Blogs from Midlothian, Scotland, United Kingdom, Europe - page 136


Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh September 16th 2005

after partying at the notting hill carnival and staying with 'pauls' 'kieeeefth' 'zach morris' and the rest of the lynfield crew we said goodbye to london to meet up with sams dad we have spent the last couple of weeks cruizing around the uk with sams dad and visitng the family (thanks for being so good to us dudes) its been a great way to ease ourselves back into british life and the weathers been great! we are currently living in edinburgh staying with sams cousin jamie and his flatmate dave, who have been kind enough to have us for a couple of months. ledgends! now the mission is to find work till december, and have a few weekend trips around europe we love edinburgh, the architecture is the most beautiful we have seen in britain ... read more
the view of oban
oban chocolate cafe
big booze up

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh September 15th 2005

I finally met my department yesterday. Okay, it's history, so I imagined that everyone would be a little eccentric. We're not the most socially capable bunch in the world. Yesterday's History Postgraduate reception involved a lot of nervous speeches from faculty members who all seemed a bit scared of us, and a lot of professors pushing students to "finish the wine before they kick us out of here." Okay, so I guess I not in the States anymore. The first and only time I shared a drink with any of my professors was when I gave my senior presentation on my absolutely fascinating thesis entitled "Intellectual Origins of Nazi Doctrine." I was nervous, drank a bit too much before my presentation, thought I bombed it, and wound up getting an A. In general, when presenting papers ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh September 15th 2005

Okay, sorry for the weirdness on the posts. The internet has been iffy, and as Judy will attest, Travelblog had some issues as well. Too tired to post too many thoughts, but I wanted to show theses pictures. Particularly the first one. I'm standing on the freaking Swilkin Bridge!! I can die now. Jack Nicklaus stood on this bridge exactly two months ago in his farewell to to playing in the majors!! Loved the train ride up to St. Andrews. Loved the pubs there so much I missed the 4:20pm and 5:40pm trains back to Edinburgh... But, it did give me a chance to explore University of St. Andrews, where the future King of England just graduated last Spring. Riding the train through Fife was gorgeous. I wanted to jump out at each small village we ... read more
Inside Edinburgh Castle
The Caley
A Skinner Sighting

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh September 14th 2005

Well I arrived in Glasgow yesterday. I had to catch the train into Edinburgh... but I decided to first see Glasgow. I walked around for a while... its quite industrial. Of course I ventured into a local pub... ... ended up meeting this guy Steven... real friendly fella. Anyway he started talking to me about some Scottish history, some stuff about Bill Gates, and George Bush... and I just kept listening. He told me about some great local bands and to go visit The River Clyde (which I did). Before I left he did something that was really nice... and it really left with me a lasting impression. He went to the bar and exchanged one british pound for a scottish pound (made by the bank of scotland). Apparently they are hard to come by. ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh September 13th 2005

Internet issues here in Scotland. I have a full journal ready to go as soon as I can get help. A couple of pictures. ... read more
For Evie

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh September 12th 2005

The next morning we headed to Edinburgh and saw the royal mile and whiskey shops. We also saw Edinburgh castle and the Cathedral which I think was one of my favorites of the whole trip. We saw where John Knox is buried under the parking lot and I especially loved the stained glass window portraying the medieval lords and ladies at the death of Christ... It was very dark inside and stained with soot outside. In fact a lot of buildings in Edinburgh are black. The streets are cobblestoned in the old part of town and the shops are in the original houses so their small with low ceilings. I went to see Holyrood Palace the next day only to find that Mary of Scots' quarters had been shut the day before for renovation! I was ... read more
Holyrood Chapel
Grandpa and I in front of Holyrood
Window in the chapel

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh September 12th 2005

Yawn and stretch...I woke up about an hour ago from an 11 hour sleep -- after about 40 hours awake. I did exactly what I thought I would do -- I came to the city and I was completely buzzed from all the excitement that I didn't sleep a wink -- I just let Graham nap while I set up the whole apartment. So we're almost finished, but I am pretty much in a jet lagged haze right now. I don't even know where to begin. Holy shit -- this place is a thousand times more amazing than I thought it would be. I knew that this would be pretty cool -- but when I said we live on the Royal Mile, I wasn't kidding. We literally live on the Royal Mile. There were bagpipers 100 ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh September 11th 2005

Oh crikey. It's 2.30pm on the day before I'm due to fly and I'm not packed. I'm not even close to being packed. Instead of doing anything useful, I'm adding cds to the computer that's not coming with me in some vain hope that I can copy them onto a mega-holds-everything DVD-R and somehow transfer that onto my laptop. But as we all know, though that might work in theory, practice is something altogether different. And I'm not even sure it works in theory... So far today I've bawled my eyes out as I watched The Man (Simon) drive off into next year, eaten some of his birthday cake, eaten some dried mango, eaten a cheese sandwich (are you starting to see the pattern here?) and printed off some more photos. And here I am. Just ... read more
Happy Skye Camper

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh August 30th 2005

(Heavy paraphrasing here as I try and remember the lines from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) Young Willy Wonka: I'm running away, and I'm going to all the great candy making nations: Switzerland, Bavaria etc. etc. (I was watching it in Switzerland, and the whole cinema sniggered at the line. Louise, who was watching the film with me, is Belgian, and was a bit miffed that her country didn't get a mention. I'm inclined to agree with her) Good afternoon to all and sundry, How's things? Hope you're all having an uproariously good time :) It has certainly been a while (all of 2 weeks), but I can't say I've really had a chance, or been inspired to write until now. I'll warn you now, this is a long one, so it may be wise to ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh August 30th 2005

Egg #2. Alan and I officially finished up at work on the 19th August (or 1.14 working weeks ago). The last 6 days have been relaxed, happy, fun, dizzy, lazy and downright irritating: RELAXED - Because we don't have to go to work ( yay!) HAPPY - See above 'relaxed' / looking fwd to getting away to the sunshine & further chilling. FUN - The Edinburgh Festival has been in full swing, so there's been lots of interesting things to do/see. DIZZY - Wine / beer / cocktails / more wine & beer & cocktails etc... LAZY - Getting up later than 10 am following 'Dizzy' nights.. DOWRIGHT IRRITATING - ...This is the one that'll be stumping you, yeah? Last week - we turned up at the Travel Clinic for our first Rabies innoculation, of which ... read more
Silver Lady
Thronging crowds on the Royal Mile
Guitar Jazz street performers

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