Blogs from Dublin, County Dublin, Ireland, Europe - page 91


Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 16th 2008

And I am....not quite....not quite......and.... done! This morning I had a three hour exam for my Unionism Under the Union course on a Saturday (Yeah!). There is nothing like Unionism to wake one up in the morning. I wrote on Female Unionists for my first essay question, opposition from conservative Protestants to the Act of Union in the 1790s for my second, and Ulster Unionists in the Great War for my third question. And everyone who just read that is now asleep. Anyway, I wanted to post some pictures from trip to Dublin and County Wicklow including the monastic site of Glendalough. Furthermore, I have some pictures from my trip to Castle Rock (the village where C.S. Lewis spent his holidays) beach and the cookout in the student village. So, I have two weeks before I ... read more
Lovely Day for a Guinness

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 16th 2008

Hi All, We have had a nice couple of days! We were in London on Tuesday for the day, and checked out the Tower of London and the Tower Bridge (we actually saw it open! Very cool!) and went through the London Dungeons - the pictures are awesome!! So on wednesday we were full of history, and saw the crown jewels - it was a great day, and the weather held out for us until then. We had been pretty lucky - the sun was shining every day since we arrived! Wednesday night we got to go to the dinner theatre with Jane, Lynn and Helen - the play was very entertaining, and the meal was excellent! It was a great night. Wednesday was spent relaxing and doing a little shopping in Reading - we finally ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 16th 2008

I just arrived in Dublin about two days ago. I'm still getting used to everything--it's quite a change. Mostly I've been jet lagged/drunk/hung over. So ya know. Last night we all went on a musical pub crawl in downtown Dublin. I loved the Irish music & the musician who resembled a manlier version of Orlando Bloom. No joke. He had dark hair, beard that wasn't too scruffy, and was a great music-maker which is dead sexy. Earlier today I went to my interview for my Internship. I took the bus to the south end of town where the University College Dublin is located. All together it took me about 3 hours to get down there, because of traffic as well me getting lost. I found the place after asking many a folks where to go along ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 13th 2008

So, yes... a lot has happened since we last updated (as you might be able to tell from our title). Berlin first... It was good, we got an awesome (and free) walking tour of Berlin. Yay New Europe Tours! We had a hard time getting to our hostel, but eventually found it with the help of some locals. The train (public transit) system in Berlin originally seemed insane, but after a good nights rest we managed to get around fairly easy. Steven thinks it is actually one of the better designs in Europe. We visited a cool museum that had taken apart temples and city gates, like one of the city gates of Babylon, in foreign lands and reassembled them in the museum. Seeing the wall and the death strip in between was interesting. We found ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 6th 2008

Cork and its people were lovely. We didn't win the competition, but we were all pleased with our performance. We did win the Heinrich Schutz Perpetual Trophy for our performance of Schutz's "So fahr ich hin." After Sunday Mass, we were treated to coffee, tea, soft drinks, smoked salmon, sandwiches, and sweets. The Irish seem to be quite good at making delicious sandwiches. We enjoyed a similar reception after our performance in Cobh. The mayor was present as the Mass we sang for. He took quite a liking to us. It probably didn't hurt that the first thing he heard us sing was an Irish folksong, or that the Taoiseach was in the United States the first days we were in Cork. The drive from Cork to Dublin was lovely—especially since I wasn't behind the wheel ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 6th 2008

Arrived in Dublin at around 5:00pm today a little later than the 3:45 my flight had suggested I would be here.. but I found a girl on the bus to help me get to the stop I needed for my hostel and it was VERY near, on the next block so that was fantastic because I was alone and meeting Jessie and Gina at the hostel. The bus was SO SLOW and there was a lot of traffic. The girl from Australia told me that sh was living here a year and her mom was coming to visit her tonight so that is exciting! She also said that the busses here are most of the time either "no service" or they just don't show up, something I would be frustrated with if I was living here! ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 4th 2008

Yep, we are back in Dublin and ready to get on a plane tomorrow to return home. What a trip. We have seen so much and enjoyed every bit of it. I think Jim got down and kissed the ground when we turned the car in. That driving on the wrong side of the road and the wrong side for driving, is really nerve wracking. We grazed some of those gorgeous stone walls in the small towns and shot into and around the round abouts so fast I thought we were going to be propelled to the moon......but we made it in one piece, although I am sure on the today's video there is a couple of times you can hear me say "too close, too close". But it sure has been fun. Wouldn't mind making ... read more

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 4th 2008

Dublin….what a disappointment. Brisbane is nicer and more interesting. I took us right instead of left and we ended up in some very unsavory spot. Polish shops everywhere. After looking at a few places of interest on the map and finding them all quite ordinary, touristy and overpriced. $30 to have a wander through the church! We made our way to the temple bar area, it’s the only area that looked even remotely interesting but, as expected, very touristy. Irish music was coming from a pub so we thought we’d lash out and at least get an Irish feeling, cost us 20euro ($30) for soft drinks for the kids and one drink each. Restaurant choices are Polish, Korean, Filipino and any other country you can imagine and of course touristy overpriced pubs. Every other language is ... read more
Molly Mallone Statue

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 3rd 2008

Hey everyone, I'm rounding off my days here and preparing myself mentally to leave. I already know that it's gonna break my heart to leave here, it nearly did the other day when I had to say goodbye to my kids. I had to finish up the units I was teaching to the other classes (I sort of went aroudn the school and did some lessons with the upper-classes) and they were all sad to hear that it was my last day. All day long kids form other classes stopped me in the hallways and said goodbye or told me they'd miss me. Several of those in my class brought me presents and cards and gave me hugs, as well as a class card and present, and the staff gave me a present as well. As ... read more
two of the better lookin' ones (not saying much)
making a mosaic
rope bridge

Europe » Ireland » County Dublin » Dublin May 2nd 2008

If you get Dublin on your hands don't rub your eyes. it stings like a bitch. thats just alittle something i discovered this morning. Anyway, the first day was unbelievable. Dad got me to the airport in record time and i cruised through security. all in all i was 3 and a half hours early. when i finally did board the plane, i took one look at my seat and i knew why i got it for $200. baby Ava would have been squeshed. i know this because the baby sitting next to me must have been with that crying the whole damb flight non-sense. and what really sucked was that some useless bastard on the plane had a nut allergy so guess what... no peanuts for anyone. dillhole! Now with the perils of the flight ... read more
cups up
at the club

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