Blogs from Ontario, Canada, North America - page 302


North America » Canada » Ontario » London November 7th 2005

first off id like to say that ive gotten almost 100 page views in the past month, and it is adding up as you read this. there is nothing better then hearing from a loved one or a friend, its a pickup like no other. so thank you, and keep it coming. next, i would like to thank all of the wonderful courthouse employees, my friends, for coming down on oct 28th for a little party by the little red roaster. (solid as a...) there was a flow of positive energy that took over me that day, as you all saw, an unexpected burst of happiness to put it lightly. i was amazed by the feel of the whole party. you could feel the love in the air, literally, something i will never forget...ever. so thank ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto November 6th 2005

Hello. Yes I know there was/is no such thing as a streetcar named Toronto, but Toronto has trams and trams are rather cool. The way the locals say Toronto is "Tronno" and if you are unable to pronounce it like that then you are lame and not worthy of being an honorary Torontonian. If there is such a thing. The suburbs immediately surrounding the "downtown" area of Toronto are arranged in the same grid-style city block layout as most North American cities, but it has a distinct London feel to it, with the Chinatown area and the Kensington markets which is kind of like a cross between Camden Town, but without all the stupid Goths, and Finsbury Park, but without all the Kebab shops. Down the other end, downtown, yo, is a giant needle called the ... read more
Images in the camera lens are larger than they appear
All the water has to go somewhere!

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto November 1st 2005

Off to Winnipeg On board the Canadian Get there tomorrow Wow, another month and the next part of my journey. Today, it's to hop Train Number 1 that heads West through Ontario and has a final destination of Vancouver but I will be hopping off in Winnipeg. The train leaves three times a week in both directions. From Toronto to Winnipeg it will be a +30 hour journey depending upon whether the train is on time or not. As I mentioned yesterday I'm armed with lots of stuff to keep me preoccupied and lots of snacks too. Like I had to mention that. lol Last night at the hostel I kept myself preoccupied doing my laundry, sorting my bags and writing a couple of postcards. There was this nice Egyptian woman in my room that is ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto October 31st 2005

Is it trick or treat? A treat equals a snack, so Treat it is! Thank you! Hey folks! I was able to wake up bright and early this morning in order to catch my 06:45 train back to Toronto. It wasn't so bad though. I was up at 6. Washed up. Stripped the linen from my bed. Left my key at the reception desk. Then it was out the back door. Quick walk to the train station and I was there by 06:17. Plenty of time. I even had to wait to board the train but that's okay since it's never nice running after a train. Although thinking back, I do remember having to jump off of a moving train back in Vietnam. lol Anyhoo, I've made it back to Toronto for one more day where ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls October 30th 2005

Day three-oh-seven It's Eve of All Hallow's Eve Time for some chocolate! I happened to look in my calendar today and noticed I've been travelling about for three hundred and seven days now. I've been away from home so long, or rather I've been travelling around for so long now that I'm just used to being on the road. I can't believe it's been 10 months. I guess you could say the days are beginning to meld into one. Ahh! Yup, everyday is a Saturday. haha I remember those first few days in Tam Ky when we were just sort of waiting around because there really wasn't any orientation going on and there wasn't much else to do. I remember thinking the days were just dragging and I had almost a whole year ahead of me ... read more
That's me!
One of 10,000 Buddha's

North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls October 29th 2005

Very early start Going to Niagara Falls That's lots of water! Well, I managed to get up early, wash up, pack up and even had a sit down breakfast. Even taking my time I had plenty of time on my hands to browse the aisles at the grocery store and wait for my train. Being 7:30/7:45 in the morning at the grocery store who'd think that there'd be a line up to check out? lol I guess I didn't have on my "angry, don't disturb me or sit beside me" face on this morning. First I was in the line up to get on the train and a guy asked me if I knew Mandarin. Nope, sorry. Well are you going to NYC? Nope, sorry. He was looking for someone to escort his mom to NYC ... read more
Horseshoe Falls in the distance
A taste of cheesy Clifton Hill

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto October 28th 2005

Great day of walking A couple of blonde moments Feet gonna fall off? I woke up this morning and thought to myself. "I should check my train ticket to see what time I take off tomorrow." Well, I looked at my ticket and had to take a double take (since the light in wasn't yet turned on in our room.) I was supposed to be on the train in exactly 2 minutes! What! I'm not sure why I kept thinking I was leaving for Niagara Falls on the 29th - Saturday. Then I checked my ticket where it clearly stated the 28th. I guess to reinforce my thought of the 29th was the fact that I had written in my calendar that's the day I'm leaving for Niagara and also when I made the hostel booking...check ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Hamilton » McMaster University October 27th 2005

I arrived in Canada with a $200 fine above my head. For anyone planning to bring an apple into the country anytime soon, apparantly it's not a good idea. Fortunately my British charm and wit saw me through - "You can't bring that into the country." "Haha, oh well - you could have it for your lunch if you like." "No, we have to incinerate it." "Oh". A good start, I hastened through customs being let off the fine, to find Danielle waiting in the crowd at arrivals. It was great to see her again. In fact, it's been wonderful to see everyone again. These two weeks have pretty much been 'reunion fortnight' so expect lots of names in this blog. For these two weeks, everything has converted back to how it was 2 years ago. ... read more
Coney Island
Happy Halloween!
The Big Apple

North America » Canada » Ontario » Toronto October 27th 2005

Today, Toronto. Only here a couple of days. I've been here before. I didn't have the best nights sleep since there were some pretty noisy young girls on our floor. I think it may have been their first trip away or something. It seemed like they were in high school which begs the question, "Where the hell is the person in charge of looking after you??" Oh well, I listened to my music for a while and eventually fell asleep. It wasn't too early of a start for me since I had most of my stuff packed up already. Quick check out, a walk up the stairs to the MacKenzie King Bridge and then across the street to catch the #95 bus that will take me back to the train station. The bus was pretty full ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario » Ottawa October 26th 2005

Last day in Ottawa Walked over to Gatineau Took lots of pictures. Another cool one Went to the Museum of Civilization. Kish asked if it would be okay if she could join me for the day. I only had the Museum of Civilization on my list of things to see today. Sure, it'd be nice to have some company. So we took our time having something for breakfast and then went back to our cell to bundle up. In no time we were soon on our way and out the door. We walked through the Byward Market area and past the National Gallery where we snapped a few photos. There's this huge metal spider sculpture that just begs for its picture to be taken! We made a pit stop at a look out over the Ottawa ... read more
View of the Musee du Civilsation from across the river.
The Grand Hall
Colour fallen leaves.

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