Blogs from Quintana Roo, Mexico, North America - page 130


North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Tulum July 21st 2006

After Tulum we went to what I would say was our first non-real tourist Mexican town, Valladolid, about 80 miles from the coast. We both liked it here as it was a very warm and friendly place and what we expected Mexico to be like. We arrived on a week end which was a bonus as they had a mini festival in the local park and it was nice to see all the locals out with the family enjoying themselves and having a great time. It felt like a real nice community and we were made to feel very welcome which was nice. They had lots of food stalls, which were great and beyond cheapness nothing over a pound. I always thought I would never have anything hotter than a curry but Mexican food bring heat ... read more

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Tulum July 19th 2006

I have lived 23 out of the 24 years of my life in Texas. I have been to Europe three times, Canada twice, New Zealand, Fiji, and Australia... but this June I went to Mexico for the first time. I know, I know! I'm sorry! I'm just not a border-town kind of girl, and camping was more my kind of Spring Break activity. So it took the wedding of my first real friend to get me to cross the border. Hill and I met in kindergarten- we were Brownies together, had first crushes together, and all that sort of important stuff, so there was no way I could miss her wedding! We stayed in a little village called Akumal, which is about an hour south of Cancun. I was completely surprised at how few people were ... read more
I love my zoom

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Cancun July 15th 2006

Life here is so relaxed that it´s hard to know what we have been up to since we last wrote. Also this is the first entry that I write alone, having left Henry A at Cancun Airport this moring (which was quite an achievement considering we were still drinking on the roof of our hostel at 5am!) Cancun Airport on a Saturday morning is not a place you want to be hungover in...a drawled shout of “HEY TEX, HURRY UP OR WE´LL MISS OUR FLIGHT” can really grate. Anyway, I managed to book my flight to Cuba... another massive performance - of course you could only get the cheap fare from the office in town and not the desk in the airport...3 hours later of wrong directions I had booked ten days in Cuba (from the ... read more
On the roof of the hostel
Late-night swimming
Feel the Caribbean vibe!

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Tulum July 15th 2006

We Did Something, But Nothing Really We got a real jump on the day today, getting started just after 12:00 pm. Fully recoverd from the night before we headed out for some desayuno por Marco y almuerzo por mi. He grabbed some huevos y jamon mixture and I treated myself to a dinner sized portion of burritos con pollo y queso, arroz, y frijoles. I'm guessing our meal took around 45 minutes. I don't know about time very often due to the fact that I'm not carrying a watch or travel clock with me. After eating we searched out a place to get some washing done for us. This search took us down some back roads and we did eventually find a place. The problem was that it was a private place and they said we ... read more
Tulum's Old Port
Disco Show
Disco Show 2

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Cancun July 15th 2006

can i tell you all ITS VERY HOT...just like know.. spent 3 days and 2 nights i cancun and man im sooooooo glad to be out of there.. met up with this swedish chick pernilla at a hostel...went out first night and got a feed for 8 pesos..which is NOT alot... next day i went with a Nico, german guy whos all fluently aussie like me.....and Blair ...just a tipical english bloke really..we went to Chitchen itza..which is probably one of mexicos most famous maya ruins..might be the biggest one but i dont know....that was pretty cool...walked around all day took heaps of photos... it was hot as hell but it was cloudy so that was probebly good.....sweattin like pigs we were again.... when we got back to cancun we went to this resturant nico ... read more
Chicken snitzel
Chicken snitzel
Chicken snitzel

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Tulum July 14th 2006

Just a quick update Currently, I'm in Tulum, Mexico. Tulum is located about 2 1/2 hours south of Cancun by bus and is the home of the Mayan ruins of the city of Tulum. Cancun Stories Just to wrap up a few more stories about Cancun. My last comment about Cancun had me learning a new card game with a group of 4 at my hostel. After the game continued on until about 12:00 AM and slowly people started to fade into their dorm rooms to head off to bed I made my way to the Zona Hotelera with Marco. Marco is 29 year old Swiss sports teacher and handball trainer when he's at home. Currently, he is on a 4 week holiday between his various teaching and training jobs. In Zona Hotelera we headed to ... read more
Just a half hour
Bus to Tulum

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Cancun July 13th 2006

Trying to feel how it is to be a Maya. It's just amazing to know that a population like this still exists nowadays! After a few hours, we arrived to Chichen Itza, a Mayan temple surrounded by soldiers' shelter, game field and astronomy. There were something like 50 000 Mayans living there with all the rituals and sacrifices between the 11th the 15th century if I have a good memory. That day was fucking hot, and we also had rain for 10 minutes (the only moment we had rain since we came!). I could discovered that their belief in their god (the sun) was really strong, it was mainly related to the weather. As they need to feed the population, there was a lot of pressure on agriculture and so they pray and made sacrifices to ... read more
the Mayan god ShakMul & sis
the cimetery

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Cancun July 13th 2006

Yesterday we took a day trip to Chichen Itza, a set of Mayan ruins from 500AD. The bus ride took us about 2 hours inland - fortunately, the weather was overcast and not too hot. The ruins are a major tourist destination so there were quite a few people there! The main pyramid is amazing to see. The Mayans were a peaceful people and are best known for being 'sky watchers'. They understood the movement of the stars and were the first people to create a calendar based on 365 days. The pyramid has four sides (one for each season), each side has 91 stairsteps to the top (4 x 91=364, the uppermost top represents the 365th day). The pictures showing stone columns are that of the marketplace. It's an amazingly large complex where the people ... read more
Pyramid Close-up
Ball Court
The Marketplace

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Cancun July 12th 2006

Well, that day wasn't sunny at all, so I decided to move and see other things than Cancun. We took a small bus for 35 pesos to Playa del Carmen, another beach, and a different one actually. After an hour or something, we arrived at the 5th avenue, it's a shopping avenue where there's a lot of restaurants and many shops selling swimmwears and the same stuffs as in Cancun, you know silver, sombreros etc... The beach wasn't as beautiful as in Cancun. I used to see white sand instead of yellow one. What is good is you can't find huge buildings hiding the sea, it's more typical, but anyway, very touristic!... read more
Playa Del Carmen
hotels architecture

North America » Mexico » Quintana Roo » Isla Holbox July 12th 2006

We had a very smooth journey from Valladolid to Isla Holbox (olbosh) along with Ben and Effy. We had to take two different buses and then a small ferry for half an hour out to the island. It was very different to anywhere we had been previously...a great deal more undeveloped but this served as quite a refreshing break. The only mode of transport on the island was golf buggies and all the roads were sand tracks. We had been advised by an English couple in Valladolid of where to stay and found it to be the cheapest...we had a room at the back of the hotel for four...with one person sleeping in a hammock. On our first full day we investigated prices for trips to see whale sharks and to hire a golf buggy. We ... read more
Island road
Taking our little golf buggy to deserted beaches
Cruising along

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