! Watched ... read more
Gate 6

DISCLAIMER: My intention is not groundbreaking. In fact, I've heard of several people taking the same exact trips. So why am I bothering to create a blog? For the most part, it's just a way to log my experiences. I don't want/nor do I expect many people to read this. I certainly am not writing anything shocking, original, or even remotely entertaining. Nevertheless, what you are about to read are my insights, experiences, and critiques as I journey through many of this country's major cities. OBJECTIVE: April 7, 2012 Ever since I was a kid, I had a fascination with baseball stadiums. Though baseball is not my favorite sport, I must admit that no view puts me in as much awe as seeing the inside of a stadium for the first time. I love everything about ... read more

This first summer, finances are limited so we're going to be restricted to weekend games in the remotely local areas. With that said, we already have tickets to games in Philadelphia (for my birthday), Pittsburgh, Queens, NY, and Baltimore. Ideally, we are also looking to get to Washington DC, Boston, and Bronx NY. Very much looking forward to not only seeing the stadiums, but also the different cultures each city has to offer.... read more
PNC Park

North America » United States » New Jersey April 2nd 2012

I am currently less than a week into my travels. New York is now a blur in the distant past, I did all the natural tourist things saw the empire state, Rockefeller, statute of liberty, went to the obligatory broadway show. I am actually quite disappointed by new York in the sense I only got checked for ID once. I came to America expecting to be accosted every time I attempted to purchase a "light" beer. But they serve me without question despite the fact at the best of times I look 17 years old. Kayla assures me it's my British charm, I am more than inclined to agree. I am currently sat in Kayla's living room in New Jersey, and it's 5am. Why am I in her living room at 5am? Because I am currently ... read more

North America » United States » New Jersey » Mount Laurel March 21st 2012

The last of our Italian travelers arrived at JFK after almost not getting on our flight from Sicily. Had a stretch Lincoln Navigator limo waiting to bring us back to Mount Laurel. Sitting at the bar at the Hotel ML with Mike waiting for our ride. The last of the partiers!! The best group a person could ask to travel with!! I was truly blessed!! Love you guys!!!... read more

North America » United States » New Jersey » Mount Laurel March 10th 2012

Well ... the suitcase is all packed and it's under 50 lbs., which was a miracle in itself especially since I have two ski outfits with me! I have bottles of Prosecco chilling in the fridge for all the people on the Italy trip to enjoy during our ride to Newark Airport. Thought that this party should be started on the right foot!! Woohoo!!!... read more

Only 2 more days and we will be flying Alitalia towards our Italian Adventure!... read more

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