Blogs from Baden-Württemberg, Germany, Europe - page 15


Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Mannheim July 31st 2016

Wir besuchten das Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao und haben den Eindruck, dass das Museum sehr viel Platz braucht um sich selbst darzustellen. Unsere Idee war, die Heimreise mit einem Tag fahren, einem Tag Urlaub zu bewältigen. Leider ging dieser Plan nicht auf, da wir aufgrund des Wetters doch jeden Tag ein Stück gefahren sind, auch wenn es nur 50km waren. Unser nächster Halt war die Grenzstadt Hondarribia, wo wir von der spanischen Meeresküche Abschied nahmen. Der Urlaubstag fiel dort buchstäblich ins Wasser, da es morgens regnete. Da beschlossen wir, bis zur Sonne zu fahren. Dieser begegneten wir im Städtchen Pauillac im Médoc. Den Urlaubstag verbrachten wir auf dem Rad und haben auf der landschaftlich sehr abwechslungsreichen Tour einige "Sclösser" von Weinbauern bestaunt (u.a. Rothschild). Vom Médoc ging es zu den nächsten Schlössern an der Loire. Hier ... read more

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Haigerloch July 30th 2016

On the train from Stuttgart to Paris, a few students took the time share their initial thoughts on this exchange. I asked them to share any experiences, feelings and any way that these past few weeks will leave a lasting impact on their lives. What they had to say is below, unedited and genuine. Enjoy! Hello, I'm Chloe Brady. So, we just left our German friends at the train station and I'm currently a mess. Leaving their parents at the school was heartbreaking, I wished I could've hugged them one more time. Leaving our exchange partners who we've been through so much with, was terrible. There were many tears and tons of hugs. This trip has been absolutely amazing, the adventures we went on were extravagant, and the sites we saw were beautiful. The best part ... read more

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Haigerloch July 29th 2016

"A Journey Is Best Measured In Friends, Not Miles" Tim Cahill How we are at this point in our journey already is absolutely beyond me. I sit to compose this blog post, mostly packed, excited for our adventure in Paris to begin, but not ready for our time in Germany to end. My mind is full of the amazing experiences we have enjoyed here, the wonderful people who have opened their hearts and their homes to us, and the many friendships that have been forged in the process. The German portion of this exchange is coming to an end all too soon, and it culminated in a wonderful event this evening. We met in the nearby town of Rangendingen at the local soccer stadium and park for an event that was sure to be enjoyed, but ... read more
Our Group Speaks
Going For The Ball
Happy Kids

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg July 28th 2016

Coming off of the last day of school and an afternoon of relaxation and copious amounts of pool time for most, the plan was to wake everyone up again with a brisk hike in the Swabian Alps. The itinerary called for a 9.4k, roughly 6 mile long hike over the course of four hours or so. It was a modest trek on paper, and it exceeded all expectations in reality. We caught the bus at 10 from Haigerloch School for the hour long journey to the trailhead. Most students were a bit apprehensive at the thought of sustained physical exertion over the course of several hours. But they never complained and were ready and willing to give it a go. We began the approach with a walk along the valley floor under a canopy of branches, ... read more
The Falls
BR On The Ridge
To Where We Started

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Haigerloch July 26th 2016

David versus Goliath, U.S. Hockey versus Russia in 1980, Seabiscuit versus War Admiral, Rocky versus Ivan Drago, the Imperial System versus Metric. None of these underdogs, these dark horses, given no chance to even compete, can hold a candle to the position of Team American Exchange today at Haigerloch School's Sport Day. We, the rag tag group of American's, inexperienced in the obscure sports of Baden Wurttemberg, thousands of miles from home, exhausted from travel and countless activities these past two weeks which were specially designed to create even more of a home field advantage for the hosts. We were vastly outnumbered on this day, 50-1 really. And the odds, much, much longer than that. We assembled this morning on the steps with the rest of the school for mandatory warm ups. Then, we moved on ... read more
Carlos Bowl
Hangin Around
Up There

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Horb am Neckar July 25th 2016

We started early on this sunny Monday morning. A haze on the horizon hovered like a possible harbinger of rain to come this afternoon, but it remains warm, if not a bit humid. We packed like a multicultural tin of sardines into the art room at 7:30 to complete the masks that we started last week. The kids dove in and really put a lot of effort into their work. Their designs were creative and thoughtful. No matter what level of art proficiency one possessed, the effort was most definitely there. The final products are drying as I type, and they look awesome! We are kicking around a few options on how to get then home intact as there is no possible way for them to survive the trip to Paris. After a lunch break with ... read more
Hard At Work
Exchange Design
Working Hard

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Haigerloch July 24th 2016

First, a quick shout out to a great hike leader and musical mastermind. A German student who is a loyal reader of this blog, Hello Phillip! We met today at a spot we thought would be pretty quiet. Last time we were there, we were basically the only cars in the parking lot. We expected much the same today at the nearby prehistoric caves. The positive reviews published on this blog two years ago must have really done a lot for the popularity of this site (uhh huh), as when we arrived, it looked more like Europa Park. The lot was full, the sides of the drive leading to the parking lot were full, and there were guys with radios parking cars in a nearby field. We ended up having to walk about a kilometer to ... read more
Stalactites Forming

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Tübingen July 22nd 2016

Timing really is everything. It can make or break an event, a day, or even an entire trip. If everything works out the way it should, everything goes according to plan, and you are the beneficiary of a little luck, great things can occur of which the memories will last a lifetime. That was certainly the case for our trip to Tubingen today! It was a bright and sunny Friday morning for a stroll down the lane to the bakery for some breakfast. The forecast called for a chance of showers with perhaps even a bolt of lightning and roll of thunder mixed in for certain locale's, but you wouldn't have guessed it by the cloudless blue sky. After a morning at school, we met in the college town of Tubingen, about thirty minutes from Haigerloch. ... read more
Boat One
Punting on the Neckar
Ready To Depart

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Stuttgart July 20th 2016

It was one of those days when you walk out of the house at 7:30 in the morning and it is already hot. The news reported that this was going to the be hottest day of the year so far, and they were right. In addition, our destination was Stuttgart. It's geography places the downtown portion of the city firmly at the base of a large bowl, thereby negating any hope of a cooling breeze. Combined with the heat generated by the urban environment, the temps this afternoon easily climbed into the mid 90's. There were zero complaints or gripes from the kids however, and they made it a great day! Our first stop in Stuttgart was the Mercedes Benz Arena, home to Stuttgart VFB, he local soccer club, which was founded in 1893. The stadium ... read more
London Bus
Brilliant Green
Stuttgart Fountain

Europe » Germany » Baden-Württemberg » Haigerloch July 19th 2016

We are here in Germany enjoying the wonderful fellowship of our hosts, the incredible landscape and architecture of the region, and also the great weather. This experience is meant to broaden perspectives, help our students step out of their comfort zones in order to grow as a person, and also most certainly to educate. We want our students to learn from this experience simply by living here, but also by providing them with specifically engineered opportunities to learn. As such, we have a very clear and obvious theme on this trip. The central theme of this exchange is "Culture". Culture includes the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a group or society. One of the major manifestations of culture in a society are the artistic and oral traditions of story telling and mask making. During the ... read more
Team Effort
Fearsome Foursome
Balingen Bridge

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