Blogs from Campania, Italy, Europe - page 90


Europe » Italy » Campania » Sorrento June 29th 2007

Sadly, the last day of the tour. Today I passed on the optional excursion to Ischia and instead spent some time roaming around Sorrento. Nancy and I walked down to Marina Piccola and then down Via San Cesaro, my favorite shopping alley. It was there that she was kidnapped. By a mime. "Look, it's a mime!" He had been so still, I hadn't even noticed him. I got my camera out to take a picture of him and as I was fussing with putting my camera away, she went over and put a coin in his cup. He motioned for her to come back, tapped his heart in a 'thank you', and then handed her a flyer. When she went to take the flyer, he took her hand and froze again, not letting go. I laughed ... read more
A really cool building
Piazza Tasso, the main square
Scooter parking at Marina Piccola

Europe » Italy » Campania June 28th 2007

Today was the best day of the trip... we set off in the morning on a 3 1/2 hour hike on Sentiero degli Dei (Path of the Gods). Luckily, it was much cooler today than on previous days or it could have been a seriously uncomfortable 3 1/2 hours! Antonio had been telling us all week that everyone always says this is their favorite part of the trip, and I can see why. The views were simply amazing! The hike was not hard, but it was on the very edge of a cliff and I can see why they insist on hiking shoes and poles. Our local guide for the hike was Maurizio de Rosa... he was a pretty cool guy, he even climbed a tree to pick cherries for us, and they were the best ... read more
Me and my hat.
Now I understand why he wanted us to wear proper shoes
Path of the Gods

Europe » Italy » Campania » Capri June 27th 2007

Today we went to the Isle of Capri (apparently pronounced KAH-pree, not kah-PREE...) The ferry ride on the way over was pretty bad... the ferry was packed and completely enclosed with no air, and it was so hot. I was feeling pretty sick by the time we arrived, and the fumes from all the buses and boats at the marina did not help. Capri was literally over-run with people, you couldn't even walk down the street without running into someone. It's the playground of the rich and famous, with all of the Gucci, Prada, insert something else Paris Hilton wears here shops, and I had no interest in any of that whatsoever. Though I did feel like a movie star when I ordered a glass of lemonade then got my bill for 6.50 euros (the equivalent ... read more
Chair Lift
View from the highest point on Capri
View from the highest point on Capri

Europe » Italy » Campania » Amalfi June 26th 2007

Hello all! So far I’ve been in Italy 11 days and I’ve been soaking up every minute of it. The pre-planning has actually paid off. I am overjoyed when I know exactly where I’m going to be putting down my bags. It is a bit heavier than I intended, and when you add about 15 more pounds of camera equipment over my shoulder, it’s not quite that easy to move around. But, we’re still movingggggggg. We started in Milan, arriving in the morning and spending the afternoon viewing the Last Supper and the famous gothic style Duomo. We climbed to the top and the city views were great. We found a park on the other side of a large castle, which reminded me of Golden Gate Park, with people playing sports and a drum circle ... read more
Great food!

Europe » Italy » Campania » Amalfi June 26th 2007

Today we did the famed drive along the Amalfi Coast. I had been planning on sitting on the right side of the bus to get the best views, but by the time I got down there, everyone had already boarded. Luckily, Chris offered for me to sit next to her by the window since she's tall and can see over me. The coast is amazing... at one point we saw a swimming pool carved right out of the side of a cliff. There's a cute miniature version of the town of Praiano set into the cliff by the highway. We saw another one of these mini-towns later in the week also, I wish I could have taken a picture, but the bus was moving too fast. The traffic on the road to Amalfi is almost as ... read more
The Duomo (Cathedral) of Amalfi
View from Villa Cimbrone
Amalfi Coast

Europe » Italy » Campania » Amalfi June 26th 2007

AMALFI COAST, ITALY: POSITANO Ah, how gorgeous the far away we were from it. haha...actually, we planned on staying in Sorrento, which is where our hostel said it was....well, the name of it was Youth Hostel Sorrento...but actually, it was in the town before sorrento (sant agnello), which was fine....except for the mile long get to it. At midnight (because it took us 15 hours to get there from switzerland) with a 40 pound pack on your back.....does not make for fun times. But anyways, the 2 days we were there, Lisa and I headed to Positano, a beautiful town along the amalfi coastline. Both days we escaped the heat, and headed for the beach. Now, considering how beautiful positano was, the beach was not the same. The sand...well the rocks...were black. So, ... read more

Europe » Italy » Campania June 25th 2007

This morning we took the bus to Termini and then walked to a village called Massa Lubrense. The path was overgrown in some places, very lush with vegetation. We saw several different different kinds of herbs growing in the wild. Along the way, we met the cutest little puppy (black, of course) that was perfectly happy to have his belly rubbed by all 26 people. I was sure I could fit him in my suitcase, but the others wouldn't let me take him :-) We ended our walk at Marina della Lobra and had lunch at Angelo's Bar. His wife made delicious caprese salads (tomato, mozzarella and basil.) The tomatos grown in volcanic soil here are the sweetest ever! At one point while we were waiting for our meal, we saw Angelo scurry out of the ... read more
A View of the Isle of Capri
Looking down over Marina della Lobra
Church of Santa Maria della Lobra

Europe » Italy » Campania » Pompei June 24th 2007

This weekend was pretty darn fun. On Friday morning, we left and piled into a bus and drove to Pompeii to take a tour of the ruins. As you know, I was really looking forward to this because I had studied a lot about Pompeii in high school because the Latin courses we take are based on characters who live in Pompeii. Anyways, we decided to take a tour through Naples first, which we were advised was going to be interesting. To quote Rick Steves (a well-known tour guide publisher), "with Sardena an hour away from Naples, I don't know why you'd ever spend the night there, but, if for some reason you have to, here's a list of hotels." Another thing he suggests is to "watch the traffic cops try to enforce traffic laws. ... read more
Pompeii Theater
View From the Top of the Theater

Europe » Italy » Campania » Pompei June 24th 2007

This morning, we climbed to the top of Mt. Vesuvius, and looked into the crater that was created in 79 AD, when the volcano blew its top and buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum in hot ash and mud. Afterwards, we had a short wine tasting of Lacrima Christi wine made with grapes grown in Vesuvius's volcanic soil. I got a delicious bottle of white wine to take home with me. We stopped at Ristorante Kona on the way back down the volcano and had lunch on the patio with great views of the landscape. I had the ravioli with walnut sauce and it was excellent! We then went to Pompeii and explored the remains of the 2000 year-old ruins. The city was discovered in 1750, and was very well preserved by the ash and ... read more
Pompeii - The Temple of Apollo
Ristorante Kona

Europe » Italy » Campania » Naples June 23rd 2007

Today we did a walk through Naples with a local guide. We saw the Galleria Umberto I, built in the late 1800s as part of an urban renewal project. The marble floor contains mosaics of each of the zodiac signs, it's a very impressive building. We walked over to the Palazzo Reale (Royal Palace), construction began on this in 1600 and it was finished in 1843. It was so beautiful on the inside, everything was gilded and marbled, and it had the most amazingly intricate tapestries. Then we went on to the the Museo Archiologico Nazionale (National Archeological Museum) to see the ancient artifacts that were unearthed at Pompeii, a Roman town that was buried in ash by a volcanic eruption in 79 AD. There are still some things remaining at Pompeii, which we would see ... read more
Palazzo Reale
National Archeological Museum
Galleria Umberto I

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