Blogs from Skåne County, Sweden, Europe - page 21


Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö December 28th 2007

Cause I bet I've been in more. Now equipped with a ghetto-fabulous, have-more-pages-added passport, the real travel has begun. But I left off in Belgium, so I'll work my way back. The night of the second day in Belgium was interesting, to say the least. We went to a Congolese restaurant out on one of the metro lines on Brussels. It took a little while to find, because for all it's benefits, lonely planet does not give good directions. When we finally found the street with all the restaurants on it, we picked one that looked as inviting as possible, and sat down. The only problem with this plan was that we don't speak whatever language was predominately spoken (I don't know what language is spoken in the Congo), and my passable French only got us ... read more
The Ice Dragon
Food from a Vending Machine in Amsterdam
The Red Light District

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Helsingborg December 18th 2007

Hey there! So on the 6 January, I will be leaving sweden for a 3 month long visit to Ghana. I will be working as a volunteer in a school, teaching math and english. Im going to stay in a village called Agona Swedru, with a family of 4. Right now Im so nervous that i hardly know what to write..... My biggest fear is the Malaria! and then the fact that they use a hole in the ground as toilett. :/ and that hole lives scorpions, spiders and mosquitos! And then theres the worms in the sand, and the germs in the water and.............. Oh my God im gonna DIE!!!!! Um yeah, I will write more next time! Take care! Kram kram /J... read more

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Lund December 15th 2007

What has the month of December brought? A lot of work! Although, not the paying kind so that’s unfortunate though I doubt I would have had time! Christmas in Sweden and Denmark is done nicely - they light up the city streets, Christmas trees are in plazas everywhere and we were singing Swedish, English and French Christmas carols (Jul songs) at the preschool. I’ve since downloaded a Swedish and Danish Christmas CD so I can sing along, lol. I think the best way to explain what I’ve been upto is in photos and videos, I’ve already explained our bathroom switching project, so the videos are here: there’s a few there. Here on my Flicker account: there’s photos of the toilet project as well as photos from the Half Machine Symphony Orchestra performance. We’ve received ... read more
Lund storefront
Lund Ice Rink
Malmö Motorcycle Parade

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Lund November 28th 2007

See, I told you I’d update it after the weekend; and in this case its a good idea! This week is going to be insane, we have school from 9-4 nearly every day and the one day we didn’t I was working at the preschool (yesterday). So the weekend went like this, Friday night project based outing to a club, Saturday night helping on the barge with a concert, and Sunday night, Harry Potter. Friday night we prepared some ‘interventions’. The project we’re working on currently is to re-establish social connections between people in the night club setting. Currently, people tend to cluster in small groups of friends, and are generally closed to opportunities for social connections be it for purely social interaction reasons or for romantic ones. People tend to get protective of themselves at ... read more

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Lund November 22nd 2007

So its 1:38am. I’m getting fairly used to ‘this time’. Its my catching up time. It usually lasts anywhere from 1-4 hours. I’ve just paused my work on a paper that I’m writing since I’ve been researching and writing for about 3 hours and haven’t even hammered out a full page. This is disturbing but maybe it means the beginning of a great paper because of the thought I’m putting into it. Maybe not. So I’ve made a list of things to talk about. Its...extensive. I really need to update this blog a few times a week rather than once every 3 as I think this will be another long one. As an aside and for your audio expansion needs, I’m listening to two Danish groups: Analogik and Natasja Saad. One electronic with Balkan tones, and ... read more
I found Heels!
Christiana House
Party at Vanessa's

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Malmö November 14th 2007

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Lund October 26th 2007

My hands smell like garlic. Yes, I know you wanted to know that about my travels. It’s important, not really, but I was cutting garlic earlier for my dinner (tonight was traditional Swedish food, mos and kottebulle (mashed potatoes and meatballs) yep. I was lazy but I spent nearly an hour and a half cooking eggplant napoleon last night so... it’s a trade off. Anyway, point is, it’s weird, typing and smelling garlic. So I’ve learned some important things. Danish speaking: Jeg vil gerne have flæskeskeg halvsteg. I will have roast pork, rare. Yeah, makes no sense but amuses the hell outta me. Let’s see, I went to a Swedish class on Monday, it’s Swedish level 2. Didn’t do so well. Actually, cross that out, I did great considering the people in front of me have ... read more
World Cup Team
The Crew! (Minus Ry)
Dancing Polka Style

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Lund October 6th 2007

This past week has been full of E. Not the drug, that would have made it far more interesting I’m sure, but Enthusiastically, Exhausting, Exasperating, Emptying, Enjoyably, etc. See, it even ended with an ‘e’. Its been crazy. I finally slept last night, due to a great attempt on my part to relax before bed and the acceptance that my wonderful friend Magda has gone on to Poland, but I’ll be talking to her on Facebook in no time, and that my project is nearly done, and that my life is finally putting itself into some semblance of order here. And ... I’m on the boat again. Its 6:50pm the sun has set the sky is a purpely blue maze of clouds and I’m on the water, and its gorgeous. I could easily live right here....especially ... read more
Magda at Newhavn
Herring Lunch
Absolut Ice Bar

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Lund September 25th 2007

Copenhagen Weekend This weekend was a bunch of events! Again, we barely stayed in our own city, we will explore it…one day. We’ve lived here two full weeks now and have not yet spent a weekend here :D This weekend was my friend Ry’s birthday in Copenhagen so Amanda and I left on Saturday morning and went to be tourists before the party. We walked through most of the main squares and saw the government buildings, the main street was jam packed FULL of people it was like a sea of moving, shopping, money spending madness. There were so many shops in each direction, with people spilling in and out of their doors, and was absolute madness to try and navigate. Throughout all of this, there were, every few metres, men who had a game of ... read more
Street Vendors
Canal Tour
Brown Party

Europe » Sweden » Skåne County » Lund September 18th 2007

Big Entry ... rest your eyes for a second first... Friday at school was hectic, we were shoved into groups (luckily, I’m in a good group of three, everyone is great there, but these two especially I get along well with so I’m happy to be in a good group!) assigned the assignment, told what to get started on, and left alone; a lot of the program is being left alone. I guess its all part of the master’s thing - but its really interesting to see how responsible everyone’s become in such a short time, and how ready for action we all our, such a good group of people working together!!! Friday afternoon Amanda and I headed home, and began packing for Berlin. Our bus left at 22:30 so we had to leave the house ... read more

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