Blogs from Poznan, Greater Poland, Poland, Europe - page 3


Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan December 26th 2007

Nie rozpoczynaj rozmyślań o Afryce Zachodniej od oglądania zdjęć. Na zdjęciach będzie widać sklecone byle jak budy, a wokół nich walające się plastikowe torby. Na zdjęciach zobaczysz bałagan, a czasem zobaczysz brud. Obrazy przedstawią ci wyładowane samochody, których młodość przeminęła wiele lat temu. Ujrzysz gromady obdartych, biegających za piłką dzieci, włóczące się psy i kobiety wylewające pomyje wprost przed domostwo. Nie rozpoczynaj rozmyślań o Afryce Zachodniej od lektury gazet. Dowiesz się, że wojsko wierne prezydentowi zajęło kluczowe pozycje w walce przeciwko rebeliantom. Powiedzą ci, że był pogrom plemienia, którego nazwy nigdy nie słyszałeś. Przeczytasz, że gdzieś w afrykańskim kraju głównym zajęciem administracji jest przyjmowanie łapówek. Usłyszysz, że któreś z europejskich mocarstw wysłało oddziały stabilizacyjne. A może tylko dowiesz się, że po zamachu zmienił się rząd z... read more

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan December 20th 2007

so this is probably my last blog. i begin my long long LONG flight home with mummmy pie this sat, and will arrive in sunny adelaide at midday on monday, christmas eve. so my trip has been cut short, n im abit sad, but then im happy to be coming home. so until adelaide....see you all very soon, and have a good christmas and new year and all the rest if i dont see y'all before hand. much love, xoxo... read more

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan December 15th 2007

so, im finally allowed to use the computer again, and i have been given my results... insurance flew my mum over free of charge last week, so she's been staying with me here. we went last monday to the doctors for my results, after having another electronic brain scan. the brain tumor is fortunately not dangerous!!! it may or may not have been the reason for my epiletic siezure, and apprently the tumor's been there for some years. they still dont know exactly caused the fit, so it could be something completely different. they have put me on medication which i must take day and night for the next 12months, which protects my brain in case of another siezure. also, especially for the next 12months, i have to look after myself, and not do anything that ... read more

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan November 30th 2007

so im sitting here dictating to marina what to write, because i am banned from using any electronic devices - even legal ones. why am i banned, you might ask. well, here's the tale wednesday started out as any old day- got up way too early after a big night out, went to class, then went to the library to work on a slideshow for ewa marciniak. then promptly found myself back in my bed for some unknown reason, with a nurse checking my blood pressure and marina looking awfully concerned from a distance. turns out i had an epileptic seizure- got no memory, but boy am i feeling it now. i ripped a chunk out of my tongue, which is now the size of a beachball. the result is painful eating, talking, swallowing and drinking. ... read more

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan November 19th 2007

well the whole 'snow' thing has left us feeling empty. we had soo many expectations of this wonderful and foreign when it started to snow, it didnt stop, n it'd be white always until spring....but NO! its nothing like that. it only snowed for one and a half days, then a more rainy snow wipped out all the other snow, and it hasnt snowed since:'( so as you can imagine, we're very unimpressed with 'snow', and how it all works. also, moles. also unimpressive....we havent actually seen one yet, but we've seen lots of mole holes. but apprently moles are the size of your hand!!! we were thinking they'd be the size of a wombat or something....not the size of your fricken hand!!!! so, poland has disappointed us!... read more

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan November 13th 2007

it started snowing on the weekend!!!! thats right, real snow, none of this fake snow crap! so, naturally, me n mazza went out n stood out in it, n frooze! the weather man forecasted snow for the weekend, n sure enough, saturday morning greeted us with snow-light, but never the less, snow! it continued 'light snowing' for most of the day. we went out to Poznan for beers and pizza that night, n came back to a white Owinska! it was soo pretty. the temperature also has dropped from 9 degrees to about -1 degrees in a week, so its abit more nippier...enough of a reason for me to buy a new jacket anyway:) and with the winter weather, n snow, the sun(well, lack of it anyway) has started to set at about 3:30 in the ... read more
art in car
spooky tree
in a park

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan October 8th 2007

one month exactly that i've been in poland now. and for a recollection of what ive done: started with a 28hour painfall plane flight, then a week for orientation in Warsaw, were i and jo were labled the anti-socials of the group. then trained our way over to Poznan, where we were met by our host, and taken to our 'home for 5 months'. first day at school was intimidating as hell, with kids staring , well the ones who can see, from every angle at us, looking us up and down. by the second day, as faces started becoming more familiar, we started getting 'hello's' in the corridor. now its our 4th week here, and we're getting 'zom' with a punch to the knuckles(apprently its the hip and cool way of saying hey to fellow ... read more

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan September 25th 2007

4 kraje, 83 dni, 20 tys. km ladem, 15 tys km w powietrzu, 31 roznymi srodkami transportu, czasami siedzac nawet na dachu. Poznalismy na naszej trasie podroznikow z 30 roznych krajow. Powstalo 8h filmu i okolo 1500 zdjec. Odwiedzilismy 11 ponad milionowych miast (dla porownania w Polsce mamy tylko jedno...). Kazdego dnia, od tego pierwszego do tego ostatnego przezywalismy rzeczy, ktore wczesniej ciezko bylo sobie nawet wyobrazic, lub pozostawaly w sferze marzen. Odwiedzilismy przeciez Pekin, czyli gospodarza przyszlych Igrzysk Olimpijskich, bylismy w Zakazanym Miescie, chodzilismy po Wielkim Murze Chinskim, zmierzylismy sie z Terakotowa Armia w Xianie, zobaczylismy Wiszace Klasztory, chodzilismy i jezdzilismy po Himalajach, odwiedzilismy Tybetanskie wioski, przeszlismy najglebszy wawoz Swiata, bralismy kapiel blotna w jaskini, uczylismy angielskiego w Yangshuo, przejechalismy 400km na mot... read more
Ostatnie wspolne zdjecie i pierwszy raz po 3 miesiacach rozdzielamy sie.

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan July 25th 2007

Our program has come to an end. We are now off to Poznan to spend time with my cousin (Michal), his wife (Aga), and his son (Szymon). We are taking a train from Krakow to Poznan. The journey should take about six hours and forty minutes. I am sure we will sleep since we were out late with our pilots and colleagues last night. I am excited about reuniting with my family once again. It should be a great time since Michal is like a brother to me. ... read more

Europe » Poland » Greater Poland » Poznan July 15th 2007

We make it through the night ok, if not quite rested. Our "hosts" had a party (Hans said he was close to complaining about the noise), and the dogs on the neighbouring farms gave an all-night concert. We use our burning alcohol to make some coffee and then hit the road. At Trzcienka, we take a break in front of a Sklep, where two Polish men start their Sunday with beer and a cigarette. One of them speaks a little German. When we tell them of our plans, they tell us that we're crazy, especially Belarus is full of robbers and thieves, we will be left dead by the side of the road. Of course, one shouldn't believe what people say (especially at 10am over their first (?) beer), but I can feel that both Hans ... read more
Bike carriage
A place in the woods

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