Where Would I go for College?!!?

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North America » United States » Florida » Orlando
September 8th 2013
Published: September 8th 2013
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Well, I didn’t know what college I wanted to go to until last year. Diane and I are planning to go to college together in Florida. I want to leave Chicago completely!! I want to say goodbye to the windy city, and hello to the beautiful palm trees. Diane and I want to go to University of Central Florida. I want to study in the medical field to become a doctor. I don’t know what kind of doctor yet. Either an Occupational Therapist, which is, a doctor that helps people recovers the act of daily functions. I also want to be a Pediatrician, which is, a doctor that specializes in babies and children. the reason I am having so much trouble choosing where I want to go for college is because I love children and I love to help people ,and both career choices have that. I just cannot decide which one I love most to do basically the rest of my life, but for now I know what college I want to go to.

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