Blogs from Siberia, Russia, Europe - page 7


Europe » Russia » Siberia » Irkutsk July 12th 2014

I was just saying to Ruth the day before that I wish those leaden skies would just open up and get it over with, however I did not want it to rain while we were walking down hill toward the railway station encumbered with our packs, I was concerned one of us would go arse up. A short time later we arrived safely and entered the station passing through security before going in search of information on which track our train was on. The girl at information ignored my enquiry then closed her booth before I could ask her again. Eventually I discovered platform 3 was were we needed to go so we lugged our gear up the stairs and across the overpass before boarding carriage 10 in the first class section of the train. The ... read more
Train 007H
The provodnitsa haunts the halls
Siberian village

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Ulan-Ude May 13th 2014

I hate to say it, but this city sounds like a posterior body part or a bad dream. Ulan Ude is the capital of the Buryat Republic. It is a small city with a multiethnic background. So, let's see what we can find out about this place, and its people. It lies only 62 miles southeast of famous Lake Baikal. The city sits on the confluence of the Uda and Selenga Rivers. It is the third largest city in eastern Siberia with a little over 400,000 people. The city has undergone many name changes through the years. The current name was given in 1934, and means "red Uda" in Buryat. We are 3500 miles (5649 kilometers) east of Moscow. The first occupants were the Evenks, and later the Buryat Mongols. In 1666, the Russian Cossacks came ... read more

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Lake Baikal May 12th 2014

Lake Baikal is the oldest and deepest (5387 feet) freshwater lake in the world. Located in south-eastern Siberia and north of the Mongolian border, Lake Baikal lies in a cleft where the world is literally splitting apart. Expert geologists say that today's Baikal shows what the seaboards of North America, Europe, and Africa looked like when they separated millions of years ago. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1996. Baikal is more than 5000 feet deep, with a four mile thick layer of sediment below. Yet the cold and oxygen rich waters supports some rather bizarre life forms. One of them is the fresh water seals favorite food, golomyanka, a pink, transparent fish that gives birth to live young. More than half of the species found here can only be found here. The ... read more
More Baikal "Navy"
I took the Shark to the other side of the Lake
Baikal Snowed in May!!!!

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Novosibirsk May 11th 2014

When I travel through a state or country, I enjoy unearthing famous residents. I would think Siberia would be home to quite a few interesting characters. The list includes Boris Yeltsin, Catherine the Great, Vitas Bering, Rudolf Nureyev, Dmitri Mendeleev, Grigori Rasputin, Raisa Titorenko Gorbachev, Kim Jun Il, Yul Brynner, Boris Godunov, Genghis Khan, and Ivan the Terrible. As a young teenager in high school, I learned much about Mendeleev. He is credited with formulating the periodic table of elements. He created his own periodic table of elements and used it to correct the properties of some already discovered elements and to predict element yet to be discovered. But perhaps most importantly, he was appointed director of the Bureau of Weights and Measures, where he formulated the new state standards for the production of vodka. In ... read more

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Irkutsk January 24th 2014

Another day and another exciting city was on its way - Irkutsk and Listvyanka village, the home of lake Baikal! We drove straight to Listvyanka upon arriving at Irkutsk. It was a quaint little village, 70 kms away from Irkutsk located on the shore of lake Baikal with a population of 5000. A lot of people in this part of the country believe in the Shamanic religion. These are Buryats, indigenous people (similar to Native Americans if you will) who believe that every thing has a spirit of its own. They don't have temples or churches built to worship, they pray to the sun and hence the east side is very important to them. We had planned to meet a Shaman the next day at the Shamanic cultural centre in another village. I checked in to ... read more
Wooden Architecture Museum
Lake Baikal
Lake Baikal Again

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Listvyanka October 21st 2013

Ok, this is going to be a long one. I apologise for neglecting this blog for the past week. In my defence... nah, I just kept putting off. Sorry! 17th October. It wasn't the best weather when we (I picked up two Germans at the hostel) headed to Listvyanka, a small town on the shore of Lake Baikal. It was foggy and rainy. We got the tram to the bus station and then got on a marshroutka (like a minibus that follows a certain route) their were only five of us on the bus when we set off, but we only went as far as the marshroutka station round the back of the market and we moved onto another minibus filled with people. The bus took a little over an hour (and set off about forty ... read more

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Irkutsk October 16th 2013

When I was younger, I imagined Siberia as a big, cold place, where nothing grew and no one lived. Of course I was wrong, but that is how I imagined it. As I said in the last blog, I have passed through forests, around lakes, and stayed in two cities, one on either side of the lake. I spent yesterday relaxing and chatting with the people in the hostel. Hostels tend to be friendly places, with backpackers moving through, always moving from one place to another. ones who have been in the city longer offer advice to the noobs. There are lots of people traveling alone, in pairs and in groups, and after a long enough time, people need someone new to talk to. People traveling alone need someone to chat to. People in pairs tend ... read more
A Modern Tapestry
Tourist Information and Tea Museum
LGBT in Russia

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Ulan-Ude October 15th 2013

Before we start, all the pictures are of round Baikal, the last photos of Mongolia are on my iPad and it's too much of an effort to dig it out of my bag. Ulaanbaatar train station at 6:30am is a cold and dark place, especially when you have to wait an hour for the bus. I say bus, it was actually quite a nice coach. And, I shouldn't complain about being there so early, I was given a free ride by the man who fixed the light bulb in my hostel room. Mongolia; the land where every car is a taxi, which is fortunate, especially in the wild where transport is hard to come by. My friend at the Ger had to get a lift with a woman when it turned out there was no bus ... read more
On the Train
Still on the Train
Other side of the carriage for a change of scenery

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Ulan-Ude October 9th 2013

Hier liefere ich Informationen zum mongolischen Visum, beantragt in Russland/Ulan Ude: Zuerst hat mich dieses Visum einige Nerven gekostet, schlussendlich lief aber alles reibungslos ab. Wichtig zu beachten ist folgendes: Oeffnungszeiten des mongolischen Konsulats (das mitten im Zentrum ist): MO - FR 10.00 - 12.00 und 17.00 - 18.00 Die Tueroeffnung erfolgt "in einem Schub", man muss spaetestens um 10.00 dort sein, sonst erst wieder am nachsten Tag. Visumsantrag einreichen NUR AM MORGEN, abholen am selben Tag am Nachmittag. Der Service war nicht harsch, aber unfreundlich und bestimmt nicht serviceorientiert: das erste mal kam ich um 17.00,wurde nach einigem Anstehen mit einem Handwink ohne Erklaerung abgewiesen und die Person hinter mir bedient. Stellte mich nochmals hinten an und nach nochmaligem Nachfragen mit Hand und Fuss hat er mir 10.00 - 12.00 auf ein Bl... read more

Europe » Russia » Siberia » Ulan-Ude October 9th 2013

Ich starte meine Reise in Moskau, Abfahrt 13.50 ab Bahnhof Jaroslawl. Nochmals zittere ich kurz, ob das zu Hause ausgedruckte e-ticket wirklich alles ist, was ich brauche, um zu boarden, ohne mich an irgendeinem Schalter blicken zu lassen. Doch die sehr nette Schaffnerin scannt den Barcode kurz ein & heisst mich an Board willkommen. Der Zug faehrt puenktlich ab und haltet den minutengenauen Takt 3.5 Tage lang durch! Ich bin die gefuehlte einzige Nicht-Russin. Alles funktioniert reibungslos, von angeblicher Unfreundlichkeit keine Spur. Die erste Etappe geht nach Ulan Ude (non-stop 5600km). Ich habe mich fuer Zug #2 entschieden, den "Rossja", der auch als der teuerste der Zuege mit Nummern unter 10 gilt. Da die 1. Klasse weit im Voraus ausgebucht war (zumindest online ueber die Russischen Staatsbahnen, bei Kontingenten der Reisebueros weiss ichs nicht), habe ich ... read more

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