Blogs from Atlanta, Georgia, United States, North America - page 17


North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta July 29th 2009

Our summer was mostly spent at our condo in Dunwoody, Georgia. We did make a few nearby trips, however. On July 28th, we returned to Virginia with Christi and helped her move back to Georgia. She found a nice house to rent in Gainesville. It is near Lakeview Academy, where Christi and Jennifer’s kids attend. On August 27th, we joined Dianne and John to watch the Braves play the San Diego Padres at Turner Field and then met his cousin's boyfriend, Will Venable. He plays right field for the Padres and had a great game against the Braves batting .600 and scoring a couple of runs. The Padres upset the Braves. Later, on August 29th, Jackie and I joined Gail and Larry on a road trip to North Carolina to see John and Kathy Kirts. Kathy ... read more
Padre's Will Venable
Padre's Will Venable
Kathy and John's Cabin

North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta July 26th 2009

Gday peoples, Work has been keeping me busy but ive been all over the south east of the USA. Towns and cities like Atlanta and Newnan in the great state of Georgia, Spartanburg and Leesville in the state of South Carolina and who could forget Moncure in North Carolina. Generally drive anywhere from 4-6 hours on the sunday night or early monday morning, work all week then charge back to Charleston at the end of the week. Thought id give you all a little pictorial essay of the sights and sounds of my travels! Catch you later you bunch of lunatics. Simo... read more
The abode
Got to love the flat screen TV!
Turner Field

North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta July 24th 2009

Take me to promise land..My native Georgia.Born and raised in Marietta,Ga a growing suburb of Atlanta.This isnt the same place that I grew up in.The green lush swamps and southern hospitality have turned into concrete,smog,drought and too much traffic,too many people that don't even understand what its like to be from the south..Still it's my motherland.Sweet honeysuckles breezes in the spring,lazy afternoons on the Chattahoochee River,haunted Kennesaw battlefield,all wonderful memories.... read more
Drive to nowhere
first snowfall

North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta July 4th 2009

July 2009 was another fun month for the Dorsey's. Of course, we started the month with a Fourth of July Parade in Dunwoody. For the last few years we have joined Melissa and family near the same spot on Mount Vernon to watch the parade. It seems to get better each year. It gives you a good small town feeling. The kids love it too. The next week we had a small party for Ted’s birthday. Melissa had arranged to have a blow up jumping thing for the kids to play in. I noticed at one point that Jackie was in there jumping with the kids. I ignored her later when she said her back hurt. She doesn’t listen to me. Ted had fun with the family joining in. He got lots of presents and a ... read more
Forth of July 2009
Forth of July 2009
Forth of July 2009

North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta » Buckhead June 30th 2009

The story of the “desaparecidos” and what went on in the ESMA concentration camp is so tragic that I have started wondering why I had not heard much about it in the United States. And even, among Argentines, unless you bring up the subject, it is an episode that people do not tend to talk about as much. After reading the “Children of Cain” I have, once again, confirmed my conclusion on how hypocritical Post Cold War U.S foreign policy is and has been. According to Rosenberg, it is clear that U.S not only provided substantial financial aid to the ESMA, but also “military” training to Argentine Junta’s officers in the U.S. So, I wonder, is this why many Argentines do not have a very favorable image of America? Probably! I say so because that is ... read more

North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta » Buckhead June 30th 2009

Race is very controversial subject to discuss, even more when it has to do to with racism and the perception every individual and culture has of it. As a person who was raised in Colombia, race was never a very present aspect in my life, but after living for more than ten years in the United States, my understanding of race and racism dramatically changed. After being in Rio de Janeiro and studying more about this culture, I discovered a different way of analyzing how the subject of race is understood and handled based on my experience in America. Even though America and Brazil have both suffered from significant racial discrimination throughout the history, in Brazil this issue has not been as stressed and pointed out as in the States. In America, racial discrimination has been ... read more

North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta » Buckhead June 30th 2009

The definition of soccer in Brazil takes a completely different dimension compared to the one in other countries. Brazilians see soccer as an art demonstration through which their character and personality is supposed to be reflected and represented. Because of this, it is interesting to note how for Brazilian soccer fans, the results of every match are not as important as the way the game is played by their players. They take a lot of pride on their rhythmical and skillful style of playing soccer. For them, a good player is not only the one who is efficient and obtains positive results for the team, but also the one who plays in a specific way. As it is explained in “The Realm of the Possible: Remembering Brazilian Futebol” what is considered by others as an “irresponsible ... read more

North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta » Buckhead June 30th 2009

It is amazing how two bordering countries such as Brazil and Argentina can be so close to each other and yet be so different at the same time. I would say that the only thing they have in common is their passion for soccer. This passion is clearly explained in “The Beautiful Game”. Part of this reading describes how soccer defeats and victories have had the power to greatly affect Brazilians. The most relevant example given on this was what happened in 1950 at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro when Brazil was defeated by Uruguay in the World Cup final. The disappointment was such, that the results were perceived not only as a tragedy but also as a punishment. From that moment on, a lot of different superstitions were born. It is well known ... read more

North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta » Midtown June 27th 2009

Thursday , We got up a bit late after the awesome laser show. Drove to a train station ( Marta) not far from here. Caught that into the middle of Atlanta. We always seem to attract real winners. This time his name was Dexter, a black guy. Who told us what stop to get off , then yaked all the way into town , telling us about his life history. He is doing time in jail , 2 days a week for 6 months. His "Woman" has got 1 of his children , his "Girl" has got 3 of his kids !! Got in with the wrong crowd selling drugs , I think. Anyway, he walked us thru the CNN building and over to the Coca Cola building as he had nothing better to do today. ... read more

North America » United States » Georgia » Atlanta June 25th 2009

What a place. After a bit of a late start, we seem to have a few of those. We finally got out to Tybee island. Its about 15 miles west of Savannah, Its all marsh land to get out there, with rivers winding there way inland. Alot of the shrimp boats come up these rivers. People had their own docks , some with 200m or more of above ground wooden footpaths, winding over the long grassed swamp. Tybee island is just like Foxton Beach !!, yeh right . We think it was quite touristy but from an American point of view, I'm sure it is classed as a small ,quaint, little beach town. So we finally got to ride our bikes, In the sweltering heat! Stopped at a gas station to buy some water, said bugger ... read more

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