Blogs from Brighton, East Sussex, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 11


Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex » Brighton May 5th 2008

Bye, bye, South America, hello England! It wasn't a bad trip home. No problems leaving Rio despite being 5 days over our tourist visa (no fine, no comment, just an exit stamp!) and a resonable flight to Madrid with Iberia but only a couple of hours sleep. Then another couple of hours with British Airways to Heathrow and great relief to come in at Terminal 1 NOT 5. Our bags were first off for the first time in our lives!!!! We took the tube (metro, underground, subte, subway) to Victoria then a surface train to Brighton. It was good to be in Sussex by the sea. It was freezing in the evening though as the lead photo shows! We have been very lucky with the weather since we got back and the sun has shone every ... read more
Brighton Palace Pier
West Pier
Naturist Beach

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex » Brighton April 19th 2008

I do feel like I've been coming here to write a lot. Like every day.... but I've just been lucky to have a lot of easy internet access. I am in Lewes now (pronouced like Lewis). I got up this morning, packed my things, ran around the corner to get a veggie breakfast (the first real hot meal i've had that wasn't a sandwhich!), ran back to the hostel to eat it and then checked out. I needed to get to Victoria Station (not Kings Cross, like I was hoping... which is the site of the Harry Potter platform), and that's an easy tube ride from the hostel. So with Ginnormo Green (aka my backpack), I got on the train. Except, even though I got on the Eastern line, it started going West. No problem, I ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex » Brighton April 6th 2008

This morning I had a slight Julie Andrews moment where I marvelled at the wonders of Mother Nature & danced around with a stupid grin on my face. Not that I'm calling Dame Julie silly, quite the opposite- she definitely had it right when she could take such pleasure from the simple things in life.... she was definitely not in the UK when she sang "Favourite Things" though.... "Silver white winters and melt into springs"..... does not fit a Sunday morning in April here in Brighton because it has snowed for the last three hours & is still going (it doesn't quite come across in the photos but its really thick!) :o) I was not the only person in the street.... some poor sods had to work today. I was, however, the only person standing on ... read more
Lets start at the very beginning

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex » Brighton April 3rd 2008

Morning: Woke up at abt 7+am and started getting ready when my buddy Wang Yng, told me that she's not feeling well today and won't be joining me for the day's activities. What a bummer! but it's all good as luckily Brighton doesn't have too much to see, jus prob 2-3 places to visit and that's it. So David is nice again to make us breakfast: bacon sandwich and orange juice and yesterday i bought baked beans (my fav!) to go w everything else. Both of us left at abt 11+am to go about finding out on the train info to Gatwick Airport as we have a morning flight to catch. After we reached the Worthing train station, the tkt guy informed us that the earliest train tmr won't be able to make it for our ... read more
The amusement park by the sea
Me at Brighton Pier
JollyMa at the Royal Pavilion

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex » Brighton April 2nd 2008

Morning: Woke up at 8am this morning to start getting ready for our nex trip to Brighton. Taking a coach bus at 12.30pm at Victoria Bus station again. Yes that dreadfully huge station where we got lost a few days ago. We ate our breakfast at the really messy kitchen of Jane's together w her 2 dogs and 3 cats and said our goodbyes to them and left the very interesting but nothing-can-compare-to-this-kind-of-mess place. Phew! Afternoon: This time round we reached there early and sat at Gate 19 for the coach. The bus ride was pretty much like our normal SBS buses so to sit on it for more than 2 hours was actually quite uncomfortable, plus the driver was stepping on his brakes way too often and too hard. Finally we reached this town half ... read more
Me at the pier
View from the pier

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex » Brighton March 31st 2008

Such a warm weekend this week... I think it got to 9 degrees today! & the sun was out... momentarily... which is absolute luxury :o) I had a lovely time with Reece who came down from London for a visit. I was in London last weekend as well so its been great to see each other. Both weekends involved lots of walking around & eating myself stupid. I understand why many people suffer from the "Heathrow Injection" (putting on 10kg) because a) there is so much good- cheap- food & b) its so bloody cold that a gorgeous layer of toxins keeps the body warm:o) Especially considering it snowed last week! The amount of people I have had tell me that I'm absolutely crazy for coming here when its 30 degrees back home is astronomical. Whilst ... read more
Tara's B'day
Dinner with Naomi & Reece
Tower Bridge

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex » Brighton March 25th 2008

We had a really nice Easter full of fatty food, sleep, snow and snuggles! Thursday night was spent on the couch with our flatties eating pizza. Then on Friday we spent the day walking around Borough Markets and had lamb souvlaki for lunch. Then came home and made a fresh loaf of bread then dinner and spent some more time on the couch, keeping an eye out for the promised snow. Woke up early Saturday morning to HAIL!!! Not quite what we wanted but still fun! Chris even filmed getting pelted in the head by the little balls! Then we went to the movies at the O2 and saw the Bank Job! A great film if any of you are thinking of going, and while you're watching it remember that we're been to most of the ... read more
St Paul's
Giant Burgers

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex » Brighton March 22nd 2008

Easter in Brighton We both had the day off on Thursday so we spontaneously decided to go the Brighton for the weekend. It only took 1 hour on the train and we managed to score a cheap hotel on and we were stoked to see that it was right on the water front. The sun was shining but the wind was freezing and we were expecting to see some snow. The first day we went on a tour of the Royal Pavilion, it was great and I learnt a lot about King George IV and how he lived. It was amazing to see the chandelier in the banqueting room weighed a ton and held up by the claws of a silvered dragon suspended from the apex of the ceiling. I had a challenging time trying ... read more
Royall Privalian

Europe » United Kingdom » England » East Sussex » Brighton March 13th 2008

Now, as most of you would agree, I am I mild mannered young woman who can put up with most things... At 5 am this morning, I forgot all about this as I came within seconds of smothering a man with a pillow... ... Snoring in a dorm room is not OK!!! This man sounded like he was performing an exorcism or drilling into 50ft of concrete. Now, I know what you're all thinking.... why didn't I just wake him up??!! Do you think I could actually stir the bastard?!!! I have never been one for revenge but I am secretly hoping that all of my wishfull thinking comes true & that he gets pecked slowly to death by a large pack of rabid chickens (@ 5 in the morning my imagination is a little sketchy...)! ... read more
Dinner (followed on from coffee)
Soccer watching
Naomi & Mike

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