Blogs from Madrid, District of Madrid, Spain, Europe - page 87


Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 26th 2008

Dicen que un viaje en realidad comienza mucho antes de que salgas de tu territorio...bien, me he propuesto seguir una especie de diario de viaje, esta vez en formato electrónico, sé que echaré de menos el escribir en mi libreta y llevarla a todas partes, pegar en ella mapas, fotos y entradas a lugares... Pero la tecnología me prometió una existencia más fácil y feliz, así que será mejor que pruebe que esto puede ser cierto...y sino siempre me quedará el pegamento, las tijeras y el celo... De momento, queda menos de una semana para la cuenta atrás y pierdo el tiempo sin decidir qué hacer y adónde ir exactamente, no podría tenerlo todo planeado y decidido (soy libra), pero necesitaría orientarme algo y saber qué cosas son imprescindibles.... Una duda que me asalta por la ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 25th 2008

Visited Countries Map ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 25th 2008

Yesterday was a long day. Good... but long! After my last blog, I met up with that professor guy for dinner. We found a neat & authentic Spain restaurant near one of the main plazas in Madrid. We enjoyed a wonderful meal, full of good bread and excellent pasta. At the end of the meal, the server brought us a dessert (on the house) that was a mandarin orange frozen drink with some kind of liquor in it. It was delicious! After dinner, we roamed the town a bit. Then, back at the hostel, I made friends with a girl from Chile. It was awesome to be immersed in Spanish and learn about a different culture at the same time. I guess it defined the entire purpose of me being here. We managed to make it ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 25th 2008

Hola! So I thought I went to London, but I went to Gatwick which is like going to Fremont and thinking you are in San Francisco. Apparently Heathrow is the real London, not Gatwick. I'll let you know when I really make it to London. I did, however, have the pleasure of meeting a delightful lesbian couple on the Gatwick flight. One of them is a radio host in London for the "Lisa Jane Love Hour". Apparently if I so desired, I could now go through the online archives and listen to Hotel California being dedicated to me. You're jealous I know. Admit it. Disclaimer: George, Harriet, Therese, and any other card carrying PETA members, probably you don't want to read any further about my trip to Madrid. Ah Madrid. Fun facts: ~I HEARD it is ... read more
How many bullfighters does it take...

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 24th 2008

I made it here in one piece! On the flight from Minneapolis to Amsterdam I had a tough time settling in. While I was emotionally exhausted after having to leave my family & Zoie... a large part of me was restless with thoughts of the adventure ahead. Overall, the flight went well. Then, there was a bit of a delay in Amsterdam because three people didn´t show up for the flight and they had to take all of the luggage off the plane to find their suitcases and then load everything back on. Seemed pretty silly to me! However, in the process, I met a professor from Washington State who will be in Madrid for the week. We are planning to meet up for dinner in a while. I managed to carry all of my luggage ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 23rd 2008

Kate Obviously it's now September and we left Madrid a good few months ago, but due to a combination of lack of the internet at home, being busy teaching and general laziness, we didn't update it. Many apologies, better late than never as you say... The last couple of weeks were spent doing two main things: winding down at work and making the most of our last days in Spain. At my academy the students all had exams to find out whether they learnt anything at all this year (i.e. whether they have listened to a word I said!). I am happy to say that the big majority passed! Kris's students took their Cambridge Proficiency exam that he has been preparing them for so his lessons dwindled. The rest of the time we tried to ... read more
Our leaving picnic!
Kris and Greg saying goodbye like gentlemen
A statue of a man apparantly being mauled by a bull

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 23rd 2008

Jill, Lorin, Katy, and I took a whirlwind three-day trip to the capital of Spain...Madrid! We visited the Prado Museum of Art (pre-nineteenth century art), Reina de Sofia (modern art.....hmm), the Royal Botanical Gardens, and the Royal Palace. We actually weren't allowed to take pictures at either museum or the palace. (amazingly, I still had over 150 The Prado was massive. We spent several hours walking around, and I know we still didn't see even close to everything. As for the modern art museum, the Reina de Sofia...I must say. My favorite painting was a white canvas with black dots...or maybe the brown blob...or perhaps the single line...I mean, seriously. I'm not sure I understand modern art. ;) Despite that, we had an interesting time! The botanical gardens were beautiful, even though many things were ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 22nd 2008

Dag 9. Sto opp, dusjet og pakket. Var ute av rommet litt for kl 11. Gikk ned til togstasjonen Atocha for aa oppbevare sekkene vaare der, siden det var lenge til flyet skulle gaa. Tok saa turen til en koselig cafe for frokost, med nypresset appelsinjuice til. Videre til Plaza Major for aa faa med oss salgsbodene en gang til for vi dro videre. Var enda flere folk der idag - det var ogsaa kommet en del frimerke- og postkortselgere i tillegg. Satt en stund paa en utecafe i latinerkvarteret - heldigvis fant vi et bord under parasoll. En tigger kom bortom for aa be om en slant penger. Da vi paa spansk ga uttrykk for at vi ikke skjonte hva han sa (i haap om at han skulle stikke ), ville han vite hvor vi ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 22nd 2008

Woke up this morning a little tired. I had a really odd dream about my dad’s health that really tripped me out. I basically woke up two hours after I went to bed and couldn’t go back to sleep. Mental note: call home and make sure pops is ok. When my friend woke up, she said I looked pretty damn worried, so I KNOW I must’ve looked pretty damn nervous. I can’t even verbalize the feelings I went through that morning worrying about my pops. Anyways, on to happier things haha. Woke up this morning with my sights set on seeing the rest of the things I wanted to see in Madrid. Our first order of business was to go to the Prado Museum. Apparently, it had one of the greatest collections of art in the ... read more

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid » Madrid June 22nd 2008

(my camera got stolen since I wrote this, so no pics) Wow, I woke up this morning feeling like a CHAMPION! It’s amazing what a good nights rest can do for you. Up until this point, I had mainly stayed up late, partying, and rushed to wake up to see some amazing things. After just hanging out all day, my battery was FULLY recharged. Our first order of business was to get some food in us. We chose this restaurant right around the corner from our hostel (off the Gran Via) on our way to the Royal Palacio. I had the eggs, ham, and patatas and a beer. (Side note: in the Spanish I’m used to, we call them “papas fritas”, here in Spain, they call them patatas. So weird haha). I know having a beer ... read more

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